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Level 1

C=47 Errors

Has anyone seen this error sequence in the QBWin.Log (QB crashing regularly, support and a outside 3rd party has been unable to track it down for over a month so we're seeing what we can find on our own)


invoice.c (6115) : CHECKPOINT: 30336: Wed Jun 8 10:58:49 ***ShowSeeHistoryLink Feature disabled Time = 0.000002 secs***

senderrorapis.cpp (405) : MESSAGE: 30336: Wed Jun 8 10:58:49 LVL_ERROR--QuickBooks has experienced a problem and must be shut down, ErrorCode:1995052198.


idbfilemgr.cpp (2792) : CHECKPOINT: 30336: Wed Jun 8 10:58:50 IsQBInUseLockFilePresentAndLocked: U:\WheelerLogistics\Wheeler Logistics.QBW.LCK can't be found. Error = 2

18 Comments 18
QuickBooks Team

C=47 Errors

I’ll help you get rid of the Error c=47 in QuickBooks Desktop, @WheelerTrucking.


I’d feel the same if I encountered an error while working. I also appreciate your patience in dealing with this issue. I can help get you back on track by performing some troubleshooting steps to resolve it.


This error indicates that QuickBooks has detected corruption and can no longer access your data file or a section of your data file. 


To begin, let’s close and reopen your QuickBooks file. You can then restart your computer and database server to see if this fixes the issue. Let’s also make sure QuickBooks is set up correctly and that the computer hosting the data file is up and running.


If the issue persists, let’s install the QuickBooks Tool Hub on your computer. We’ll use this to deal with the network problems, company file damage, performance issues, etc. We can then run the Quick Fix my Program tool from the Tool Hub to end QuickBooks processes running in the background.


Here's how:


  1. Close your QuickBooks.
  2. Download the QuickBooks Tool Hub file.
  3. Open the QuickBookstoolhub.exe file.
  4. Follow the on-screen steps to install it and agree to the terms and conditions.
  5. Select Finish.
  6. Double-click the icon on your Windows desktop to open the tool hub.


After that, follow the steps below:


  1. In the QuickBooks Tool Hub, select Program Problems.
  2. Click Quick Fix my Program.
  3. Start QuickBooks Desktop and open your data file.2.png


If the issue persists, you can follow the additional steps outlined in this article: Solutions for When QuickBooks Stops Working.


I’m also attaching these resources with detailed information on how to suppress and repair the software:



As always, feel free to reply again or reach out to us anytime you need help with QuickBooks. 

Level 1

C=47 Errors

No disrespect but it's clear you did not read the original posting or you would have seen that this problem has persisted for over a month, we have engaged both Intuit support and paid to have an outside 3rd party look at the issue. In that time do you think its possible that someone sent us the same canned response and that we haven't tried all of that ad nauseam? 


Again, no disrespect but after many wasted hours on the phone with at least 10 different people, including supervisors AND your data team, no one has found the source of the problem. So, now we have a error code listed in the log at the exact time of the crash, a very specific one at that, all we are asking is what does that code represent.

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

C=47 Errors

@WheelerTrucking wrote:

we have engaged both Intuit support and paid to have an outside 3rd party look at the issue.



Need to clarify this. Did you pay a 3rd party service to review your file but unable to fix it? What was their excuse?

Level 1

C=47 Errors

Yes, we engaged both Intuits data support dept (the turn around times were unacceptable, we simply couldn't shut down operations for 3 to 4 business days) and paid a legitimate large third party Intuit partner to look over the data. The 3rd party could not find any issues with the data and could only recommend condensing the data (which is difficult to see how it would correct the current issues)


This is where we started to look over the logs our self's, searching for anything around or at the time of the C=47 error, the results of said search are listed above (same log entries on all 4 QB connected workstations at the times of the crash)

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

C=47 Errors


Which 3rd party service provider did they recommend?

We can help review your file and offer our second opinion free of charge. We will charge our file repair fee if we can fix it.


C=47 Errors

Hello, WheelerTrucking.

This isn't the experience we want you to have, and we'd like the C=47 error to be corrected. I have forwarded your concern to our engineering team to look into this and see if they can shed any light on the error. And we'll either update the thread or have someone contact you with more information as soon as possible.

If you require additional QuickBooks assistance, please provide any information below. We're always available to help you.

Level 2

C=47 Errors

I am having the same issue, with the cost of paying for QB Enterprise, you would think this issue would be fixed by now.  Has there been a solution as of yet????  I already tried contacting QB support, I am now waiting for my 3rd party Fourlane to contact me back for further assistance. 

