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Level 2

How can I add the Project Name to the invoice?

23 Comments 23

How can I add the Project Name to the invoice?

Hi there, tjneigum.


The name of the project will be shown in the Customer field if you're creating the invoice using the Projects feature. You can check out this article for more details about this function: Set Up And Create Projects In QuickBooks Online.


If you're not using the Projects menu, you can customize your invoice template and add a custom field. Here's how:


  1. Go to the Gear icon and select Custom form styles.
  2. Click New style and select Invoice.
  3. Proceed to the Content tab and click the header section of the invoice in the right side.
  4. Scroll-down a bit and click Custom field.
  5. Check the boxes for custom fields and type in the name or caption of the custom field.
  6. Click Done

Aside from that, you can also import your own template using an MS Doc. This option gives you more flexibility when customizing your invoice and other sales form. Let me share this article to guide you through the process: Import Custom Form Styles For Invoices Or Estimates.


You'll also want to run the Invoices and Received Payments report. This will give you a quick review of all invoices and the payments that are applied to them. Just go to the Reports menu and type in the name of the report in the Search bar. 


The Community is always here if you need more help with your invoices. 


invoice temp.PNGinvoice temp2.PNG

Level 2

How can I add the Project Name to the invoice?

While adding the Project Name manually is nice, is there a reason that Quickbooks doesn't upgrade the software so this can be added automatically? The Project Name is already data that is in Quickbooks, so it would seem like a minor programming upgrade to allow this information to print on invoices automatically if desired with an on / off toggle versus having to enter this information manually for every invoice issued. I am evaluating software for my business, so I am looking for the most efficient software available. Having to manually enter the Project Name on every invoice issued is a disadvantage of your software.


How can I add the Project Name to the invoice?

Hello @tjneigum, I fully understand wanting a Project Name to auto-populate onto an invoice. That would save a lot of time!


I'd be happy to share this suggestion with our development team. I know others would benefit as well.


In the meantime, does the solution that my colleague, @JenoP mentions, using the project feature to create invoices, save some time? Since it will auto-populate the Customer Name field with the Project.


If not, I'd love to hear more about your setup so I can best communicate the need to our developers

Level 2

How can I add the Project Name to the invoice?

I would expect that it would add the customer name, so that really doesn't save any time. Adding the ability to automatically toggle on the Project Name for invoices would save considerable time.

Level 1

How can I add the Project Name to the invoice?

I too would like the feature to automatically enter the Project Name.


I own an architectural business in which I have many projects with the same client, and said client will work for different building with different owners, thus I have (1) client but multiple billing contacts, and also have multiple projects located in the same business. 


It is essential that I include the project name on the invoices so that the client and building owner can keep track on their end what project has been paid. 


Attached is an example of how I wish I could create an invoice and the information.

Level 2

How can I add the Project Name to the invoice?

Hi, and sorry if I'm a little late.  I tried creating an invoice from the Project by going to "Add to Project", then "Invoice", etc... However the invoice does not auto-populate the Customer Name field with the project.  It still just shows the customer name in the "Bill To" section of the invoice. Our customers have multiple projects that are invoiced separately at milestones, so it is imperative that the invoice designate the Project number, for both us and for our client.


When you say, "use the project feature to create invoices", is there another way to create invoices from projects that will auto-populate the Customer Name field with the project?


Right now the easiest workaround is just to enter the Project Name into the address when creating the invoice, but that is another tedious step to remember in what should be a fairly straightforward fix.  Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

QuickBooks Team

How can I add the Project Name to the invoice?

Thanks for following this thread, @TKTrident


Thank you for showing the easiest workaround to create the Project name show up on the invoice template.


The specific functionality that you're asking for is currently unavailable. I'll do my best to keep up with your request and make sure our Developer gets your feature request ideas. 


I'd also suggest you leave feedback for them through this link: QuickBooks Online Feature Requests. Or send your idea within your QuickBooks by clicking the Gear icon and then choose Feedback.


Let me know if you have more questions. I'd be happy to offer additional help. 




Level 1

How can I add the Project Name to the invoice?

What is the project box doing on the invoice form if a project name cannot be added using the program?

Level 2

How can I add the Project Name to the invoice?

Has this been addressed?   It seems like having an option to add a project name to an invoice automatically would be a no-brainer.  Why is this such a challenge? 



How can I add the Project Name to the invoice?

Hi DesignWithSkill,


As of now, this option is still unavailable in QuickBooks. That said, I'd recommend sending feedback directly to our developers page. I'll also send one on my behalf.


To check for the status of the request, you can check this article: QuickBooks Online Feature Requests.


I'll be around if there's anything that I can help with. Keep safe!

Level 1

How can I add the Project Name to the invoice?

Any Updates to this?


I just upgraded to add projects features and to find out I can't list the Project name on the invoice is crazy..


The invoice has two fields...Project and customer.. Why does the customer field change when I select the project in the 1st field???


QuickBooks Team

How can I add the Project Name to the invoice?

Thanks for joining us here in the thread, @kerry914. I'll share some details about your concern along with the work around.


I understand that having the option to select both the project's name and customer name in two separate fields is what you need. Currently, the feature you want to access here in QuickBooks Online (QBO) is unavailable. The field can select the project and the customer's name in 1 row. Then once you've selected the customer's name, the project name will automatically disappear. As a workaround, you can add the name of the customer to the project itself. You also have the option to create a custom field.


