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Level 3

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

The person I worked with on the online help said if they could verify my license the pop up would go away.  I specifically asked them that question.  I had to login to my intuit account and give them my registration number which they verified the registration number on their end.  They then said I had to reset the updates to remove the pop up to login.   


I do not know if you resetting the updates without verifying your license will work to stop the message from popping up.   I had to reset and update each of my QB files. We have 10 Quick book files.  I only had to verify my license one time.


I am not moving to the subscription service by May and am unsure what is going to happen to our program - I expect we will see lots of ads stating our data is unsecure!  


I have been looking else where for new accounting software.   Intuit so far had a good price point, but we will go from paying a few hundred dollars every two years to over $500 per year for a desktop version for two users.  Considering the forced logins and now Ads that pop up while working in the program I am not onboard.   With the change in price point I am considering other software that I had overlooked before.




Level 3

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account



I have read so many shaggy dog stories from 'helpful' Intuit employees describing different ways to disable the Intuit login popup and the truth is they have no intention of disabling that 'feature'.  They want their customers trapped in the middle of a spider web, stuck in that silky thread and trying desperately to avoid getting swallowed by the online cloud monster.  They don't care that there are hundreds, if not thousands of us who are livid over being forced to login to Intuit, because they know they've got us by the snowballs.  I have hundreds of active company files and the migration to another system is a nightmare I'm too old to contemplate.  I was able to figure out a workaround (I'll post it again) that still works and is viable in our company.  I have a single Intuit account that I use for every company file I manage and refuse to deal with 10-15 different Intuit user accounts getting mucked up in those files.  If Intuit can show such blatant disregard for their customers, then I'm happy to hack away to avoid giving them what they want for as long as I can!


My workaround (originally posted July 05, 2021 at 1:49 PM):


The workaround that I developed was to create a new user role.  If you don't use QB for payroll and usually grant your employees full access, you can create a new role which includes everything except for payroll related tasks.  I typically exclude Employee Center, Employees & Payroll, and Time Tracking.  Obviously this won't work if you use QB payroll, but it has been an acceptable workaround for my users. And perhaps if you do use QB payroll, this login feature might be an advantage. But we are strictly QuickBooks desktop and having this login forced upon us is inexcusable. 


Fortunately my enterprising users found the workaround to close out of the Intuit Account popup, which is now infecting my user accounts in addition to the admin account (and yes, I meant to use the word 'infect' because anything that slows down my users is toxic). For those of you who couldn't get this to work, this is how we do it -  Right-click anywhere in the dark blue bar on the Intuit Account popup and chose Close from the dropdown.  **NOTE** - you won't see the typical icons in the upper right corner on this popup - it's a solid dark blue bar all the way across the popup. After you select close, you'll get another popup - Are you sure you want to cancel signing in to your Intuit account? - Close this box by using the X in the upper right corner.  This should clear the login popup and allow users to work.


When this workaround inevitably fails, I'll find another one.  All I have to do is string together 5 more years of workarounds until I'm retired!

Level 1

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

    We have desktop software-not online software-BECAUSE we do not want our data hacked.  Now qb has decided to open our small businesses up to the www. Not cool qb.  

Level 1

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

This site has never been helpful to me my email and my coworker paystubs always and same issue asking who are you wasting time solving same issues all the time call me please in the morning hours to solve the issues.

QuickBooks Team

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

This isn't the kind of experience we want you to feel, Begum-59.


Let me share some information and make sure we get resolved today.


There are possible reasons why your having issues when logging in to your account for QuickBooks, Payroll, or other Intuit products. This article will give you some detailed steps if you're having trouble signing in: Recover your account when you can't sign in.


Also, you may check out this link to help your employees manage their QuickBooks Workforce account: View your paychecks and W-2s in QuickBooks Workforce.


If you're still having trouble with QuickBooks Workforce, I'd recommend reaching our Workforce Support Team in this page: ViewMyPaycheck Support.


Please let us know if you still need further assistance. We'll be here to help. Have a wonderful day!

