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Level 1

Sending a second invoice from estimate when 1st is not yet paid

We have an estimate with the cost of the entire job, and then invoice partial payments depending on the phase of the job. Sometimes, we send an invoice for "At Start" for an amount, in this example $3,000.00, and then the next progress payment is "Mid Construction" at $4,000.00 but they have not yet paid the "At Start" amount, meaning they owe a total of $7,000.00. As per the mockup image here, how do you have a separate line for the previous amount of $3,000.00 that is due without creating a new line item as this is just the amount from the current estimate.



quickbooks example.png


3 Comments 3
QuickBooks Team

Sending a second invoice from estimate when 1st is not yet paid

Hi mrbb1!


Thanks for reaching out to us. Allow me to assist you in customizing your invoice.


We can add a progress column to your invoice to include the amount from the prior invoices without creating a new line item. Then, we can also add the customer total balance field so that your client will know their outstanding balance. Please follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Lists menu and select Templates.
  2. Double-click your invoice template and select Additional Customization.
  3. From the Prog Cols section, check the Prior Amount box. You can also add the Prior Quantity and Prior Avg Rate but optional.
  4. On the Footer section, add the Customer Total Balance by checking it.
  5. Tap OK twice to save it.


This is how your invoice will look like:Capture.PNG


I added this link for your reference in personalizing your sales forms: Use and customize form templates.


Also, here's the link if you need client-related reports and how to customize them: Customize customer, job, and sales reports in QuickBooks Desktop. This can help you in tracking the sales and expenses.


Keep on posting here if you need more help. Have a great day!

Level 1

Sending a second invoice from estimate when 1st is not yet paid

Thank you for your response. This does not answer my question. Prior amount is already on the invoice ("Prior Invoiced" on mine) but that is the TOTAL AMOUNT invoiced in the past, not unpaid amount, not to mention it is in a separate column and not under the current amount being invoiced. I already also have Job Balance total (I am using this instead of customer balance total).


I created an example to show why the solution is incorrect. If I invoice the client $3,000, then they pay the $3,000, and then I invoice $4,000 which they do not pay, and then I invoice $2,000, the job balance total is $6,000.00 as it should be because that is what they owe, but the prior invoice (prior amount) is $7,000 because it totals the invoices that were sent, paid or not.

I am looking to have the $4,000.00 that was not yet paid on the invoice as in the mock up below as a separate line. I would obviously also get rid of the "Balance Due" line and have only the job balance total.

I need the client to be able to see how we got to the Job Balance total ($2,000.00 + $4,000.00).


quickbooks example 2.pngThank you for your help!

QuickBooks Team

Sending a second invoice from estimate when 1st is not yet paid

Thanks for clarifying what details you'd like to see on the invoice form, mrbb1.


As of now, the Prior Amount/Invoiced column only shows the total amount that is sent to your customer. For them to see the balance owed, you can send a Statement instead. I'll gladly show you the way.


  1. Go to the Customers menu and then select Create Statements.
  2. On the Select Customers sections, choose the name of your client.
  3. Add the other necessary details.
  4. Once done, click Print or Email.


For more details, please see this article: Create a Billing Statement.


To remove the Balance Due column in the form, I'd suggest following these steps:

  1. Go to the Lists menu and select Templates.
  2. Double-click your invoice template and then select Additional Customization.
  3. Select the Footer tab.
  4. Uncheck the Balance Due box.
  5. Click OK, then OK.


Also, I can see how the functionality to add a column for the owed amount would be beneficial to your business. With this, I encourage sending feedback to our Product Development team to help improve your experience with the program.

  1. Go to Help and then choose Send Feedback Online.
  2. Select on Product Suggestion.
  3. Click on the drop-down for Type of Feedback and then select Product Suggestion.
  4. Select the Product Area.
  5. Enter your suggestions, then click Send Feedback.


Additionally, I've added these articles that'll help you customize your sales transactions in QuickBooks Desktop.



Feel free to comment down below if you have any other concerns or questions about managing invoice template, mrbb1. I'm always glad to help in any way I can.

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