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Why I can't edit the transaction's categories? When I click to edit it shows "Not results for ____" even when I select one of the "pre-made" categories. Is this a QB bug?

1 Comment 1

Why I can't edit the transaction's categories? When I click to edit it shows "Not results for ____" even when I select one of the "pre-made" categories. Is this a QB bug?

I've checked our records, but I haven't seen any open investigations, @gi-mendes


We updated existing categories in the program. That's why you're seeing "No results for ____" when selecting one of the pre-made categories. 


For example, we renamed the Owner's deposit to Personal deposit. I'd first suggest checking out the list of all categories through this article: Categories in QuickBooks Self-Employed (QBSE). Once reviewed, please use the new term when editing the transaction's categories


However, if the same persists, there are times that the browser is full of frequently accessed page resources. It may cause unusual behavior in the program, such as being unable to edit transactions. You'll have to perform a few steps to help fix it.


Let's start with opening QBSE using an incognito window. It doesn't store data in the cache. With this, it's the best place to isolate browser-related issues. If you're using Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge, press CTRL + Shift + P on your keyboard. For Google Chrome, hit CTRL + Shift + N. Press Command + Shift + N if you're using Safari. 


If you're able to edit the transactions, let's go back to your main browser. Then, clear its cache. Over time, cache builds up and causes the system to behave differently. Thus, it's best to clear them out. Otherwise, you can use a different browser.


Additionally, you can always go to the Manage Categories menu. This page lets you view the breakdown of personal expenses by category. Just go to the Gear (Settings) icon at the upper right and select this menu under Transactions. The screenshot below serves as your visual guide. 



Also, I'd want to make sure this issue will be taken care of. When you edit the transaction's categories, which pre-made category did you select? This helps me provide further steps to resolve it. You can click the Reply button below to add some details. 


Please know that I'm here anytime you have other concerns. Have a great rest of your day, @gi-mendes

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