I'd recommend letting our Product Development Team know about this. They'll put your suggestion into consideration for future product updates. You can click the Gear icon in the upper-right corner and select Feedback.


Our Community Help Articles page contains resources, video tutorials, and tips to manage your company files. If you need more information, feel free to visit the site.


Additionally, here are some links to help you in the future:

I'll be here in the Community if you need further help with setting up your project here in QuickBooks. I'll keep an eye for your response. Keep safe!

Level 2

How can I add the Project Name to the invoice?

How is this issue still not fixed?  This has to be the simplest of coding tasks to have the customer information, project information, or sub-customer information displayed on the invoice!  I'm trying to switch from desktop to online but having to manually enter the project name into the blank field every time I send an invoice is absolutely absurd!  I guess I'll stick with Desktop where I can actually display the project/job/customer on the dang invoice.

Level 2

How can I add the Project Name to the invoice?

It's been years since this issue was brought up.  It is absolutely insane that you cannot include the name of the project you are invoicing, on the invoice without doing something like typing it in manually as part of the address. Quickbooks knows the name of the project, but is incapable of having that field appear on an invoice.  


This is almost as bad as the fact that QB claims to have "Enter Hours" as a feature, yet you have to know to type in the URL directly to get to basic Time Tracking instead of getting directed to their crappy Quickbooks Timekeeping addon that is more expensive than the software itself.  One thing after another with this junk. 


I'm probably better off making invoices in Excel and just marking hours as billed in QB Online.  Maybe I was better off doing all my bookkeeping in Excel come to think of it.




Level 2

How can I add the Project Name to the invoice?

Best solution…switch software.  I did.  Totally worth it!

Level 2

How can I add the Project Name to the invoice?

What did you switch to?  Are you a services company that bills hours to clients?

Level 2

How can I add the Project Name to the invoice?

Yes, I am in a services business...architecture and consulting.  I switched to BQE Core.  It has so many features that meet basic business needs that QBO just doesn't provide.  I am happy with it.  But keep in mind it is geared toward A&E companies.  


If BQE Core doesn't specifically work for your line of business, my accountant mentioned that her other clients use software other than QBO... and it makes their accounting and PM work easier.  I didn't specifically ask about the other software.  But she did hit the nail on the head....QBO is a generalist software that performs at an average level because it appeals to the masses.  Jack of all trades...master of none.        

Level 2

How can I add the Project Name to the invoice?

Over the years I've asked QB for various simple features and options.  I always get the same response...."we don't offer that, but thank you for bringing it to our attention."  And that's where it ends.  No follow-up.  No change.  No real consideration.  It took me awhile, but I realized there is no real incentive to improve.  Bare minimum works for them...but not for me!

Level 1

How can I add the Project Name to the invoice?

Thank you for this. Especially as an engineering firm. Been looking years for an alternative to QB desktop (Premier 2020, Professional Services). Will take a look at BQE Core.  Looks like it is definitely set up for architects and engineers.  Although not sure if I am ready to operate from the cloud.


04/07/2023 - 11:00 AM EDT

Level 1

How can I add the Project Name to the invoice?

It is UNACCEPTABLE that you can't add Project Name to an Estimate or Invoice!  You are making me regret moving to Online from my Desktop version.  I was told QB had significantly upgraded online and it would work for us.  Come on, man.  Add the ability to add other fields to a form.  I've been in IT for years and know it is not a big deal.

QuickBooks Team

How can I add the Project Name to the invoice?

Hello there, brkarstens. It is appreciated to have you join the Community thread. 


The "Project Name" field cannot be added to an estimate or invoice at this time in QuickBooks Online. Including this would be a great idea. You might want to provide our software engineers with feedback. They might take this feature into account when making future product improvements.


  1. Click the Gear icon, then select Feedback.
  2. Type in your feature request.
  3. Tap Next to submit.


Furthermore, this reference will provide details about personalizing and adding specific info to your sales forms: Customize invoices, estimates, and sales receipts in QuickBooks Online.


Feel free to get back to us if you need assistance with any QuickBooks-related concerns. We're available 24/7 to help you. Take care, brkarstens.

Level 1

How can I add the Project Name to the invoice?

Hi, just checking if anything has been updated in the past few months since the most recent post? To echo all others, it is mindboggling that this simple fix hasn't happened. It is among many things I am frustrated by following the switch from Desktop to QBO, which we were assured many times would be "seamless" and "exactly the same." 

QuickBooks Team

How can I add the Project Name to the invoice?

Hi there, @MMLatJML.


As of now, the option to add the "Project Name" field on estimates and invoices is still unavailable. However, you can create Custom fields for each projects as a workaround.


Here's how:

  1. Click the Gear icon at the upper right side.
  2. Then, under the Lists tab, click the Customs fields.
  3. Then, click the Add field button and fill out the name option.
  4. Then, select the boxes where you would like to apply it.
  5. Lastly, hit Save.


I suggest providing feedback to our software engineers so they can consider it for future updates.


Here's how:

  1. Go to the Gear icon, then click Feedback.
  2. Fill out your recommendation.
  3. Hit Next to submit.


Suppose you have plans on creating purchase orders and send them to vendors. Here's the topic you can utilize for reference: Create and send purchase orders in QuickBooks Online


Please feel free to reach out if you've got more queries or need clarification. I'm just one post away.

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