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Level 1

Add purchase order number to invoice

How can I add a PO# text box to my invoices?
3 Comments 3
QuickBooks Team

Add purchase order number to invoice

You’re in the right direction for help, howard.


Let’s add the Purchase Order (PO) field in an easy way to your invoices in QuickBooks Online (QBO). You can modify your invoices by adding custom fields and setting them according to your preferences.


Here's how to them:


  1. Go to the Gear icon in the upper-right corner and select Custom fields under Lists.
  2. Click the Add field button.
  3. Name the custom field as the PO number.
  4. Mark Check the All Sales Form and toggle on the Print on form. That way, the customized field will be included when printed.
  5. Click Save.


Once done, create an invoice with a PO number field. You can also double-check if the field is applied by utilizing the Print and Preview option.


Moreover, refer to this article to receive and record invoice payments to connect them to the invoice and balance your accounts.


Let me know if you have more concerns about managing your invoices. I’ll get back as soon as I can. Have a great day!

Level 1

Add purchase order number to invoice



When I go into Custom Fields, I am unable to click "Add Field." 


What is the cause for this and how can I move forward with adding a PO field?


Thanks for your help!


Add purchase order number to invoice

I've got the steps to help retrieve the functionality of the Add field button so you can add the purchase order number to the invoice, brc3.


Let's start by logging into your QuickBooks account using a private window and adding the field from there. This way, we can check if this has something to do with the browser. Here's how:


  • For Google Chrome browser: Ctrl + Shift + N
  • For Mozilla Firefox browser: Ctrl + Shift + P
  • For Safari browser: Command + Option + P


You can refer to the screenshots below as visual references when adding a custom field.

add field.PNGadd field1.PNG


If it works, we'll have to go back to the regular browser and clear the cache. This will delete those temporarily stored files that may have caused the issue. Or switch to other supported, up-to-date browsers as an alternative.


In case you need tips and related links in the future, visit the how-to videos through this link: Videos for QuickBooks Online.


You can tap me anytime if you have other concerns about adding custom fields in QuickBooks. I'd be happy to extend a helping hand.

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