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Level 3

inventory value not showing in reports properly



My inventory value isn't showing up correctly in reports. 

I'm running the inventory valuation summary and it's only showing for certain items. 


On top of that, it's only showing the value based on our COGS prices for each assembled final product, and I need it to reflect the wholesale value of what we have in stock to get a good snapshot for what value we've carried over in the beginning of the year. We sell B2B, and Ecommerce, but if I can at least get the wholesale projected value, I can extrapolate the ecommerce value based off of our speculated sales reports from that based on trends and 2023 sales figures. 


Can anyone help me with this? This report is totally f***ed up and I need it really bad. 


Thank you in advance for any help with this that you can offer. It is very much appreciated.


15 Comments 15
QuickBooks Team

inventory value not showing in reports properly

Hello there, j.vonstetten.


I understand your frustration with the inventory valuation summary not displaying correct values for certain items.


When running the Inventory Valuation Summary report, it'll only show the SKUQTYAsset Value, and Calc. Avg. With that, showing the wholesale value is unavailable.


You can manually calculate it using the wholesale calculator. Check this link for more details:


I've added this article to help you manage your inventories:



Let me know if you have other questions about the inventory report. I'm always here to help. Take care.

Level 3

inventory value not showing in reports properly

Hello Mabel,


Why is it only showing in part of the column for some of the sku's, but not all. How can I fix that?


I've attached a photo of what my report looks like right now.


inventory value not showing in reports properly

It's good to have you back, j.vonstetten.


I can help you figure out why some of the SKU's not showing in part of the column.


It could be that the SKU information for the item hasn't been entered, causing it to not show in the report.


You'll want to review the data entry to ensure that SKUs are being entered consistently for all items.


I've added some resources you can check that will help you manage your inventory and keep track of them:



Keep me posted if you need further assistance managing your inventory in QuickBooks. I'll be here to provide you with the support that you need. Keep safe.

Level 3

inventory value not showing in reports properly



We went in manually yesterday and entered everything, as well as checking all the listings for information.


Everything is consistent on COGS and price, etc. Except for some sku's it's not reflecting, and other's it is. Are you able to see the picture I shared? That's what it's doing.

QuickBooks Team

inventory value not showing in reports properly

Thanks for the prompt response, j.vonstetten. I appreciate you for attaching a screenshot of how it appears on your inventory valuation reports. I'm here to share some troubleshooting steps to fix the issue you're having with your reports.


One of the possible reasons why you're having issues with your reports can sometimes be caused by a stored cache and cookies in your browser. Let's try accessing your QuickBooks Online (QBO) account through an incognito window to determine if it's a browser-related issue. Here are the shortcut keys:


  • Google Chrome: press Ctrl Shift 
  • Mozilla Firefox: press Ctrl Shift P
  • Safari: press Command Shift N


If the private browsing session works, you can go back to your regular browser and clear the cache to improve the program's performance. Otherwise, using other supported browsers can be a good alternative too.


However, if the issue persists after performing the steps above, I recommend reaching out to our Technical Support Team. One of our experts has the necessary tools to check your account securely and perform a screen-sharing session to conduct further investigation into this behavior.


Moreover, you may also visit this article to learn more about tailoring your reports, displaying particular accounts or customers, and configuring the layout for precise data placement: Customize reports in QuickBooks Online.


I'm always around and ready to help if you have more questions about managing your inventory reports in QBO. I'll be here to lend a helping hand. Stay safe.

Level 13

inventory value not showing in reports properly



Do you have a cost for those items that are showing an asset value of $0.00?  Post a screenshot of the product setup screen for one of those items.  Also, you can double-click on the $0.00 asset value on the report and QBO will show you the details of how it's calculating $0.00.  If you set up items at $0.00 cost and then manually add them to inventory, that is what the report will look like.  The report probably isn't messed up, it's more likely how you're entering your inventory.  Are you using bills or expenses when you purchase inventory?  If not, how are you adding quantities to your inventory items?


The Inventory Valuation Detail report requires that you add items to inventory with a cost using a bill, expense or check.  You can add them manually using an Inventory Quantity Adjustment but you need to have a cost for the product. If you don't, the report will look as your does.     

Level 3

inventory value not showing in reports properly



This is how it looks in the products and services for our Dragon Blends Fire Massage and Muscle Oil in the attached file.


The cost shows as 5.50.


But if I pull it up on a inventory value summary or detail, it's showing as 0.00.


Level 3

inventory value not showing in reports properly



In the incognito window it still looks the same.

Level 13

inventory value not showing in reports properly



Run the Inventory Valuation Summary report.  Click on the '0.00' under the CALC. AVG column for the Dragon Blends Fire Massage and Muscle Oil.  That will show you exactly how it's calculating 0.00.  It will show how inventory was increased and at what cost and how it was decreased and at what cost.  Somehow, all inventory on hand for that item has been added to inventory at $0.00/ea.  Post a screenshot of that report.      

Level 3

inventory value not showing in reports properly



Here is a screenshot of what i get when clicking on zero. It reflects 0.00 in a single item snapshot.

Screenshot 2024-01-07 21.51.08.png


When I pull up the product information where I put in the COGS, this is what I get:

Screenshot 2024-01-06 03.00.54.png


It correctly reflects a COGS value of 5.50 here, but not on the inventory valuation summary. 

What do I do now?

Level 13

inventory value not showing in reports properly



I forgot to mention that under 'Report period', you need to select "All Dates'.  The report you posted is just for one day (1-7-24).  Repost the screenshot including all dates.    

Level 3

inventory value not showing in reports properly



Here's the valuation report posted again with "all dates" selected. 


Screenshot 2024-01-08 21.58.39.png


Level 13

inventory value not showing in reports properly



That's not the correct report.  You need to click on "CALC. AVG" for the Dragon Fire Massage and Muscle Oil, then select 'All dates'.  

Level 3

inventory value not showing in reports properly



Thank you for your reply, but I don't have a calc.avg option, and this is exactly the report that I want to run for the inventory valuation summary.

Level 13

inventory value not showing in reports properly



"...I don't have a calc.avg option..."


The CALC AVG option is showing on your last screenshot.  Click '0.00' next to the any of the items.  That will pull up the Inventory Valuation Detail for that item.  Change the report period to 'All dates'.  That is the report that will show you why QBO is calculating the asset value at 0.00 for all of the items on the report you want - the Inventory Valuation Summary.

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