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Level 3

Unable to access my account Quickbooks Online

Anyone have this issue where you try logging in and the URL displays:


The page says:


Something's not right. Try again.
If the issue persists, contact us.


This issue started on June 1st around midday.


I called the support line and after a while on the phone with them, they said there was a database issue with my account and they were opening a ticket to work on it.


They sent me an email with a case number and investigation number the same day. When I call in, they tell me that the techs are looking into it and it has the highest priority ticket in their system.


However, it is now June 6th (almost June 7) and my entire company still has no access to our books. 

44 Comments 44
QuickBooks Team

Unable to access my account Quickbooks Online

Hi there, @pallefly.


I do recognize the urgency of this matter, and I'm here to ensure we're doing our best here on our end. Upon checking here on the system, the investigation is still ongoing. Our team is doing its best to determine the root cause of the problem and provide you with an accurate resolution to get this sorted out as soon as possible. Rest assured. You're the first one to receive an email if there's an update.


Moreover, I've got this article to help you manage your company information inside QBO: Edit company settings in QuickBooks Online.


@pallefly, I appreciate you for visiting the Community space today. Know that we've got your back if you have any additional QuickBooks-related queries or need assistance performing a task inside the program. Stay safe, and have a good one!

Level 3

Unable to access my account Quickbooks Online


Dear QuickBooks Support,


Thank you for your response and for acknowledging the urgency of my issue. I appreciate the update on the ongoing investigation and the assurance that your team is actively working on determining the root cause of the problem.


While I understand that these issues can sometimes take time to resolve, it has been several days since my company lost access to our books. The lack of access is causing significant inconvenience and disruption to our operations. It is crucial for us to regain access as soon as possible to continue with our business activities.


I kindly request that you provide me with any further updates or progress regarding the investigation. It would be helpful to have an estimated timeline for when this issue will be resolved. Prompt communication and resolution are essential to ensure the smooth running of our company.

In the meantime, I have reviewed the article you shared on managing company settings in QuickBooks Online. While it provides useful information, unfortunately, it doesn't address the current issue of being unable to access our account.


I sincerely appreciate your assistance and support thus far. Please prioritize the resolution of this matter, and I look forward to receiving an email update as soon as there is progress or a resolution.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Best regards, Jack Sasson

Level 3

Unable to access my account Quickbooks Online



Dear QuickBooks Support,


Thank you for your response and for acknowledging the urgency of my issue. I appreciate the update on the ongoing investigation and the assurance that your team is actively working on determining the root cause of the problem.


While I understand that these issues can sometimes take time to resolve, it has been several days since my company lost access to our books. The lack of access is causing significant inconvenience and disruption to our operations. It is crucial for us to regain access as soon as possible to continue with our business activities.


I kindly request that you provide me with any further updates or progress regarding the investigation. It would be helpful to have an estimated timeline for when this issue will be resolved. Prompt communication and resolution are essential to ensure the smooth running of our company.


In the meantime, I have reviewed the article you shared on managing company settings in QuickBooks Online. While it provides useful information, unfortunately, it doesn't address the current issue of being unable to access our account.


I sincerely appreciate your assistance and support thus far. Please prioritize the resolution of this matter, and I look forward to receiving an email update as soon as there is progress or a resolution.


Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Best regards, Jack Sasson

Level 3

Unable to access my account Quickbooks Online



I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to follow up on the post I made yesterday regarding the ongoing issue with QuickBooks Online. Regrettably, I have not received a response or acknowledgment from you thus far.


Given the critical nature of the issue and the impact it is having on my business operations, I kindly request your immediate attention and response. The lack of access to our account is causing significant inconvenience and disruption, and it is vital for us to regain access as soon as possible.


I understand that resolving technical issues can be complex and time-consuming. However, prompt communication and updates are essential to keep us informed of the progress being made and any anticipated timeline for resolution.


