Hello there, britneysalinas99.
Let's figure out why you still have not received the full amount of the deposit. We can review your transaction again by following a specific process.
Here's how:
- Go to the Merchant Service Center.
- Sign in with your Intuit account info.
- Select the Activity & Reports tab.
- Click Deposits.
Please refer to the attached screenshot for a visual guide.
The following information outlines the details about the amount per batch of the deposit, as well as the processing fee per batch.
If further information or clarification is necessary regarding the transaction, please do not hesitate to reach out to Payment Support. They will be able to provide you with the necessary details and address any concerns you may have.
I would like to include an article that can assist you in understanding how to verify and learn to check when QuickBooks deposits customer payments into your bank account.
If you need further assistance with QuickBooks-related concerns aside from missing money from your invoice deposit, feel free to contact me anytime. I am always here to help and ensure that all of your concerns are addressed promptly.