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

C=47 Errors

@uticacoffee wrote:

I am now waiting for my 3rd party Fourlane to contact me back for further assistance. 



Contact us in private and we may offer our second opinion to compare with them later.

Level 2

C=47 Errors

I already have a contract with Fourlane, do you charge a service fee?

Level 1

C=47 Errors

QB, Still waiting for that contact that was promised!


3 weeks since you said you'd have an engineer reach out, still living with the same issue, still no resolution, tick tock, tick tock...

Level 2

C=47 Errors

Funny story, I actually started messaging the CEO on quickbooks because of the lack of training that the QB customer service receives, I literally had to contact them for an entire week to get a resolution to an issue, so every day I would send the CEO funny message example, SO today Im going to call and pretend I am undercover boss hoping I get transferred to someone that can give me a proper solution.  How about he responded back Hi Heather, if you can message me with your contact information, I'll have one of our product experts reach out to you and help.


So he knows of the lack of issues and hopefully he can resolve things happening!


I think I need to start messaging him again! 

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

C=47 Errors

@uticacoffee wrote:

I already have a contract with Fourlane, do you charge a service fee?



Yes we do. We only charge our fees if we believe we can fix the error.

Level 2

C=47 Errors

FYI, I went into the invoice and deleted the transaction and it worked! So that was my fix, hopefully it works for others.


C=47 Errors

Hello, I'd like to share some details to your concern.


@WheelerTrucking, I can see in your cases that the agent you talked to recommended working with Intuit Data Services to get your file fixed. While I understand that this process can take some time, that was the best way they determined to get your file working correctly. If you would like to re-visit that option, let us know and I'll see if there's anything  I can do to facilitate that.


@uticacoffee, appreciate you for getting back to this thread and shared this information. Glad that everything now works on your end.

You can always visit again for other QuickBooks concerns.

Level 1

C=47 Errors

"Intuit Data Services", yes, have been offered this as a possible solution. 


BUT: the requirement to shut down operations for up to 4 days while the QB data team looks a the problem was completely unacceptable. I talked to a supervisor, asked if there were any expeditated paths that didn't require this sort of catastrophic interruptions to daily business. The response stopped me in my tracks: by saying I would spend $10K to get to the front of the line (since apparently there were 3000 DB's in the repair queue, that's not a problem?) I was offering a bribe, yes a BRIBE and that QB could not, would not accept such unprofessional behavior! The frustration levels went through the roof! I was then threatened that the call would be terminated if I was not going to keep the call professional!  WTF did this supervisor think the reaction would be? The level of arrogance of the QB support is beyond belief, the amount of time wasted is ridiculous.


If and only if the QB data team can remote into my server and diagnose in real time the issue, then give us an actual estimated repair time would I even consider the option. We now have had 2 different QB partners review the DB's and both have said the same thing, nothing is wrong in the data. So no, unless an QB engineer can remote into our data, with our internal data people and walk through their process and findings in real time, I can not see us down that path again, when the results would be exactly the same.


Have an engineer, an actual data engineer, not the departments intermediary front end staff, reach out to us, we know what we are doing, we are not a back waters 3 person operation without technical knowledge of data and data structures. I'll have your engineer work with out data analysis people, identify the problem and work out a real solution that's acceptable to everyone and doesn't shut down business for 3 to 4 days. I personally think this request, while not beyond QB"s capability's, is beyond their desire to accomplish, but I do hope I'm wrong.


FYI: to the load of scammers who have called and said they could fix my problem if I just send them my data, just stop, don't call us, don't look us up, do even try. Unless you can hand over verifiable proof you are a certified direct QB partner you're just wasting both of our times. To anyone else having C=47 errors, don't believe anyone who can say they can fix it, just send them your database(s). You probably are handing over your finical data to a nefarious group who's only intention is helping themselves to your highly sensitive data. I've found only 2  places that could prove who they were and would sign NDA's.

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

C=47 Errors

@WheelerTrucking wrote:

We now have had 2 different QB partners review the DB's and both have said the same thing, nothing is wrong in the data.



Can you share the partner's names?

Level 1

C=47 Errors

Can only recommend Fourlane at this time.


The 2nd one, was legit, had no issues verifying who they were, signed our NDA and quick to take our $ became slow to respond to inquires after $ changed hands. The same conclusions as 4L were reached in twice the time and same amount of $. So I'm not going to knock them in public but can't recommend either

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

C=47 Errors

Afaik, FL will charge an evaluation fee (non-refundable) and will deduct the total fee if you agree to proceed. We know their policies because we partner with them for certain jobs.


If your problem is not resolved, you can contact us in private. Where applicable, we may repair your file over the weekend to cut your downtime.

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