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Level 3

Closing and estimate

Since May 7th when Quickbooks online switched to the new invoice I can no longer close and estimate.  I have estimates that have not been approved or declined so I want to close them but when you try to do a status update, closing is no longer an option. If you are on the actual estimate and go to manage: your choices are pending, accepted, converted or declined and if you are in the customer list of transactions and click the down arrow next to edit/print your choices are pending, accepted, or declined. How do I close an estimate?

11 Comments 11
Jelayca V
QuickBooks Team

Closing and estimate

I can share information about managing estimates in QuickBooks Online (QBO), Sharon119.


In QBO, an estimate is a non-posting transaction. This means it doesn’t affect your accounts or financial reports until it’s converted into a posting transaction, such as an invoice.


When you create an estimate for a client, it remains in a Pending state until the client approves it. Once approved, the status changes to Accepted. If the client declines the estimate, the status changes to Declined.


The status Converted is used when the estimate has been turned into an invoice. This is the key step to closing an estimate. When you convert an estimate to an invoice, you’re essentially finalizing the transaction. The goods or services have been or will be delivered, and the client is billed for them. 


For future reference, you may find below articles helpful:



If you have follow-up questions about estimates in QBO, let me know by commenting below. I'm more than happy to answer it for you. Have a nice day.

Level 3

Closing and estimate

I understand everything that you said, but that does not answer my question as to why you can't close and estimate anymore.  The customer has not accepted, nor declined the estimate so we would like to close it so it no longer shows as a pending estimate. We pull an open estimate report often so that we can check status of work being done and it can get annoying to have all of the ones pending that no longer need to be there. Please answer my question and don't tell me to give my feedback because it doesn't seem to be helping.


Closing and estimate

Hi Sharon119. Let me answer your question about why you're unable to close an estimate in the new updated layout.


In the new interface, the option to close the estimate is unavailable. If you decide that you don't want to do the work, it's better to change the estimate status to Declined rather than delete it. This keeps a record of the estimate on your accounts for good bookkeeping.


However, if you don't need or want to keep a record of the estimate, simply delete it. To do this, click the Delete button on the estimate form to completely remove the estimate from your books.


Here's how:


  1. Go to Sales.
  2. Select the Estimates tab.
  3. Find and select the estimate.
  4. Select More Actions.
  5. Choose Delete and then select Yes to confirm.


From the Manage option, just click the Actions dropdown and click Delete. For more details about creating estimates in the new layout and how to customize its display, see this article: Create and send estimates in QuickBooks Online.


I have some helpful resources that will guide you through the new layout and assist you in accurately recording the payments you receive from your customers:



I'll be right here to continue helping if you have any other questions or concerns about estimates. Have a great rest of the week.

Level 3

Closing and estimate

Still seems RIDICULOUS that you take away an option that makes sense. They customer HAS NOT DECLINED the work I just want to close the transaction.

Level 1

Closing and estimate

My estimate was not declined or converted to an invoice due to back ordered items. 

I need to close the estimate short due to back ordered items no longer wanted by the customer. I need to close it short. Not delete it. not covert it, and not delete it.  what do you suggest i do now that you took the option away that works well for this purpose?

QuickBooks Team

Closing and estimate

I recognize that you wanted an option to close estimates, @dcooley529.


Closing an estimate isn't directly available as an option as we transition from the old to new invoice and estimate experience. There is a workaround to update its status similar to closing it.


Here's how: 


  1. Go to the Sales menu in the left panel, then select Estimates.
  2. From the Estimate tab, click the dropdown, then select View/edit to open the estimate.
  3. Open the Manage icon, then under Edit default settings, click the dropdown, and select Converted to close it.


Here are some helpful articles to help you link your estimates to invoices and guide you in recording the customer's payment.



Feel free to get back if you have other questions about estimates. We'll do our best to assist. Stay safe.

Level 3

Closing and estimate

But the estimate HAS NOT been converted and if I mark it that way and am looking at it in the future to possibly reopen it I will skip over it thinking there should be an invoice to go with it and there won't be one because the estimate has not been converted to an invoice.That's just stupid to take away the closed option.  I am not sure who was polled regarding the new invoice experience but I AM NOT impressed with it so far.  To many features have been taken away and is all I get told when I question something we need is to give Feedback without getting a real way to take care of our issue

Level 1

Closing and estimate

I am not looking for an "easy way" to close the estimate. I'm looking for the correct way and this isn't it. Please send me the link to leave feedback on the new invoicing experience. 

QuickBooks Team

Closing and estimate

Hello there, dcooley529. We recognize your insights regarding the new invoicing experience. I'm here to help you deliver them to the appropriate place to ensure you're heard.


QuickBooks has released an update to improve customers' invoicing experience to enhance business productivity. While some options have been added, some are also currently unavailable. These changes can indeed affect each experience when creating invoices and estimates.


Therefore, I recommend sending feedback directly to our product engineers. Your ideas and suggestions can be weighed down to be considered in future product updates, ensuring they meet different business needs.


Here's how:


  1. Head to the Gear icon.
  2. Select Feedback.
  3. Share your product improvement ideas.
  4. Click Next to submit.


Moreover, you might want to scan these resources to have a guide when converting estimates into invoices or you decide to further improve the form for more effective business communication:



We're here to lend a hand if you have additional questions regarding the new invoicing experience or other concerns related to QuickBooks Online.

Level 3

Closing and estimate

Since the closed option was RIDICULOUSLY removed as an option, if I mark an estimate declined will I be able to reopen in and use it in the future if the customer decides to have the work done?

QuickBooks Team

Closing and estimate

Thanks for getting back to the thread, and I appreciate the workaround you think of, @Sharon119.


Yes, you can still reopen or Edit the status of the declined estimate whenever you want. Doing this is a good way instead of deleting if your customer decides they don't want you to do the work. This keeps a record of the estimate on your accounts for good bookkeeping.


I'm attaching this article for future reference in case you're ready to convert the estimate to an invoice and on how to manage invoice payments: 



Keep me posted if you have clarification or additional questions about handling estimates and other sales transactions in QuickBooks. I'm always here to help you. 

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