I would greatly appreciate your assistance in addressing this matter urgently. Please provide me with an update on the status of the investigation and any steps being taken to rectify the situation. Your prompt attention and response will be highly valued.


Thank you for your understanding, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Best regards

QuickBooks Team

Unable to access my account Quickbooks Online

Hi, @pallefly. I appreciate you asking for a follow-up on this.


Please know that we are aware of the urgency of getting this resolved right away. Based on our records, the investigation is still ongoing and we don't have a specific time frame for when this will be fixed. Rest assured that this issue is being taken care of with utmost urgency. Hopefully, you can access your account and get back to business in no time. For now, please keep an eye on your email because you'll be notified once there's an update.


Once the issue is resolved, you may visit our Help Articles page. It includes some resources you can use in achieving different tasks in QuickBooks Online. 


We appreciate your patience regarding this matter. Please keep me posted on how it goes in the comments below. If you have other QuickBooks-related concerns, feel free to leave a reply. I'm always ready to help. Take care, and I wish you continued success, @pallefly.

Level 3

Unable to access my account Quickbooks Online

@Kurt_M @Nicole_N 


I hope you are doing well. It has now been eight days since I initially reported the technical issue with QuickBooks Online. Despite previous assurances and my continued patience, there has been no resolution or meaningful progress made towards resolving the issue.


The prolonged unavailability of my account is causing severe disruption to my business operations and financial losses. As each day passes, the impact on my ability to carry out essential tasks and serve my customers grows more significant.


I understand that technical issues can be complex and challenging to resolve. However, it is imperative that this matter is given the highest priority and addressed promptly. I kindly request that you provide me with an immediate update on the status of the investigation and a realistic timeline for when a resolution can be expected.


The lack of communication and delayed response from your team is deeply concerning. I value the services provided by QuickBooks Online and have always appreciated the level of support received in the past. However, the current situation is falling far short of my expectations, and it is negatively affecting my trust and confidence in the platform.


I urge you to escalate this matter to the appropriate parties within your organization who can expedite the resolution. I need access to my account restored urgently to minimize further financial impact and resume normal business operations.


Thank you for your attention to this matter. I expect a prompt and substantive response that addresses the urgency of the situation and provides a clear plan for resolution.

Level 3

Unable to access my account Quickbooks Online

@Nicole_N @Kurt_M 


I hope you are doing well. I am reaching out once again to follow up on my previous post from last Friday regarding the ongoing technical issue with QuickBooks Online. Regrettably, I have not received a response or any form of acknowledgment to my post, further exacerbating the frustration and inconvenience caused by the prolonged unavailability of the platform.


As a loyal customer, I had hoped for more timely and proactive communication from QuickBooks Support to address this critical matter. The lack of response is deeply concerning and does not reflect the level of service and support I have come to expect from QuickBooks.


I urgently request your immediate attention to this issue. It has been an extended period of time since I first reported the issue, and the continued unavailability of QuickBooks Online is significantly impacting my business operations and financial stability. I need access to my account restored promptly to ensure the smooth functioning of my business.


I implore you to escalate this matter to the appropriate individuals within your organization who can provide a resolution. Timely and effective communication is vital in situations like this, and it is essential that I receive an update on the status of the investigation and a realistic timeline for when the issue will be resolved.

Your prompt attention and response are greatly appreciated. Please address this matter urgently and provide me with the information and support necessary to rectify the situation.


Thank you for your understanding, and I look forward to your prompt response.

QuickBooks Team

Unable to access my account Quickbooks Online

Hi there, @pallefly.


Thank you for following up on this thread and expressing your concerns. We understand the impact this has had on your business operations.


The investigation is still ongoing. We want to assure you that our engineering team is diligently working on resolving the issue as quickly as possible. In terms of communication, any updates or progress regarding your case will be communicated directly to the email address attached to the investigation.


If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We value your business and appreciate your understanding. Thank you again, and we look forward to resolving this issue for you.

