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Level 1

Email a bill

Is it possible to email a bill to a vendor?

or create a pdf and email the bill.

15 Comments 15

Email a bill

Hello ledmonds,


Currently, we can only take a screenshot of the bill and save it on your computer. You can also use the Snipping Tool on your computer to take a screenshot, too.


After saving the screenshot, you can attach it to your email and send it through your email provider (Gmail, Yahoo, and others).


Though, adding the ability to print or email bills within QuickBooks is still an ongoing discussion with our Product Development Team. I'd recommend sending your thoughts about this, too. You can click the Gear icon in the upper-right corner and select Feedback. We always take your feedback into consideration when updating the product.


Let me know if you need anything else. I'll be right here to back you up.

Level 1

Email a bill

Please check Intuit Apps center - - Vendor Portal for QuickBooks Online - for third party solutions to provide online access to all bill payment info or email bill payment info to vendors.

Malcolm Ziman
Level 10

Email a bill

"Is it possible to email a bill to a vendor?"

The vendors send you a bill.  Not you to them

Level 3

Email a bill

FWIW, I want to be able to email a bill to my vendor too, and here's why:


The vendor is a guy we work with a lot and he's very casual and slow with his bookkeeping, so I prefer to take care of all the paperwork myself so that (a) he can spend more of his energy doing good work for me, and (b) we're always clear where we stand and don't have surprises or arguments later when he finally gets around to billing. So what I'd love to be able to do is create a bill in QBO, email it to him, he takes a peek and replies with "yup, looks good" so I have a written record that we are in agreement.


Obviously this is not a "normal" billing workflow, so I would understand if this is never implemented, but thought I'd point out there is a use case for it.


Email a bill

Thanks for sharing your thoughts here in the Community, robgwin.


We acknowledge your opinion about the ability to email a bill to your vendor in QuickBooks Online. I also believe that this feature is helpful in making sure that you and your vendor agreed on the bill's information.


You can try looking for the most compatible third-party applications in QuickBooks Online.
Here's how:

  1. Go to Apps.
  2. Click Finds Apps.
  3. Type a keyword in the Search for an app field.
  4. If you have found the app you're looking, just click Get App Now.

You can also check the reviews from the customers. This can help you decide the third-party app that suits your needs.


I'm happy to help some more if you have other questions in QuickBooks Online. Have a great day.

Level 1

Email a bill

I have a use case for it. I run an interpreting business. I have scheduling software that tracks the appointments and time. I record it and then pay them, but they are not employees. They are legitimately contractors (except for in California and I'm not in CA)

I want to send them a summary of what I am going to pay them. I don't see anyway to do this except to print it which is manual and terrible. 

Honestly, why not drop that module in and let us send this info out. It would come straight from the invoice module code. 

QuickBooks Team

Email a bill

Hi there, JohnITS.


I can see how this feature would be helpful for you and to your business. Since this isn't currently an option to send a summary of what you're going to pay to your contractor, I'll take note of the feedback and submit this along to our Product Development team to help improve your experience.


QuickBooks Online is constantly changing and evolving based largely on the suggestions and requests of users, like yourself.


You may also visit our QuickBooks Online Blog to know more about our latest happenings. From there, you’ll get the recent news, features, and updates about QBO and what our Product Team is working on.


Please leave a comment if there's anything else I can do for you. I'll be here to help you. Have a nice day!

Level 1

Email a bill

I would love to see the ability to email a "Bill" through QBO.  At the very least a Print option so all the formatting is correct as well as the fields I want seen or don't, and I can save as a PDF myself to send out as an attachment.  I can't believe there is no Print option under "More" like there is on Invoices.  


I run a Tech/System Integration Company that regularly has Prime-Contractor's/Partner's that purchase COGS-Equipment, Supplies & Materials and covers the cost of Sub-Contractors Per Diem's for Food, Travel -Rentals (Hotels/AirBnb, Vehicles), Equipment Rentals, Etc...for large construction jobs for Cabling, CCTV, Access Control, Etc....

I need to keep track of all their spending as it happens over the course of weeks or months and need to send what I have to them to compare and make sure we are all on the same page before any payments are made to them, which in turn pays down/off the Bill(s) we have for them as we receive funds from those Jobs.  
If I have to keep an Excel spreadsheet to be able to do this, I might as well go back in time and just use Excel for all my bookkeeping.   
Please have your Product Development team implement this asap!

Anna S
QuickBooks Team

Email a bill

Hello, @mdepaulis.


I'll do my best to keep up with your request. 


I'm going to submit your ideas about emailing, printing, and saving a bill as a PDF to our Product Development team personally. This will ensure the features are considered for future QuickBooks updates. I also suggest checking our blog page for any new feature updates that have been added to our programs.


Feel free to comment below if you have any other questions or concerns. Take care!

Level 1

Email a bill

There are third party application listed in the Intuit market place -


InLattice provides a Vendor Portal integrated with QB Desktop and QBO. Vendor portal allows you to create Bill PDF in the portal, share it with other staff in your company as well as with vendor thru email link. Also vendor can login to portal and view all bills for last three years.   

Level 1

Email a bill

We pay enough for QBO and you want us to pay more just to print a bill?? There should be a way to print a bill in QBO it is ridiculous that there isn't. I am ready to go back to my desktop and do it that way. 

Level 2

Email a bill

3 years and we still don't have this option.  Honestly QBO is a joke and is almost useless.


Level 1

Email a bill



It's been over a year now that you have sent this idea to your product development team. I have not seen this idea implemented yet and it's extremely frustrating that such a simple feature could take a lifetime to implement.


Please provide me with a timeline of when this will be available.



Level 1

Email a bill



It's been over a year now that you have sent this idea to your product development team. I have not seen this idea implemented yet and it's extremely frustrating that such a simple feature could take a lifetime to implement.


Please provide me with a timeline of when this will be available.



QuickBooks Team

Email a bill

We aim to provide easy-to-use functionality features using your QuickBooks, Syed4.  


As of now, there's no specific time frame when this feature will be added in QuickBooks.   


Please know that our developers are constantly working and considering new functions to be implemented to the system and cope with your business needs. This way, we will be able to meet our customers' needs and demands.   


I recommend keeping an eye on our QuickBooks Product Updates from time to time to see new updates. From there, you can see the future developments and the latest news about QuickBooks and what our Product Care Team is working on. 


Please know that our doors are open for any additional concerns about QuickBooks. Just leave us a message below, and I'll ensure to take care of them. Keep safe.

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