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Carl Endres
Level 2

Mass Remove Unbilled Expenses - QBD/Enterprise



Our company doesn't use the "Billable Expenses" feature at all in Quickbooks, though a large number of them have accrued in our file due to various imports and old transactions not having the "Billable" box properly unchecked.  In fact, nearly every expense transaction (journal entry, item receipt/bill, etc) that involves a customer name/job for tracking purposes defaults to "billable", which after several years, has added up to thousands of transactions over hundreds of customers showing "billable" items.


So I'd like to try and get two answers here:


1. What setting to I need to turn on/off to *permanently* default all line items on journal entries, item receipts/bills, etc as non-billable, even if they are linked to a customer.


2. Is there are more efficient method to hide/mark unbillable all currently billable transactions beyond the method shown in  As I mentioned, some customers have *thousands* of transactions to hide due to several years of erroneously marked entries.


Also, on the "Unbilled Costs by Job" report, there are some transactions that do not appear in the "Add Time/Costs" window for that customer, even though they are on the report, and the transactions linked on the report do not have the "Billable" box checked.

8 Comments 8
QuickBooks Team

Mass Remove Unbilled Expenses - QBD/Enterprise

Hello there, Carl. Thank you for getting in touch about this matter. I'll share information about mass removing unbilled expenses in QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT).


The option to remove the mass amount of unbilled expense transactions is currently unavailable. Although, there's an option to uncheck in the Company Preferences page so the transactions you create in the future will not be marked as billable even if you linked it with a customer. It is the Mark all time entries as billable and the Mark all expenses as billable, please refer to the steps below:


  1. Go to the Edit menu and select Preferences.
  2. Choose Time & Expenses on the left-side panel.
  3. Click the Company Preferences folder.
  4. Make sure to uncheck the Mark all time entries as billable and Mark all expenses as billable boxes.
  5. Once done, click OK.

These steps will disable the automatic billable check mark once you enter expenses on your bill but not the prior expense transactions you've entered that were marked as billable. 


On the other hand, regarding the Unbilled Costs by Job report, you can only view the expense transactions on the report and not the time entries.


If you need related articles for future use, please visit our site: Help articles for QuickBooks Desktop.


Keep me posted if you have other questions about entering your bill. I'm always here to help.

Carl Endres
Level 2

Mass Remove Unbilled Expenses - QBD/Enterprise

We have the "Mark all expenses as billable" option unchecked in our preferences, but new items still auto-check the billable box on Item Receipts/Bills and we have to manually uncheck them to keep them from adding to the pile of unbilled items.


Also, there are some Journal Entries that appear on the Unbilled Costs report, but aren't available to hide in the actual invoice transaction.  I've attached a screen shot showing the empty Add Time/Costs screen, the report, and the Journal Entry in question (pardon the crampedness of it.  We use a remote desktop environment to access our Quickbooks).  The Journal Entry doesn't even have the Billable checkbox available to select, but it still shows up on the report.


A number of our customers are in similar situations, where they have entries on the report due to various journal entries, but trying to close out the billable time/expenses shows them as having none at all.

Carl Endres
Level 2

Mass Remove Unbilled Expenses - QBD/Enterprise

Is a solution for this available?  Going through and hiding several thousand transactions manually is not a tenable option, and that doesn't even address the several thousand transactions that appear on the "Unbilled Costs by Job" report but aren't actually billable items that can be marked off.


At the very least, can we get a "Hide All" button in the "Add Time/Costs" window?  There's a "Select All", so not having a "Hide All" seems like a pretty egregious oversight.


Mass Remove Unbilled Expenses - QBD/Enterprise

Thanks for following up with the Community, Carl Endres.


I can certainly understand how abilities to mass remove unbilled expenses or have a Hide All button on the Add Time/Costs window could be useful and have submitted a suggestion about these topics as of today.


You can submit your own feature requests while using QuickBooks.


Here's how:


  1. In the top menu bar, go to Help, Send Feedback Online, then Product Suggestion....

  2. Choose a Type of Feedback and Product Area (optional) from your available drop-down menus.

  3. Enter any suggestions/feedback in the Here is my suggestion: field.

  4. If you'd like, include your name/email in the My name is: (optional) and My e-mail address is: (optional) fields.

  5. Select Send Feedback.


Your feedback's definitely valuable to Intuit. It will be reviewed by our Product Development team and considered in future updates. You can stay up-to-date with the latest news about your product by reviewing Intuit's Product Updates webpage.


You also have the option of checking our QuickBooks Desktop Marketplace for apps which may be able to help you achieve what you're looking to do.


If there's any additional questions, I'm just a post away. Have a great Thursday!

Carl Endres
Level 2

Mass Remove Unbilled Expenses - QBD/Enterprise

That's great, but that still doesn't answer the actual problem I have.  I've already submitted the feedback, but I still have the same issues that have been plaguing users for the past four years:


I don't use Billable time and costs in Quickbooks when generating transactions.

Quickbooks auto-marks items on my journal entries and item receipts/bills as billable, even though the option is turned off in preferences

There's a huge plethora of items that appear on the "Unbilled Time and Costs" report that *can't* be removed due to not appearing on the "Add Time/Costs" window on an invoice for that customer.

There's no efficient way to mass-remove billable costs from customers other than manually editing each individual transaction or individually clicking "Hide" on each item in the "Add Time/Costs" window of a new transaction.


I need an actual, viable solution to answer this problem, not a bunch of talking around the it that doesn't directly address it.

QuickBooks Team

Mass Remove Unbilled Expenses - QBD/Enterprise

Thank you for getting back to us, @Carl Endres.


Thank you for adding helpful information about your concern. I'm here to help you reach our Customer Care team. They can access your account and help you check the cause of this issue with transactions marked automatically as billable.


Here's how:


  1. Open QuickBooks.
  2. Proceed to Help, then choose QuickBooks Desktop Help.
  3. Click Contact Us.
  4. Give a brief description of your issue.
  5. Select Let's talk, and then choose a way to connect.


You can then proceed with matching Bank Feed and QuickBooks Desktop transactions. You can read this article for reference: Add and match Bank Feed transactions in QuickBooks Desktop


Let me know if you have questions about managing transactions in QuickBooks Desktop. I'm always here to help. Have a great day.

Carl Endres
Level 2

Mass Remove Unbilled Expenses - QBD/Enterprise

What does Bank Feeds have to do with this?  I'm having a problem with removing unbilled costs and preventing them from being marked as unbillable.

Level 1

Mass Remove Unbilled Expenses - QBD/Enterprise

This has been done by thousands of users, just check these forums and you'll find many, many threads asking for exactly this.   If Intuit is so tone-deaf they can't include a very simple function in the preferences to COMPLETELY TURN OFF BILLABLE EXPENSE CHECKMARKS ON EVERYTHING, it has failed it's user base as this has been a highly requested and asked for BUGFIX for years.



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