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Level 1

QBO Global

I have a client that recently started a corporation in Mexico.  I have been in contact with the Global sales team, regarding QuickBooks Online Global, but the sales person that I have been in contact with has been less than helpful in scheduling a meeting with myself and the client to address some questions that we have.  We tried to sign up for the Global edition yesterday (an employee is currently in Mexico City), but we were not successful, because they were using a credit card tied to the United States.  We have a bank account in Mexico, but do not have a debit card for the account yet.


Some specific questions are 1.  Does QBO Global offer payroll services?  If so, do they offer it in Mexico?  2.  What options are available as a Mexico company, i.e., do you provide HR services in Mexico?  3.  Why can't we sign up from here?  


Is there anyone that can guide us or help us, we would appreciate it.  This has been frustrating to say the least and the client is ready to use a competitors product instead of QBO.

2 Comments 2
QuickBooks Team

QBO Global

Hello there, OldIrishRH.


I understand your frustration with signing up for QuickBooks Online (QBO) Global. Let me share some details about payroll services.


Currently, payroll subscription is only available for the UK, Canada, Australia, and the US versions of QuickBooks, not the international version. Also, we haven't provided HR services in Mexico.


Furthermore, you can explore a third-party application to help you sign up for payroll in QBO Global. You can find one by visiting this website: Apps for QuickBooks Online.


Additionally, you can check out the different features offered by your current plan from here: QuickBooks Accounting Plan Comparisons.


I've also added this helpful resource that you can open to further help you in navigating your account:



Let me know if you have follow-up questions while working with QuickBooks. I'm always here to help.


Disclaimer: The articles I've provided above are for QBO Global or International.

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

QBO Global


Does QBO Global offer payroll services?



What options are available as a Mexico company, i.e., do you provide HR services in Mexico

You need to use a third-party solution. You may have 2 options:

1. Use a local payroll application and migrate data as Journal Entries to QB Online

2. Have a global payroll service provider in the US and they will manage it on your company's behalf. They can send the payroll data and register (or import) it as a Journal Entry in QB Online.


Why can't we sign up from here?

You can subscribe through a Global ProAdvisor to get started. Once you have a credit card issued in Mexico, you can pay it yourself.

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