Level 3

Unable to access my account Quickbooks Online

@LieraMarie_A @Nicole_N @Kurt_M 


Thank you for your response, but I must express my deep frustration and concern regarding the prolonged unavailability of QuickBooks Online. It has now been over a week since the platform went down on June 1st, and the impact on my business operations has been severe.

I find it deeply disappointing that despite multiple attempts to seek updates and resolution, I have not received a single phone call or email with meaningful updates regarding the progress of the investigation. Moreover, the lack of clear communication from your representatives, both on the phone, email, and in the community forum, has only added to the frustration and uncertainty surrounding this issue. The assurances given have provided little comfort without any concrete information or a realistic timeline for a resolution.

I want to emphasize that I rely on QuickBooks Online for critical accounting tasks, and the continued unavailability of the platform is causing significant disruption and financial losses for my business. This situation is unacceptable, and it is imperative that you take immediate action to address this issue and provide the necessary support to restore normal functionality.

I urgently request a comprehensive update on the progress of the investigation and a realistic timeline for when QuickBooks Online will be fully functional again. I expect regular and transparent communication, including specific details about the steps being taken to resolve the issue. Mere assurances without any tangible progress are no longer sufficient.

As a long-standing customer, I have always valued the services provided by QuickBooks Online, but the lack of timely and effective support during this critical period is straining our relationship. I implore you to escalate this matter to the highest level within your organization and allocate all necessary resources to expedite the resolution of this issue.

I look forward to a prompt response with meaningful updates, a clear plan of action, and a commitment to restoring the functionality of QuickBooks Online as soon as possible.

Level 3

Unable to access my account Quickbooks Online

@LieraMarie_A @Nicole_N @Kurt_M & QuickBooks Community


I hope this post finds you well. I am writing to express my deep concern and frustration regarding the lack of response and continued downtime with QuickBooks Online. It has now been two weeks since I initially reported the issue, and despite multiple posts and requests for assistance, there has been no meaningful response or resolution.


I understand that technical issues can sometimes be complex and require time to address. However, the complete lack of communication and progress updates is unacceptable. As a loyal customer who relies heavily on QuickBooks Online for my business operations, this prolonged downtime is causing significant disruption, financial loss, and stress.


I have reached out through various channels, including the community forum, emails, and phone calls, but to no avail. Not a single response has been received, and none of the representatives I have spoken with have provided any helpful information or a timeline for a resolution. The only assurances given are empty promises that the issue is being looked into.


I implore the QuickBooks support team to prioritize this matter and provide the level of service and support that we, as customers, deserve. I understand that challenges can arise, but effective communication and timely updates are crucial in maintaining trust and confidence in your product and company.


I kindly request an immediate response and resolution to this issue. The lack of access to critical account information and the inability to process refunds or carry out essential financial tasks is severely impacting my business. I urge QuickBooks to take swift action, provide regular updates, and ensure that this issue is resolved promptly.


To fellow community members, if you have any insights, suggestions, or connections within the QuickBooks support team, I would greatly appreciate your assistance. Together, we can amplify our voices and encourage QuickBooks to address this issue with the urgency it deserves.


Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to a prompt resolution and the restoration of reliable service.

Level 3

Unable to access my account Quickbooks Online

@LieraMarie_A @Nicole_N @Kurt_M 


I am writing this post with a sense of frustration and disappointment regarding the lack of response and resolution to a critical issue I have been experiencing with QuickBooks Online for over two weeks now. Despite my repeated attempts to seek assistance and updates, I have received no meaningful response from the QuickBooks support team.


The complete lack of communication and disregard for my urgent concerns is deeply concerning. I reached out via email, engaged with the community forum, and even sought the help of three top QuickBooks advisors, all to no avail. Not a single response or acknowledgement has been received regarding my ongoing issues.


As a business owner heavily reliant on QuickBooks Online, this extended downtime has caused significant disruption to my operations, resulting in financial losses and missed opportunities. The inability to access critical account information is hindering my ability to provide the level of service my customers deserve.


