We can run the Inventory Valuation Detail to generate a report that shows the Sales Price and Average Cost for each invoice, @jroneill. I'll provide the full instructions below.
To display the column and data you want to see, you can customize the Inventory Valuation Detail report, Here's how:
- Select Inventory from the Reports tab. Then, pick Inventory Valuation Detail.

- Click the Customize Report tab.
- Go to the Columns section from the Display tab. Ensure that the Average Cost (Avg Cost) and Sales Price have a checkmark beside them. If not, tick the checkmark column.

- Also, enter the date range you want to view from the Dates section.
- Once done, click OK. Then, it will display the invoice Avg Cost and Sales Price.

Moreover, you can gain more knowledge about modifying a report by reading this article: Customize reports in QuickBooks Desktop.
Also, if you wish to save the customization of your report, check out this article: Create, access and modify memorized reports.
Additionally, feel free to visit this article to generate an Excel workbook, CSV spreadsheet, or PDF copy of your report: Export reports as Excel workbooks in QuickBooks Desktop.
We’ll be glad to engage in further discussions with you regarding invoice reports that include Avg Cost and Sales Price data or any related concerns. We are just one post away. Thank you, and have a good one.