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Level 2

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

I too am Annoyed but this BS of logging in. There is no Law, that is a straight out lie. On another note, Quickbooks it the Slowest opening and closing program I have and I have been making my living using computers since the early 90s.

Level 3

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

You can build your own server so you don't have to pay right networks. 

Level 3

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

??????.  I have QB Desktop installed on 6 servers - my servers, my network.  No cloud.  I still get the Intuit popup daily so I'm not sure what you are recommending.

Level 1

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

It is so tyical that Intuit does not respond to the question / issue posed, and this thread continues to wind along without any appropriate response from Intuit. Like other users, I'm going to look for alternatives.


I have heard good things about Zero. Does anyone know whether it will integrate QB desktop data?


Level 2

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

@gscott121 wrote:

Nobody listens here.  You need to post in public places that will embarrass Intuit.

I left a review on Google Maps at their California HQ.  Pick a site of you choosing.

You're absolutely right !! People should post where Intuit stock investors can see it.

Level 3

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

But now that Quickbooks is no longer supporting Internet Explorer 11, I'm very worried this is going to cause a HUGE problem on my QB Desktop 2019 where I have 24 years of files I must be able to access forever.


Does login use IE 11 to login? If so that would be terrible. And what if I get a new PC that won't have IE 11 on it.


I'm not going to pay $350 when I don't need QB now or in the future.


But I must keep 24 years of QB files for tax purposes and for selling my business or my real estate properties which need verification of expenses since I've owned the properties.


Please verify for me that login won't require Internet Explorer to work!!!!!!


Thank you!!!

QuickBooks Team

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

Hello, @moonslice2. I understand your frustration about being unable to access your QuickBooks Desktop. I also noticed you reposted your query in the Community.


With that, I'll refer you to my colleague's thread since your concern has already addressed in a separate post. Click on the following link for more information:


Contact us again if you have any further questions. I'm always delighted to see you.

Level 3

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

Hi! I'm a QB user.  I still have QB 2019 files, ones that don't require payroll.  I have not had any problems accessing them on my new computer, which I don't even think HAS Internet Explorer.  


Or are you completely unable to get into your files? The reply before mine said something about not being able to get into files.  There IS a work around for the login if you have the premier accountant version, just tell it you are not the administrator of the file and you don't have to login at all.  I NEVER login.  



Level 2

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

As usual, Intuit's garbage software keeps popping up for me to login to my intuit account - but that window never fully loads and freezes rending quickbooks useless until I force quit and open it again.  It isn't just my computer, it happens on all computers quickbooks is installed on.  I'm over intuit 1000%.  Time to move to Xero!

Level 3

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

Hi ChristineJoieR


Unfortunately, that answer doesn't address the problem that QB 2019 requires verification of my Intuit account every few months - and that is done through the QB IE browser in a pop-up window.


Here's what I wrote to your colleague. 


Although QB 2019 doesn't require Internet Explorer to login every time I open quickbooks - it DOES every couple of months want me to verify my Intuit account or it won't let me login.


And that Verification does take me to a browser and require me to login to my main Intuit Account. So what happens when IE 11 no longer works - I won't be able to use quickbooks 2019 because I can't verify my Intuit account in the browser.

Level 3

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

Level 3

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

@AndyTJ wrote:

Use our built-in browser in QuickBooks Desktop


Unfortunately - the built-in browser won't work on QuickBooks 2019 as explained in that article 

(see attached screenshot)

internal browser not for QB 2019.jpg


How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

Hi moonslice2,


What you've read is right. You need to update QuickBooks to get the built-in browser. Please note that the 2019 version has been retired and therefore won't receive updates. If you want to continue using QuickBooks, you can upgrade to a supported version.


Please check out this article for your reference: Upgrade QuickBooks Desktop Pro Plus, Premier Plus, or Enterprise.


I'm just around if you have any other questions about QuickBooks. Take care and have a good one.

Level 3

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

@JessT wrote:

What you've read is right. You need to update QuickBooks to get the built-in browser. Please note that the 2019 version has been retired and therefore won't receive updates. If you want to continue using QuickBooks, you can upgrade to a supported version.


Thank you for trying to help. I'm probably not explaining clearly what I need and don't need.


I now use Quicken. I don't want to use QuickBooks for anything past 4/30/22, the time QB 2019 stopped having access to the internet. I don't need access to updates or payroll or anything at all. 


All I want to do is to be able to reference files from older years if I get audited, etc. Or if I have to return something to Costco I bought 2 years ago I need to find that older transaction.


I'm just worried that QB will still try to force me to login to my Intuit Account every so often, like it was doing before 4/30/22. Or... maybe since my QB Desktop 2019 is no longer connected to the internet, QB will no longer even try to force me to login to my Intuit Account???


Thank you.

Level 3

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

@JessT wrote:

Hi moonslice2,


What you've read is right. You need to update QuickBooks to get the built-in browser.


But that's not right - I do not need/ want to actively use QuickBooks. I use Quicken now. BUT... I should not have to pay $350/year for a new version of QB Pro Desktop, when all I want is the ability to open OLD files if I get audited - or if I want to return something to the store I bought last year. We were assured that as long as we didn't need to do payroll, pay online, etc. we would still be able to access our QB data.


Then I was told "Don't worry". You can login to your Intuit account outside of QB by going to my browser and logging in there.



I just opened a file I hadn't used in a few years, and after it updated the file to match the QB Desktop 2019 software update - it said I had to login to my Intuit Account to continue. Instead of logging into Intuit through the popup window (which uses QB Internet Explorer 11) - I went to my browser outside of QB and logged into my Intuit account like QB team said I should.


