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Acts of Kindness

Hey there, my Community people! While I was grabbing some breakfast and gathering my thoughts on today's post, the term Kindness came to mind. I decided to go on an adventure and ask each member of my family what act of kindness have they done this week.

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The first person I asked was my aunty. She mentioned that she made little potted plants to distribute to her neighbors. She said that when she gave them the plants, their smiles made her smile. She revealed that it warms her heart to see how much they appreciate it.


I asked my little cousin next what act of kindness has he done this week. He expresses that he shared his peanut butter cookies and honey bun with me was his act of kindness. He stated, "This made me happy to share my snacks with you."


My uncle was next on the agenda. His act of kindness was that he helped an elderly couple by getting a scooter and brought it to their car, to help them get into the store. He said when they said, "Thank you very much, God bless you!" it makes him feel good. For reasons like this, he explained why he loves to be in the business of helping people.


I asked my sister what act of kindness have she done for the week. She mentioned that she prepared dinner for the entire family. Also, she expressed that she brought me a shirt and a skirt. She explained that she loves to see our facial expressions whenever she brings us food or clothes.


For me, my act of kindness this week is helping my friend, who just started her small business by creating flyers, logos, videos, and vamping up her Instagram profile for her new business venture. Although it was a lot of work, seeing how appreciative she was, made me have this satisfying feeling.


What about you? What act of kindness have you done this week? Sometimes doing an act of kindness gives us a moment to appreciate things more in life that we take for granted. Please let us know below, and let us continue this energy of being positive and sending some good vibes to someone today. Until then, continue to be safe and be well, my Community comrades. 

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