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Internal Customer ID numbers

Does anyone know if QuickBooks assigns a unique id number to each customer that is created in QB's Ent. 23?  If they do, is there any way to see or print or export those id numbers?

Thank you 

3 Comments 3

Internal Customer ID numbers

Hello Bill1626!


Welcome, and thank you for posting about getting an Internal ID associated to customers.


Know that QuickBooks Enterprise does not create an Internal ID for each customer profile. However, the profile itself has an option to make your own field for ID numbers. I’ll show you how.


  1. Go to the Customers menu and select Customer Center.
  2. Click New Customer & Job.
  3. Choose Additional Info and click the Define Fields button.
  4. Name field, put a checkmark under Cust, and choose Any or Numbers under What kind of data?.
  5. Click OK.


The field will then show up in the customer's profile. You can use it to manually input a number for customers.



You can check out the article about creating a custom field for your additional reference.


Please let me know if you have any other concerns about having a customer internal number. Have a good one!

Community Champion

Internal Customer ID numbers

@JessT  RE: Know that QuickBooks Enterprise does not create an Internal ID for each customer profile.


Of course it does. Almost all databases do so.

Community Champion

Internal Customer ID numbers

@Bill1626  RE: Does anyone know if QuickBooks assigns a unique id number to each customer that is created in QB's Ent. 23? If they do, is there any way to see or print or export those id numbers?


Yes, it does assign and use ID numbers to all list records, including all types of Names.


It isn't possible to view the numbers within QuickBooks, but you can export the customer list to see them.


To do this, export the list to an IIF file. Start at File | Utilities | Export | Lists to IIF files...


Once created, open the IIF file in Excel or other spreadsheet to see the numbers. They're in the REFNUM column of the CUST record (and most other list record types):




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