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A How To List for Hard Conversations

Good afternoon everyone and thanks for visiting the Business Discussion space! As a business owner, there more than likely will be times when you have to have hard conversations with people. Whether it be employees, business partners, customers, you want to make sure you're prepared. Today I want to share a few tips on how to make these difficult conversations a bit easier.

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Mental Self-Check
Difficult conversations can often go hand-in-hand with strong emotions. First thing to do is a mental evaluation of your own. Making sure you're in the right frame of mind certainly helps reduce the risk of saying anything you may regret later on. And if you don't have time to do a full prep, take a minute to pause and take a couple deep breaths before speaking.


Consider the Other Person's Point of View
You know what they say, there are two sides to every story. Before getting into a conversation with the other party, try to see their side of the argument. Viewing a situation from a different point of view can open your eyes to see why the other person acted or spoke the way that they did.


Outline the Conversation
If you have the time, it may be a good idea to practice the conversation before you have it. Write down points you'd like to address and any questions you can think of, as well as possible responses and questions you may have to answer yourself. Regardless of whether or not you use it, this is a great way to clear your mind and organize your thoughts.


Listen Before You Talk
Your goal should be to listen more than you speak. Allow the other person ample opportunity to share their thoughts and perspective. More listening may mean more silence and this isn't a bad thing. Breaks in the conversation allow for absorption of the information and reflection.


Don't Wait
I'm probably the most non-confrontational person on this planet so this one really stepped on my toes. Don't put off the hard talks. Putting it off can allow emotions to heighten and the whole situation just festers, potentially breeding bitterness and damaging relationships. Taking action sooner rather than later relieves the emotional and anxious weight you're carrying in anticipation.


I hope this list comes to mind if and when the need to have a difficult conversation presents itself. What would you add to the list? How do you tackle these kinds of interactions? As always, the comment section is open for discussion!

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