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Level 2

Getting Invoice to print Balance Due after Credit is applied

I have an invoice to which I have applied a credit and there is still a balance due. I can get it to print the Total of the invoice with that amount, the Payment/Credit and that amount, and the words "Balance Due" but it won't show the amount of the Balance that's due. How do I get it to calculate and print this balance due?

4 Comments 4

Getting Invoice to print Balance Due after Credit is applied

Thank you for getting help with your invoice, PTELanc.


Showing the balance due amount is indeed very important because it tells your customers how much they only need to pay and how much credit was applied to their invoices. We can achieve this by editing your invoice template, and I'm happy to walk you through the steps.


  1. On the invoice transaction page, click the Formatting tab.
  2. Choose Customize Data Layout. If you're prompted to create a copy of the template in use, select Make a copy.
  3. In the Additional Customization window, select the Footer tab.
  4. Put a checkmark in the Print column for Payments/Credits and Balance Due. You'll notice that they're also added to the previewed invoice on the right. However, they overlap each other so you want to click the Layout Designer button to edit the layout.
  5. In the Layout Designer window, drag and arrange the box for each added line until they don't overlap. Please note that each amount has its own boxes, too, so be sure they are lined up. You can click Properties to edit the borders or adjust the font size of the selected box.
  6. Click OK when you're satisfied, and click Print Preview in the previous window to see the result. Click the Layout Designer button again to make more changes until you're satisfied with the result.
  7. Click OK to save your changes.


You should now see the added lines when you preview your invoice, especially the Balance Due



I'm including this article for more comprehensive steps about customizing an invoice template: Use and customize form templates.


Feel free to visit us back using this thread if you have other concerns about invoicing or anything about QuickBooks. Take care always!

Level 2

Getting Invoice to print Balance Due after Credit is applied

Thank you for your reply. The thing is, it's not giving me a box with a total for the Balance Due. It gives me the Total, and that amount; the Payments and Credits, and that amount; and the Balance Due, but no amount. Any thoughts?

Level 2

Getting Invoice to print Balance Due after Credit is applied

Never mind - I somehow got it! I just kept messing around with it and it's fine now.  Thanks!

Candice C
QuickBooks Team

Getting Invoice to print Balance Due after Credit is applied

Hey there again, @PTELanc


Thanks for coming back and giving some more insight into your issue. 


Since you're still unable to see the "Balance Due" field on the invoice when previewing, I suggest trying some troubleshooting steps to help resolve this problem. 


Using a Verify and Rebuild tool could help to fully load this information on the invoice. Use the link below to go through the steps and details about this tool: 


Verify and Rebuild Data in QuickBooks Desktop


This should do the trick. If not, please let me know so I can determine the best solution for your business. Take care!

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