Level 3

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

Intuit does not get it at all!
I have been using quickbooks since 1995. I have more than one company that I use it for, plus a trust account and my own personal account. I ran payroll on one company years ago but that was through ADP. About 4 years ago I added payroll to another S-Corp and my CPA ran it - it was through Intuit. I had a login for that payroll system and it all worked great. I entered the information from that into my own Quickbooks for the company.
This was all Quickbooks Pro Desktop - I NEVER connected any banks or internet services to that computer or to Quickbooks. I work in internet security and I KNOW BETTER!  MY DATA - MY FINANCES - MY COMPANIES.
Then comes the NEW QUICKBOOKS DESKTOP... all kinds of hoops to get the new version set up on Windows 10... and suddenly I need to log into my intuit account... WTF... I can't... I jump through hoops - OH GUESS WHAT? Intuit decides I must ONLY HAVE ONE login. THIS was a long process to figure out but it ended up that INTUIT decided the payroll account for one company was now linked to my other company...
I cannot remove dead people that used to work for me because they no longer have email addresses or phone numbers and cannot therefor be removed as users. I cannot remove an old bookkeeper for whom I had another license for because SHE DOES have an intuit account for the company she currently works for and neither of us want to screw anything up with either of our accounts.

I do not want Intuit to have my business information.
I do my taxes.
I buy my software.
I protect my data.

How can Intuit
NOT understand this?



Level 3

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

Archie_B, QB Employee:

You don't get it.  For the past 2 years, MANY, MANY long-term QB users have told you to LEAVE US ALONE.  We purchased QB for our business use, not to give QB access to our data.  The login requirement violates our purchase of the program, installed on our PRIVATE computer. 

You can either tell management and corporate to be part of the solution - get rid of the sign in....


You can be the Borg with no understanding of what your customers are saying.

And if you are the Borg, ALL QB customers will exit to another product. 

Choose wisely. 

Level 3

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

Replying to Sqrlzrus, but this really applies to the great many who have expressed the same thought. It's NOT that Intuit doesn't get it. The get it perfectly well. It just doesn't comport with their game plan which is to force all users of QB Desktop to online subscriptation products so they are assured of getting annual revenue. They get it all right. They just don't want you using their product every year without paying over and over. The thought that you might still be using QB Desktop 2019 version means that they didn't get to bill you for the years, 2020, 2021 and 2022. Yikes! How terrible. For them, NOT for you. You were simply being smart simce generally accepted accounting standards don't change form year to year, why not continue using the very same program. 


Look, this is a strategy facing many software providers. Microsoft used to be able to get users to buy the latest version of Office every year because they introduced new features that users couldn't resist having. Until finally they ran out of new features that users couldn't do without. Then began the move to get users to move to "the cloud" where everything would be better. And, for some, there was enough benefit to do so, particularly large enterprises where groups often work on a common document, or project. For the little one person office that makes no sense. Intuit is in the same boat. 


But, even Microsoft has realized that they can't force everyone into their cloud so they continue the stand alone product line, though without the "features" of the cloud universe. Intuit should recognize this as well but apparently their management doesn't think this applies to them. Maybe so, maybe not. Time will tell. 


Like a couple of others, I should be able to be done with QB Desktop by the end of this year, so I don't really give a s..t what Intuit thinks.

Level 1

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

May I ask what you will use instead of QB? I'm also looking for an alternative for some other reasons.

Level 2

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

After several discussions with other users, here is the bottom line.  First, whatever version of QB desktop you are running, you still be able to continue to use it for what you purchased it for - your business accounting.  One the persons I spoke with is still running QB2013.  He doesn't use any of the functionality that I love and that kept me upgrading every 3 years, but it still does what it was supposed to do, his business accounting.  Second, those of us that didn't upgrade in 2020 or 2021, we will be loosing all the online features that we use soon.  We will still able to use the desktop version we have, we will just now have to do more manual work.  Instead of using the banking update, we will need to actually login to the bank and download the transactions - it sucks, but we can do it.  When that stops working, we'll login to the bank and manually enter and match the transactions.  Again, it will suck, but we will be able to continue to use our desktop software.  Third, and I know their are folks out there at disagree, some software company will see the hole that Intuit has created and fill that hole.  Then many of us will be using something new.  However, maybe Intuit will understand that we do have options and we will not be blackmailed into "upgrading".  Maybe they will just come up with a price structure that fits the "update every three year model" and will all live happily every after. Maybe?

