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Level 2


Does anyone know how to get the RECEIVED STATUS column that appears whenever you save a purchase order to go away?


Whenever I save a purchase order, a column called RECEIVED STATUS appears on the left side of the purchase order details. It isn't listed as one of the fields available to "disable" in the formatting options (the Received field listed is a different field and a different column entirely) and it never goes away until I perform some Quickbooks acrobatics that requires deactivating and saving templates among other things.


Even if I can get it to "Vanish", it reappears whenever I have to save a purchase order again.

QB Received Status.jpg


12 Comments 12


I know how you can remove the status column on the purchase order forms, kstewart.


You may have enabled the Received Status field. Let me guide you in customizing your purchase order template.


Here's how:


  1. From the Lists menu, select Template.
  2. Locate the Purchase Order you want to use.
  3. Click the Additional Customization button.
  4. Select the Columns tab.
  5. Remove the checkmark for Received Status.
  6. Click Ok



You can check this article for more information on customizing form templates: Use and customize form templates.


Also, if you want to modify purchase order reports, you can browse this link: Personalizing QuickBooks Desktop reports.


Keep me posted if there's anything else you need about customizing forms. I'll be around to guide you!

Level 2


The "Received" field is different than the "RECEIVED STATUS" field.


If you notice, the field shown below is called "Received". 


The "Received" field cannot be disabled from the screen (Notice that it is greyed out). It is also a different field than the 'RECEIVED STATUS" field which is not visable in the template format options..




Thanks for following up with the Community, kstewart.


I can certainly understand how an ability to remove your Received Status column from purchase orders could be useful and have submitted a suggestion about it as of today.


You can also submit your own feature requests while using QuickBooks.


Here's how:

  1. In your top menu bar, go to Help, Send Feedback Online, then Product Suggestion....
  2. Choose a Type of Feedback and Product Area (optional) from the available drop-down menus.
  3. Enter any suggestions/feedback in your Here is my suggestion: field.
  4. If you'd like, include your name/email in the My name is: (optional) and My e-mail address is: (optional) fields.
  5. Select Send Feedback.


Your feedback's definitely valuable to Intuit. It will be reviewed by our Product Development team and considered in future updates. You can stay up-to-date with the latest news about your product by reviewing Intuit's Product Updates webpage.


I'll be here to help if there's any questions. Have an awesome Tuesday!

Level 2


I have literally submitted 100's of product suggestions and Bug Repots since I started using quickbooks in 2004 for this issue and they still haven't fixed quickbooks.


I don't believe anyone reads those product suggestions or the Bug reports either.

Level 2


Ours just started showing this column this week.  Have no idea why and I also can not uncheck that field in the Columns screen.  It's driving my employees crazy.  I am the admin and can't fix this.  Was there an update this week that caused this?  Either way I need it gone and I'm not about the "send feedback" since I've been doing that regularly for over 15 years and not a single suggestion has ever been implemented.  Intuit does NOT listen to it's customers. 






Level 2


The "RECEIVED STATUS" field began showing up about in February of 2021 after an update.


Here is how I am able to remove it:


First I change the purchase order template to a different template and save it. Then I change it back to the original template and save it again. Next I go to LIST>TEMPLATES and deactive the template and then reactivate the template. Then I save the purchase order again and escape or close out of the purchase order. When you reopen the purchase order the "RECEIVED STATUS" field should be gone.


If you save the purchase order, change the template or need to format the purchase order template the "RECEIVED STATUS" column will reappear and you will have to go through the whole process again to get rid of it.


I already submitted this bug to Intuit over 2000 times AND spent four hours on the phone with Technical Support who remoted into my session, found the same bug, verified it, reported it and was unable to figure out how to make it go away. I showed him how I was able to get it to go away and he documented everything and submitted a ticket to fix it. This was in March of 2021 and they have still not fixed the bug.



