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Level 2

Why the changes to the invoices?

Why can't we simply use the old layout for the invoices?
3 Comments 3
QuickBooks Team

Why the changes to the invoices?

I understand the convenience of using the old invoice layout in QuickBooks Online, @pharmapump-usa


As software evolves over time, the new invoice layout is one of the program's updates. Beginning May 6, 2024, all QuickBooks Plus and Advanced users will be migrated to the New Invoice experience and will no longer have the ability to go back to the old layout. Simple Start and Essential users have been migrated as well. 


The reason behind this update is to enhance customer experience and upgrade back-end technology for more features and faster development. Although some features from the old layout will not be available or work as expected in the new version, you can still customize your invoice in a more modern, streamlined style. The new version offers more improved functionality and customization options for users. It includes features such as the ability to add custom fields and a more intuitive design for adding and editing line items.


To learn more about the new experience and get answers to your questions, check out these articles:


If you have any further questions or need additional assistance managing your invoices in QuickBooks Online, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'm all ears and ready to help you make the most out of your accounting experience. Your satisfaction is my top priority, and I'm committed to ensuring your success. 

Level 2

Why the changes to the invoices?

There was NOTHING wrong with the old invoices. The new layout, for lack of a better description, sucks. 

"The reason behind this update is to enhance customer experience..." What type of gibberish is this? We come to QB for an experience. We come to QB to process estimate, invoices and PO for our clients and vendors. That process should be more of simple and efficient process than a "customer experience". Get your head out of the woke speak and give us a simple to use and effective product. While in the development lab with a bunch of engineers, you may deem theses changes as upgrades, but to those of that use them DAILY and our clients, they're terrible and for the most part unnecessary. I don't want to "change" my invoices on the fly as I'm completing  it. That's a totally unnecessary feature. That's why we all develop a template that displays exactly what we want on each invoice and then use that as our default. We need to be able to open an invoice, complete it with the smallest amount of effort possible and move on to our next task. Not only is that beneficial to us, but even more so to our clients. They know where every bit of info is on our invoices and they easy and simple to read. The new layout you have has horrible flow and looks amateurish at best. Leave the chicness and "experiences" for the interior design industry and give us back our simple and efficient invoices.


Why the changes to the invoices?

Thanks for getting back with the Community, pharmapump-usa.

I can certainly understand how an ability to use your old invoice creation layout could be useful and have submitted a suggestion about it as of today.

You can also submit your own feature requests while signed in.

Here's how:


  1. Use the Gear icon, then go to Feedback.
  2. Enter your suggestion(s) in the Have feedback? window.
  3. If necessary, attach a file with your Camera icon.
  4. Select Next.


Your feedback's definitely valuable to Intuit. It will be reviewed by our Product Development team and considered in future updates. You can stay up-to-date with the latest news about your product by reviewing Intuit's Product Updates webpage.

I'll be here to help if there's any additional questions. Have a lovely Thursday!

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