Level 2

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

<edit: not sure why my reply is nested here, I was replying to a post a page or so back from here>


I'd have immediately switched banks. Having a bank running constant monitoring software on your computer is absolutely NOT an acceptable solution to any issues.

Level 2

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

Furthermore, what about ALL the times my internet connection is inoperable?.. 

We are located in a suburb of Chicago, IL (you can send your "I'm sorry's" later) Nowhere is the internet consistent, even with Comcast or Verizon...

Everytime I have to send login information over the internet, is one more opportunity for some hacker to steal my security login information..  

Forcing QB users to login in o ver an internet connection is very bad policy.

Level 2

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

Furthermore, what about ALL the times my internet connection is inoperable?.. 

We are located in a suburb of Chicago, IL (you can send your "I'm sorry's" later) Nowhere is the internet consistent, even with Comcast or Verizon...

Everytime I have to send login information over the internet, is one more opportunity for some hacker to steal my security login information..  

Forcing QB users to login in o ver an internet connection is very bad policy.

Level 2

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

Debra, we to will move away from QB in the upcoming year.  The pop-up ads, the required login in to a QB account, are the primary reason wil will move away.  Any computer program that requires an active and stable internet connection to function (which does not exist even in Chicago, IL), is not for us, any frankly every other small business in the area. 

Level 1

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

Obviously    Intuit is collecting Data   .  I have been using QB  ever since it came on the market .   Now I am Stuck using it for my POA   until I can find something better  and that my CPA   can deal with ...    Trouble is right now I cannot seem to find anything that is a "Stand alone"   program ..  Everyone wants a Monthly FEE....   I am not doing that ...  I still use an older version of QB  and get sick and tired of the Program communicating with Intuit    and telling me there is no more support for my version ...      I need this computer online or I would simply air gap it ..    Maybe I will have to put QB on another computer and keep it offline.


INNNtuuuiiittt sucks
Level 3

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

Please tell whoever told you to write this reply that we will not put up with this.  There will be a revolt against Intuit I can guarantee it.  BIG mistake to try to push users around.  We DO NOT WANT OUR FINANCIAL DATA ONLINE!

INNNtuuuiiittt sucks
Level 3

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

Did you read LLuck's response to your post????  Ditto

Level 3

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

Of course you can continue to use QB2013 or 2011 or 2017 or whatever tickles your fancy.  Anything prior to QB2019 (and I can't remember the revision that changed this in 2019) won't ask you for a login.  It was first rolled out mid-2019.


As for a subscription service and getting money out of me, I've got the company set up on auto pay, so even if I don't upgrade every year, I still pay for the upgrade.  I'm not out to screw Intuit, I'll pay them annually, just QUIT forcing me to login to an online site that has nothing to do with our accounting practices.  

Level 2

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

Where do I sign?  This is bait and switch.  I PURCHASED this software. It belongs to ME.  Quickbooks now trying to force me to sign into an Intuit account was not part of the deal or disclosed at purchase.  I am furious over this.

QuickBooks Team

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

Thanks for joining us here in the thread, @mfrumento. It'll be my pleasure to share some details as to why QuickBooks wants you to sign in your Intuit account.


To start off,  when you create a new company file, you'll need to use an intuit account to sign in. You'll need to do this if you use a connected service like Payments, T-sheets, Payroll, or Receipt Management.


Using an Intuit account is different from your QuickBooks company file login. A QuickBooks Company file login gives you access to basic features like paying a bill or creating an invoice. Whereas if you're using an Intuit account, this gives you the access to all connected Intuit services for your company file.


For more information about setting up and using Intuit account in QuickBooks Desktop, feel free to visit this article: Set up and use Intuit account user management in QuickBooks Desktop.


In case you don't have an Intuit account yet, here's an article that'll guide you on creating your account: Create an Intuit user account.


Additionally, here are some articles to help you in the future:



You are always welcome to comeback here in the Community if you need assistance performing specific tasks in QuickBooks. Rest assured that I'll be here to help you. Take care!

