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Level 2

Can I turn off automatic invoice reminders by customer/invoice?

Additional to the OP's request, this feature should be based on payment.  My customer's should not be receiving a payment reminder if they've already paid.  Quickbooks seems to be behind the times.  Not only were we forced to the online version, but it's extremely lacking.  Many of the feature requests are not only present in other book keeping software, but were present within the desktop version; which I can only assume we were forced from out of greed, quadruple the money yearly for 25% of the features. 

Level 1

Can I turn off automatic invoice reminders by customer/invoice?

If I turn off the automatic email will they receive next week invoice?

Candice C
QuickBooks Team

Can I turn off automatic invoice reminders by customer/invoice?

Hey, @zoilagldsys22


Thanks for chiming in on this thread. Let me share some details to help answer your question about turning off automatic invoice reminders. 


If you turn off the option, I recommend creating and manually sending the invoice by clicking "Save and Send." This option will appear in the bottom right when making an invoice. 


Review this guide for more information about emailing invoices


This should do the trick. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask. Have a great day! 

Level 2

Can I turn off automatic invoice reminders by customer/invoice?

there is not an off selection


QuickBooks Team

Can I turn off automatic invoice reminders by customer/invoice?

Hi there, @CayceMB.


Let's perform some troubleshooting steps so you can turn off the Automatic invoice reminders option in QuickBooks Online (QBO).


There are times when the browser you're using has data issues, thus causing QuickBooks to act weirdly. To verify, let's log in to your QBO account using a private browser. To do so, press this shortcut key on your keyboard:


  • Google Chrome: Ctrl Shift N
  • Mozilla Firefox: Ctrl Shift P
  • Safari: Command Option P


Once logged in, go back to the Account and settings and turn off the option again to double-check. If this works, you need to clear the browser's cache so the system can start fresh. If you get the same result while using a private browser, I suggest switching to a different one.


If the issue persists, I recommend contacting our QuickBooks Support Team. This way, they can further check on this matter and provide in-depth troubleshooting steps to get this resolved.


Just in case you want to learn how to manage prior balance for a customer that owes you money, you can check out this article for more guidance: Manage outstanding balances for customers in QuickBooks Online.


Come back to this post if you have other concerns or follow-up questions about this. I'm always here to help.

Level 2

Can I turn off automatic invoice reminders by customer/invoice?

It's been around five years since people started asking for this here.


The responses:

1. Here's how to do something you didn't ask to do.

2. Here's something that sounds like what you want to do, but it's actually NOT AT ALL what your original question was.

3. Silence.






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