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Level 2

QB Desktop Find Function retains old filters

I have had this problem on several versions of Quickbooks Desktop... most currently struggling with it on QB Desktop Premier Mfg & Wholesale 2020...

I frequently need to use "Find" (Ctrl + F)

When the search window opens, (using the "Advanced" Tab) the "Account" Filter is populated already.  In this case, it displays a checking account.  

Therefore, I can't search for anything that does not include that account... I have been unable to find a way to open the "Find" window and have no filters present.  

Because of this, I must do a "Reset" before I can make a search.  The only way I have found to fix the problem is to close and re-open QB... not a good solution.

This is very bothersome.  My searches for a fix have turned up no help.  Can anyone advise how to clear the filters, so that it will always open in a state with no "Account" already poulated?

9 Comments 9
Community Champion

QB Desktop Find Function retains old filters

RE: When the search window opens, (using the "Advanced" Tab) the "Account" Filter is populated already. In this case, it displays a checking account.


I've tried but have been unable to duplicate this. Are you sure the window wasn't already open? It can be hard to tell if you have a lot of windows open or have the View | One Window option set, though in those cases you should be able to see it on the Window menu, which lists the open windows.


RE: Therefore, I can't search for anything that does not include that account... I have been unable to find a way to open the "Find" window and have no filters present.


You can delete any filter by clicking on it in the "Current Choices" table and then press Delete on your keyboard.

Level 2

QB Desktop Find Function retains old filters

Thanks for trying to help, but I think you do not understand my problem.  I have no idea how anyone might duplicate the problem, as it is inconsistent.

I am well aware how to delete a filter, but that is not the problem.  the problem is that the FIND window opens with the Account filter already poulated.

Community Champion

QB Desktop Find Function retains old filters

RE: Thanks for trying to help, but I think you do not understand my problem.


I think I do, though it seems rather minor, if it's a glitch at all...


RE: I am well aware how to delete a filter, but that is not the problem. 


Oh, so Find works fine then?  I didn't get that from your initial post because you wrote, "Therefore, I can't search for anything that does not include that account.."  Can't generally means something is blocking you from continuing.


So you're simply noting that in some cases it opens with the account filter set, and wondering why? If so, it may be context sensitive, depending on the active window, the way other features are in QuickBooks. That's what I'd guess, except you asserted "Find Function retains old filters" , which find doesn't do. So, with that assertion in mind, it makes sense that the Find window wasn't closed after your last find, as then when you brought it to the front of your lists of windows, it will appear as you last left it - with your old filters set.


Here's my suggestion: To test it for awhile, before pressing Ctrl-F to open Find, check the open windows list to make sure Find isn't already open. Or, use another method to make sure, like closing all widows first. Then press Ctrl-F and see if it ever comes up with unusual default filters.

Level 2

QB Desktop Find Function retains old filters

Thanks again for trying to help.  Much appreciated!

I don't ever post on these types of forums, because I see the difficulties in communication, and invariably folks get short with each other.  So I’ll try and go along for a bit, and hope you will also.


You said: "Oh, so Find works fine then?  I didn't get that from your initial post because you wrote, "Therefore, I can'tsearch for anything that does not include that account.."  Can't generally means something is blocking you from continuing." 

You didn't read far enough along- please note that I then stated: "Because of this, I must do a "Reset" before I can make a search”

I hope now you can see that FIND works but it is aggravating because it sometimes opens with a filter already populated, requiring me to reset it before I can use the FIND function.  So therefore, FIND works, but it does not work FINE! :)

Then you state this:” it may be context sensitive, depending on the active window, the way other features are in QuickBooks. That's what I'd guess, except you asserted "Find Function retains old filters" , which find doesn't do. 


The problem is that that is exactly what FIND is doing.  Note that is is inconsistent... as I recall, the only filter that has been problematic is the account filter- none of the other ones, such as Name or Number or Transaction Type have ever stayed populated.  

A last comment- I can't stand open windows, and I never ever work with more than 2 open and only then if I have to tab back and forth.  The suggestion to check for open windows is a good one, but alas it is not a culprit.  Since I posted earlier, I've backed up and closed/re-opend QB so it's fine for the moment, and there won't be any way to troubleshoot until the glitch re-appears, I expect.  Perhaps some others might chime in if they understand the problem and have ever experienced it.