But... QB 2019 still wouldn't open. It was still forcing me to login to Intuit account directly through QB in that pop-up window.


So this is still a big problem. If IE 11 stops working because QB no longer supports it or if I get a new PC which won't allow install of IE 11, I'm very worried that QB 2019 Desktop will no longer function - even though supposedly QB isn't connected to the internet anymore. But of course it is connected, as it forces me login to Intuit directly through QB popup window.


Please get Intuit to revise this issue so QB doesn't try to force us to login to Intuit through QB, as that may/will stop working.


Again - I am not using QB anymore (only Quicken) but I need access to OLD files if/when I get audited, or have to return an item to a store, etc.

QuickBooks Team

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

Hi there, @moonslice2.


It Looks like this is a duplicate post and that my colleague already responded to your post. I'll route you to her response so you can get through this and access your QuickBooks Desktop company files. Feel free to click the link below to see her comment.[…]g-a-passwo...


Know that you can always get back to me if there's anything else that you'd like me to help you with, Our door is open 24/7, and I would love to help you again. Take care! 

Level 3

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

But she was incorrect about the issue of Intuit Login with 2019.


Please can you answer this?


1) I am an IT, and I completely understand the issues even though she implied I didn't understand. In fact, no one has even addressed the issue I'm bringing up.

2) I went to the page she said I should look at about what has happened with QB 2019 Desktop being no longer supported.


You can see it says there "If you don't use any of the add-on services in QuickBooks Desktop 2019, your product will continue to work for you."


But this will probably not be the case, since IE 11 is no longer supported, but yet QB is apparently still going to make us login to Intuit account THROUGH QB software using IE 11.


This needs to be addressed by the QB developers so we can still access the files as guaranteed by QB.

QuickBooks Team

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

I appreciate the detailed post, moonslice2.


I know how important it is for your business to have access to your transactions (QuickBooks Desktop 2019) without having to log in to your Intuit account. This allows you to easily access your company files and saves your time. Let me share an alternative method for opening the desktop program smoothly.


As previously mentioned by my colleague, QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT) 2019 has already been discontinued and it will not receive any updates. Thus, customers have to upgrade to the latest version to continue using it, particularly for online service features.


Since you're already using a different program, I suggest utilizing a third-party software that lets you access the desktop program with ease. The QuickBooks Apps Center is a one-stop shop for apps that integrate with QuickBooks. To expedite the process, enter a keyword in the Find Applications field. From the lists, choose the one that best meets your needs.


Allow me to share these resources that tackle the discontinuation process as well as the new custom internal browser used in QBDT:



If you wish to upgrade to a newer version of QuickBooks in the future, follow the steps outlined in this article: Upgrade QuickBooks Desktop Pro Plus, Premier Plus, or Enterprise.


Keep me posted below if you have additional questions about QuickBooks or login concerns. I'll jump right back in to answer them for you. Have a good one. 

Level 2

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

"As previously mentioned by my colleague, QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT) 2019 has already been discontinued and it will not receive any updates. Thus, customers have to upgrade to the latest version to continue using it, particularly for online service features."


I'm no attorney but this one phrases sounds like the basis for a class-action lawsuit.  Thank you for saying that. A "desktop version" implies you can use it for as long as you maintain your desktop.

Level 3

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

You and the other QB techs keep focusing on the fact that it is discontinued. But I don't even care about that. 


I just want to be able to access it as Intuit documents in the discontinuation policy you told me to look at, where Intuit says - If you don't use any of the add-on services in QuickBooks Desktop 2019, your product will continue to work for you.


But because QB forces us to login to Intuit through QB popup window - that will not be possible, since QB Desktop 2019 will not get the built in browser you also referenced.


So both your referenced links prove there is a problem - we are supposed to be able to use QB 2019 as long as we don't care about payroll, online banking, etc. But this is False - since QB 2019 requires us to periodically login through the QB popup window using IE 11 which is no longer supported.


PLEASE have your developers fix this so we no longer are forced to periodically sign into Intuit account - so we can use the discontinued product as you say we are supposed to be able to do.

Level 3

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

All you have to do to get out of that popup window is mouse over the top bar, left click on the Alt+F4 and it goes away.

If you, or anyone else thinks that Intuit is going to change this you are very mistaken. 

Level 3

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

@LLuck2 wrote:

All you have to do to get out of that popup window is mouse over the top bar, left click on the Alt+F4 and it  


Thank you very much for helping me!


I'm not sure what you mean. Might you be able to explain in more detail?


Do I move my mouse over the top bar of the popup window? And how does an Alt+F4 show up that I can click on it? Or do you mean click on the top bar of the popup window and then do an Alt+F4 on my keyboard? 


Have you tried this solution on this specific issue of avoiding logging into Intuit when the popup comes up in Quickbooks?

Level 3

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

In Windows 10, and 11 (I think but haven't tried) if you mouse over the top bar of any window then right click you will get a little pop up that gives you 5 options, the last being " x Close   Alt+F4" and if you left click on that last item the window will close. You can tryu it on your browser, or on any open window. Nothing to it.


As for Intuit, they are simply trying to force all users into their cloud based subscription service. No amount of complaining is going to change their position. In my humble opinion.

Level 3

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

Using Alt+F4 worked when I created a new test file!


The popup didn't allow right-clicking as it had limited "window" ability, but because it was the dominate window Alt+F4 knew to close that popup window.


Thank you!!

INNNtuuuiiittt sucks
Level 3

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

im sure you all know how to not sign into Intuit by now, but you can just right click on the banner and choose close.

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