I find it distressing that a company like Intuit, known for its reputable services, can leave a customer in the dark for this long without any updates, resolution timeline, or even a basic explanation of the issue. The lack of accountability and responsiveness is not in line with the standards of customer support and satisfaction I have come to expect.


I am reaching out to the QuickBooks community in the hopes of finding a resolution and amplifying this issue. It is not only my business that is affected but also the livelihoods of countless other entrepreneurs who rely on QuickBooks Online for their daily operations. We deserve better.


I also want to highlight the importance of cloud-based data backup. This incident has been a painful lesson in the need to have alternative measures in place to safeguard our valuable data. It serves as a reminder that even with trusted cloud services, we must have contingency plans to mitigate the impact of such prolonged outages.


I implore the QuickBooks support team to prioritize this issue and provide the much-needed assistance and resolution that we, as paying customers, deserve. It is high time that they take our concerns seriously and demonstrate the commitment to customer support that we expect from a company of this stature.

If anyone in the QuickBooks community has faced a similar situation or has recommendations on how to escalate this matter and bring it to the attention of Intuit's management, please reach out to me. Together, we can ensure that our voices are heard and that QuickBooks Online takes immediate action to resolve this critical issue.


Thank you for your support and understanding. Let's stand together and demand the level of service and support we deserve.

QuickBooks Team

Unable to access my account Quickbooks Online

Hi, pallefly.


I would feel the same way as you, and I fully understand your point while experiencing this issue. I want you to know that we've reviewed your recent cases and see an active investigation in which our engineers are working together to get a resolution as quickly as possible. Rest assured you'll automatically receive email notifications of the latest updates via email.


If there's anything else comes up in the meantime, you can always post again or leave a comment below. We're open 24/7 to help. Have a good one!

Level 3

Unable to access my account Quickbooks Online

@Angelyn_T @LieraMarie_A @Nicole_N @Kurt_M 


Thank you for your response. However, I must express my deep dissatisfaction with the lack of progress and meaningful updates.


While I appreciate your assurance that the engineering team is actively working on a resolution, it has been over two weeks since I first reported the problem, and there has been no tangible progress or communication to alleviate the situation. The automatic email notifications you mentioned have not been received, leaving me in the dark about the status of the investigation.


As a valued customer, I expect timely and transparent communication when such critical issues arise. It is disheartening to experience this level of unresponsiveness, especially considering the impact it has on my business operations and financial well-being.


I kindly request that you escalate this matter immediately and provide me with a comprehensive update on the status of the investigation. I need a realistic timeline for when the issue will be resolved, along with specific details on the steps being taken to rectify the problem. Regular updates are crucial to keep me informed and maintain a sense of trust and confidence in QuickBooks as a service provider.


Additionally, I would like an explanation as to why there has been no response via email since June 1st, despite multiple attempts to seek assistance. Adequate customer support should include timely and effective communication, and the current lack thereof is simply unacceptable.


I understand that technical issues can be complex, but as a paying customer, I deserve prompt attention and resolution. The extended downtime and lack of progress have caused significant disruptions to my business, resulting in financial losses and mounting frustration.


I urge you to prioritize this matter and provide the level of support and responsiveness that QuickBooks is known for. Restoring the functionality of QuickBooks Online and addressing this issue in a timely manner should be of utmost importance.


I expect a prompt and comprehensive response to this email, addressing my concerns and providing a clear plan of action moving forward. Your immediate attention to this matter is greatly appreciated.

Guy Snyder
Level 1

Unable to access my account Quickbooks Online



Was this ever resolved? I'm currently having the same problem.


Thanks in advance,


QuickBooks Team

Unable to access my account Quickbooks Online

Thanks for following up on this thread, Guy. I understand that this issue has been causing inconvenience. Let me share a few things about this matter.