Level 2

QB Desktop Find Function retains old filters

Thanks again for trying to help.  Much appreciated!

I don't ever post on these types of forums, because I see the difficulties in communication, and invariably folks get short with each other.  So I’ll try and go along for a bit, and hope you will also.


You said: "Oh, so Find works fine then?  I didn't get that from your initial post because you wrote, "Therefore, I can'tsearch for anything that does not include that account.."  Can't generally means something is blocking you from continuing." 

You didn't read far enough along- please note that I then stated: "Because of this, I must do a "Reset" before I can make a search”

I hope now you can see that FIND works but it is aggravating because it sometimes opens with a filter already populated, requiring me to reset it before I can use the FIND function.  So therefore, FIND works, but it does not work FINE! :)

Then you state this:” it may be context sensitive, depending on the active window, the way other features are in QuickBooks. That's what I'd guess, except you asserted "Find Function retains old filters" , which find doesn't do. 


The problem is that that is exactly what FIND is doing.  Note that is is inconsistent... as I recall, the only filter that has been problematic is the account filter- none of the other ones, such as Name or Number or Transaction Type have ever stayed populated.  

A last comment- I can't stand open windows, and I never ever work with more than 2 open and only then if I have to tab back and forth.  The suggestion to check for open windows is a good one, but alas it is not a culprit.  Since I posted earlier, I've backed up and closed/re-opend QB so it's fine for the moment, and there won't be any way to troubleshoot until the glitch re-appears, I expect.  Perhaps some others might chime in if they understand the problem and have ever experienced it.

Community Champion

QB Desktop Find Function retains old filters

RE: The problem is that that is exactly what FIND is doing. Note that is is inconsistent... as I recall, the only filter that has been problematic is the account filter- none of the other ones, such as Name or Number or Transaction Type have ever stayed populated. 


Don't know, then. I've not been able to reproduce it and haven't seen it reported before. When it happens, is any other window open? It so, Find may be cleaning the account from that window.



QB Desktop Find Function retains old filters

I appreciate you clarifying things about what happens when you open the Find window, KHar.


This may not be an easy process for you, but let's get this sorted out so you can clear the Find function. While you're unable to reset, let's close the Find window and exit QuickBooks Desktop.


Run QuickBooks as administrator and open the Find window. If you're still seeing the Account on the filter, the data on your file could be damaged.


Let's repair your company file using the Rebuild Data tool. Here's how:


  1. Go to the File menu, then hover over Utilities and select Rebuild Data.
  2. On the QuickBooks Information window, select OK. Follow the onscreen steps to save a backup.
  3. Let the tool repair your file. It may take some time. QuickBooks may seem stuck, but as long as you can move your mouse, the tool is working.
  4. When the tool finishes, select OK.
  5. Go to the File menu. Then hover over Utilities and select Verify Data.
  6. Let the tool check your file for data issues.


If QuickBooks doesn't find any problems, select OK. Then, download and install the latest release for the program to have the latest features and fixes.


If QuickBooks finds an issue with your company file, select Rebuild Now. If you still have data issues, use the QuickBooks File Doctor to fix your company file.


If the solutions above didn't fix this, I recommend contacting our QuickBooks Desktop Team. They can create a case under your company and investigate the functionality of the feature.


Let me know how the contact goes by commenting below. I'll be right here whenever you have follow-up questions.

Community Champion

QB Desktop Find Function retains old filters

@MaryLandT  RE: This may not be an easy process for you, but let's get this sorted out so you can clear the Find function. While there's no reset button, let's close the Find window and exit QuickBooks Desktop.


In my reality there's a Reset button:



I think the OP also lives in my reality, based on his question and then reassertion that he has no issue using it:

"Because of this, I must do a "Reset" before I can make a search”


I like to think there is only one reality, but perhaps there's more than one?



Level 2

QB Desktop Find Function retains old filters

Thanks to both of you for the responses!

I'll see if I can find time to do the data rebuild in the next little bit ( that means next few weeks (grin)).

If i learn anything, I'll follow up.

Best regards, and hope you all have a good weekend.


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