Level 2

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account



You wrote the following:

To start off,  when you create a new company file, you'll need to use an intuit account to sign in. You'll need to do this if you use a connected service like Payments, T-sheets, Payroll, or Receipt Management.


That statement implies that if we turn off connected services, we no longer need to log into Intuit.  Is this true?  Since I have NEVER used the connected services, how do I turn it off to avoid having to log in?

Level 3

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

That statement implies that if we turn off connected services, we no longer need to log into Intuit.  Is this true?  


It's a valid assumption, but no, it's not true.  We don't use any connected services.  None.  Nada. Zilch.  We did use Payroll services YEARS ago on about 30 files which has long been turned off.  I support approximately 150 active files, most of which have never been connected to any Intuit service and they still stalk us with the Intuit login.  I found a workaround so search my previous posts for instructions.  Bottom line?  Intuit doesn't care, they seem to enjoy playing dumb by tossing out ridiculous suggestions and instructions that have nothing to do with our complaints.  

Level 3

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

Dear Kurt (Employee/QuickBooks team),


I'm curious, do you ever get tired of obfuscating when you peddle this non-answer? Do you TRULY not understand the problem or do you just gloss over it.  Like the previous reply to your post, I have the same question.  If as you say:


A QuickBooks Company file login gives you access to basic features like paying a bill or creating an invoice. Whereas if you're using an Intuit account, this gives you the access to all connected Intuit services for your company file.


Then why am I forced to login when I don't use a single connected Intuit service?  We don't use QuickBooks payments, Payroll direct deposit, Payroll Workforce, QuickBooks Time, or Receipt Management.  We have no interest in those features.  I doubt we'll EVER have an interest in those features.  Therefore, I don't need access to Intuit from my company files.  HEY, problem solved!  Please remove this unwanted, unnecessary, and intrusive feature.  Just kidding.  I know you won't.  I have figured my own workarounds to prevent those popups as much as possible.


Sorry, your explanation doesn't hold water.

QuickBooks Team

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

Hello gscott121 and uhgrad96_13!

Thanks for getting back to us. I understand that you don't want to keep on logging in to your Intuit account. I'll share some details and explain further why this has been implemented.

The One Intuit Account is an extra layer of security, provides single login to other Intuit products including payroll, and for you to access new features in QuickBooks Desktop. Please note that this is mandated if:

  • A New QuickBooks Company file is created
  • QuickBooks Desktop users with connected services such as Payments, Payroll direct deposit, TSheets time tracking, Payroll Workforce, Receipt Management
  • The existing QuickBooks Desktop Company file is opened using the Admin credentials and no Intuit account is associated with the file.

I want to make this clear that you'll still get Intuit account prompts regardless if you don't have connected services. The only way not to get this prompt is to use QuickBooks Desktop in an offline mode or not connected to the internet.

In addition, QuickBooks Pro and Premier users have an option to delay this action for up to 28 days and for QuickBooks Enterprise users for up to 42 days. You can check this article from our blog: Intuit account – Why now for QuickBooks Desktop? This has a step-by-step video about Intuit account management.

I appreciate the workaround you've shared, uhgrad96_13. Other users will find this useful and they might consider this.

You'll want to send feedback about this to our developers. Let them know that you need an option to opt out and not to force you to log in to your Intuit account. Go to the Help menu, select Send Feedback Online, then Product Suggestion.

I added this article about CAMPs if you need assistance with account maintenance-related info like your subscription, payment methods, and product downloads: Change, manage or update your Intuit account with CAMPs.

You're more than welcome to post here again if you have concerns regarding logging in to your Intuit account. If you'd like to record some entries or run a few reports, let me know and I'll guide you with the process. 

Level 2

How to get QB to stop asking me to log into my Intuit Account

Folks, this gets even worse.  When you dismiss an employee, of course you delete their login from the software.  But the ONLINE login they created remains - in fact, users are able to use a personal login (such as from turbo tax) to satisfy the QB requirement of having an online account.  In an age of increased security, if you genuinely cared about MY security instead of your marketing, you would not permit this. I'm told by Intuit this is nothing to worry about --- but why should I take them at their word?

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