Based on our records, the investigation about being unable to log in to QuickBooks Online is still ongoing, and we don't have a specific time frame for when this will be fixed. We want to assure you that our product engineers are addressing the issue with the highest priority. We hope that you will be able to access your account and resume your activities soon. 


To ensure you'll get an update about the resolution status, I recommend reaching out to our Technical Support Team. They have to collect personal data to add your company and product to the list of affected users. While waiting, please check your email regularly as we will notify you once there's progress.


You can follow the steps below to connect with us:


  1. Go to the Help icon in the top right-hand corner.
  2. Press the Contact Support button.
  3. Enter your question in the box and hit Let's talk.
  4. Review and Select from the following: Start a live chat, or Call us.


In the meantime, you'll want to visit our Help Articles page. It includes some resources you can use in achieving different tasks in QuickBooks Online. 


If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We value your business and appreciate your understanding. Thank you again, and we look forward to resolving this issue for you.

Level 3

Unable to access my account Quickbooks Online

That was painfull reading all the copy / paste QB replies about investigations. Usually its as easy as clearing browser cache and cookies. You should then be able to log in.

Level 2

Unable to access my account Quickbooks Online

I'm having the same issue. Can anyone at QB give some tangible answers as to when this investigation will be resolved. If the person above has truly been without access to his business account from Jun 6 through August that is horrifying. These are people's businesses that you are messing with, not to mention their employees and customers too. It is unacceptable.

Your poor customer service agents who are awesome, are working their rears off but have their hands tied to provide any real assistance because QB doesn't give them any support. 

I've been a QB customer for nearly 20 years, but once I get my account access back I will be looking for alternatives.

Level 11

Unable to access my account Quickbooks Online


I've been a QB customer for nearly 20 years, but once I get my account access back I will be looking for alternatives.


Convert your data to  QB Desktop and you can use the trial version to access your historical data for good. Then you can switch to another program and start from scratch to lower your conversion costs.

Level 3

Unable to access my account Quickbooks Online

Have you tried clearing your browser cache and cookies?

Level 3

Unable to access my account Quickbooks Online

Have you tried clearing your browser cache and cookies?

Level 2

Unable to access my account Quickbooks Online

That would be lovely; however, I'm on a Mac and QB doesn't support QB desktop for Mac anymore.

Level 2

Unable to access my account Quickbooks Online

Yes, I have been on the telephone with QB support for the better part of 3 days... might I add that this is also taking me away from my work. None of the following has worked, which is why it is supposedly escalated the the "engineering team". Problem is no one within QB customer support has any contact with the "engineering team" and I can't even get an estimated time as to how long I will be without service. I have received ZERO communication that this so called "engineering team" has even received this investigation, much less if they are actually working to get it fixed. Meanwhile, my entire business is shut down. I had to call in to QB to have them process payroll, I have no access to anything.  We have tried all of the following and nothing has worked: 

  • clearing cache/cookies
  • using incognito browser
  • using a different browser
  • resetting password
  • using email, telephone, username for login

My account and username login have all been verified as up to date, and supposedly functioning. So, basically my account and thus my business is being held hostage by QB and I still get to pay for this lack of serivce! To say that I am frustrated doesn't even scratch the surface. I have managed this business successfully through COVID, and it would be exceptionally absurd if lack of QB support is it's demise. I just wish SOMEONE at QB actually cared and was working with some urgency to get this resolved.

Level 11

Unable to access my account Quickbooks Online


Which QB Desktop year version do you have?

They still support QB Desktop 2021-2024.

Level 2

Unable to access my account Quickbooks Online

QB desktop for Mac was discontinued on May 31, 2022.


Also, QB desktop for Mac doesn't work with the new Mac OS Sonoma. We also just went through a huge poorly supported transition from QB Mac for desktop to QB online for my husband's business; which put his business without access to QB for about a week. So, your solutions to migrate data back and forth between platforms are also unhelpful.

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