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Level 1

Creating Inventory of unused construction materials

We are General Contractors.  We purchase everything by the job and do not carry inventory.  On RARE occasions we have purchased items that end up not being used on a job that can carry over to another job.  These past events it was easy to split an invoice so that the costs were assigned to the correct jobs.  I currently have a sink ordered for Job 1 but was not needed, due to the original surviving the demo process.  This sink can now be used on a future job that will not start for a few more months.  The vendor has been paid for the sink and we do not want to return and reorder.  I believe I want to create a CM for the sink of $1k that will apply to Job 1, place the sink in an inventory limbo that I can then move to the new job once it actually starts. Looking for the simplest method. Thank you

5 Comments 5

Creating Inventory of unused construction materials

I can help you in handling those unused inventory items, @ca88fan


Yes, you can create a credit memo for the items that have not been used and then just use this credit as payment for another transaction or apply it to invoices. 


Here's how:


  1. Select Create Credit Memos/Refunds from the Customers menu.
  2. Choose your customer from the Customer:Job drop-down menu.
  3. Enter the items for which you want to give credit, then click Save & Close.


To guide you further in applying for those credits, check out this article: Give your customer a credit or refund in QuickBooks Desktop for Windows


Here's everything that you need to know about anything that your company buys, sells, or resells in the course of business: Add, edit, and delete items.


You can always get back to me if you have questions or other concerns about your transactions by leaving a comment below. I'm always here to assist. Have a great rest of the day.

Level 5

Creating Inventory of unused construction materials

I'm a bit skeptical about creating a credit memo. Did your customer actually pay you for the sink?

Level 1

Creating Inventory of unused construction materials

I purchased the item from our vendor.  I have paid for the item in full.  I just do not need to bill it to the job in which it was purchased for.  I have another job starting in 2022 that we will apply the item to.  

Level 1

Creating Inventory of unused construction materials

We purchased the item.  We paid the vendor for the item, the client was was not charged for the item.  Rather than return the item I want to place it into inventory since I do know we will be using it in 2022 for a new project and then bill it to that job. 

QuickBooks Team

Creating Inventory of unused construction materials

Thanks for coming back, @ca88fan. You can move the credits from one job to another in QuickBooks by setting up a clearing account, then create a journal entry to move the credit to wash the clearing account.


Here's how: 


Set up a clearing account


  1. Go to the Lists menu, select Chart of Accounts.
  2. Right-click anywhere in the Chart of Accounts, then click New.
  3. Click the Bank radio button in the Add New Account window, then hit Continue.
  4. In the Account Name field, enter Clearing Account.
  5. Do NOT enter an opening balance, then click Save & Close


Once done, create a journal entry. This time, I'd recommend consulting with your accountant to make sure the transactions are posted in the correct account. 


For future reference, here's an article to help you learn about adding, editing, and deleting items in QuickBooks Desktop.


I'd be glad to help you again if you have additional concerns. Take care always!

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