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Level 1

Quickbooks Holding our Funds

Quickbooks has been holding over $100k of our money! We have called multiple times spoke with customer service and supposed "supervisors" they have escalated the issue multple times and each time we call back for an update they tell us it was never escalated. They will issue another escalation. Noone can give me a solid answer, noone can tell me when the funds will be relased or even a legitimate reason of why they are on hold. Their page even says they are not a bank and have NO AUTHORITY to withhold our funds. Yet here we are. I have a bsuiness to run and quickbooks is a joke. Ive asked to be transfered to operations and apparently theres noone to transfer to. Needless to say we will be getting our attorney involved and will be canceling our subscription with them

5 Comments 5
Level 10

Quickbooks Holding our Funds

Sadly, that is what Intuit/ QB does, is hold their customers money.  They have figured out how to collect interest off of it. So the longer they hold it, the more money they get.  They do, however, have to release it after 270 days. But they release it to your state, where you then have to collect it.  


You can use the Search bar at the top of nay page here in the community, to find MANY others in the same boat.  

I would recommend filing complaints against Intuit/ QB everywhere you can think of.  BBB. FTC, State Attorney general... 

Good Luck. 

QuickBooks Team

Quickbooks Holding our Funds

Every penny counts when running a business, and I recognize the struggles you've been facing with your funds that are currently on hold.


Your frustration is understandable, and I want you to know that we take your concerns very seriously. I want to assure you that your situation has our full attention, and we're committed to providing you the assistance you need. Please know that we are submitting a "Next Level Help" request on your behalf. This will ensure that your concern gets the specialized attention it deserves from our experts.


Rest assured that our team will be working diligently to resolve your problem as quickly as possible. Your satisfaction is of utmost importance to us, and we want to make sure you have a positive experience with our product/service.

Moreover, you'll want to visit this article to learn more about on-hold payments you accepted in QuickBooks: Why are my funds on hold?

If you have any further questions or encounter any other issues in using QuickBooks, please don't hesitate to reach out to the Community Team. Wer'e gladly ready to assist with the information we have. 

Level 2

Quickbooks Holding our Funds

I have seen MANY posts concerning this issue going all the way back to 2020.

How is it possible that there has been no resolution to this on Quickbooks side and that they are allowed to do this after 3+ years of people making formal complaints on the same issue.


Like many I made a Quickbooks Payments account. Processed a payment. Few days later i get a notification that my account has been closed due to a "business decision". They are now holding funds north of 40k with no resolution in the foreseeable future.  It's been 3 weeks for me.

HOW IS IT LEGAL OF THEM TO HOLD FUNDS FOR 270 DAYS, LET ALONE WITH NO CLEAR PATH FOR RESOLUTION. It's clear that they intentionally hold people's money for whatever reason. 

Businesses need their money. Period. Employees need to be paid, bills need to be paid, most business cannot wait more than a couple weeks for their funds.

It is insane that there is no phone number for the Risk Management team. 80% of these issues could be resolved with a 10/20minute phone call.


Like everyone I have called nonstop, spoken to many representatives, been given all sorts on conflicting responses. No one knows anything. The best they can do is tell me is "It's under review". 


If anyone has a phone number to contact someone that can help please help me out. A Magic word, a special extension, anything. Any pending lawsuits looking for people to join please reach out to me. 

It's crazy that businesses can potentially shut down over Quickbooks inability to provide support .


Before someone from QB responds to this with the same generic BS that they respond to everyone with. Trust me, anyone posting here has tried all your contacting methods and it's clear NO ONE can assist properly with this issue. Respond with some actual help or the information of someone that can actually assist.

Level 1

Quickbooks Holding our Funds

I wish we had researched Inuit payments before literally toggling the switch over to accept payments.  They have been holding our funds for over 3 weeks now and the last rep I spoke with told me most businesses never receive their funds. How can this be legal? Is there a class action suit? Has anyone received their funds back? 

I'm devastated and furious! I can't believe this has been going on for years and nothing has been done to prevent them from stealing customer's hard-earned money. 

Level 10

Quickbooks Holding our Funds

@nence10    CLICK HERE  for the FB page with the info on a lawsuit. 

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