Hi lmurphy2003,


Thank you for expressing your thoughts on the "Received" status column in purchase orders and for providing feedback to our engineers. Feedback helps us gauge the number of users who are not satisfied with the feature. 


If you have other concerns, feel free to post again. 

Level 2


Seriously since March 2021?  It just started happening in our system this Tuesday.  I'm the only one that can make any changes to templates, user roles or even update our file and I haven't done any of that.  This is just plain odd.  Well, definitely not going to send feedback since it's already been reported and I've posted in here.  Not that they listen to feedback anyway.  And I'm sure not going to call for help.  Certainly don't have hours for that.  Their service sucks.

Level 2


I submitted a bug report through the feedback option, AGAIN.  Not that I expect anything will be done with it.  I will be actively pursuing other software options in the upcoming year before our next renewal and urge others to do so as well since Intuit's customer service as well as whoever in your company that should be reviewing feedback and issue reports are clearly not up to par for the small businesses that QuickBooks is being marketed to.  I've been a QB user for over 20 years having used the non-profit, Pro, Premier contractor and currently Enterprise wholesale and manufacturing and over these years I've submitted probably hundreds of feedback and bug reports as well as product suggestions that have NEVER been addressed.  I still have issues from years ago that still haven't been fixed even with yearly UPGRADES.  I've done research in the online community and in every instance have found many users with the same issues that have also expressed their concerns and frustration online to no avail and many of these users have been complaining about these same things for years.  For the amount of money that you charge businesses annually, this type of service and is tantamount to a monkey humping a football.  Yep, I went there.  And your Suggest Feedback option is as useless as teats on a bull!  I would love it if someone could actually put me in touch with the company CEO, VP and whoever else that actually runs this company so they can talk to an actual user and not some head of whatever department handles the "feedback" and "product suggestions" since they clearly aren't doing their job.  You ignore your customers' actual problems and always default to the "please use the Send Feedback Online" option, which is a gateway to QuickBooks Purgatory and goes absolutely nowhere.  If we, your PAYING customers, ran our companies this way and ignored our customers the way Intuit does while continuing to produce a sub-par product, we'd be out of business in no time.  I've said it before and I'll say it again. This is absolutely ridiculous. It should NOT be this difficult or take YEARS and multiple reports for customers who have problems with a product they pay out the wazoo for to get things fixed without countless hours on the phone with customer service (rather dis-service) or having to repeatedly submit feedback issues for the same problems.  QB needs to get it together and start listening to the users and finally get this litany of problems fixed! Bottom Line.  Any other users in the community, please feel free to copy and paste this in as many places as you've submitted complaints and urge others to do the same.  I'll be saving my original text to my desktop so I don't have to re-type this every time because I know I'll have to do this a hundred or more so times.

Level 1


How do you sleep at night moderating such BS?  I'm new to QB and in the couple of months I've been trying to figure this out, these blogs show how bad things are here.  It is APPALLING how poorly customers are treated, how little actual change actually occurs and how poor shlubs like you continue to pretend like this is a functional company with working processes.  


No wonder you don't have an alternative to the stupid "Cheers" button.  The "Jeers" count would be astronomical.  Thank you for nothing.

Level 1


OMG!  This worked.  Not sure how you arrived at this particular template hokey-pokey process but you deserve an award!  And QB deserves a Bronx Cheer.  I submitted a request for a '5 minute call back' almost an hour ago about this exact issue.  Clearly they're avoiding the topic, so me and google found you.  You are my hero of the day.  Thank you kstewert! 

Level 1


We feel your pain Kstewart - we just upgraded to Enterprise desktop and now have this issue. Thanks for the work around, but I can't get it to work for us.  However, in the process of trying, I noted that it starts out fine, bring up that darn column as soon as you save. THEN, if I hit the "next invoice" arrow and then go back with the back arrow, the PO no longer has that column. Takes less time than dealing with the templates if it works for others. Even with this shorter method, it's still a waste of time and QB should fix this! 


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