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Financial systems women entrepreneurs can use to grow their business!

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Hello Community! Starting a business can be a tricky process, especially for women. As part of Women's History Month, QuickBooks has partnered with a successful woman entrepreneur to discuss the importance of setting up proper financial systems for your venture. It is essential to take your side hustle seriously from the start and treat it as a proper business.


 This blog post highlights three tips that will help any entrepreneur set up proper financial systems to succeed. Preparing financially is a crucial part of achieving business goals and growing your company. So let’s take a look at the 3 tips from Erin:


1. Separate your business finances from your personal finances
Use separate accounts for business income and expenses, such as a business bank account and credit card, to maintain a clear distinction between personal and business finances.
2. Learn how to track your business income and expenses
Utilize software, such as QuickBooks, to manage business cash flow and track finances in an organized manner. Link business accounts to software and categorize transactions to remain up to date.
3. Organize all of your business and tax documents in one place
Keep important documents, such as EIN confirmation, LLC information, and W9s, in a physical folder or digital folder on your computer. Write down important tax processes, so you don't have to reinvent the wheel come tax time. Give your CPA access to your financial software to provide them with up-to-date information. 


To sum this all up, it is crucial to learn about business finances and create a strong financial system, preferably before scaling your business. Doing so will not only save you time and headaches but also help in quicker growth and scaling. So make sure to treat your side hustle as a proper business to achieve success sooner!


See you next time!

3 Comments 3
Level 6

Financial systems women entrepreneurs can use to grow their business!

Why is starting a business especially tricky for women? 

Level 13

Financial systems women entrepreneurs can use to grow their business!



I have been in business with my wife for almost 20 years and we have collectively met with 100's of bankers, attorneys, landlords, vendors, and buyers of the businesses.  While it doesn't happen all the time (or even most of the time), in many instances, my wife is viewed as just tagging along with me - and she's the brains behind the businesses.  I'm just the accountant.  She's the one that knows how to make the money, I just track it.  I can't tell you how many times we will be in a meeting and the guy (it's always a man) will completely ignore her and just look and talk to me.  I have to remind him to talk to her.  Theoretically, it shouldn't matter whether it's a man or a woman, but, in reality, we're dealing with people and we all have our issues, biases, and blind spots.    

Level 6

Financial systems women entrepreneurs can use to grow their business!

Thanks for clarifying. Separating business from personal, tracking business transactions, and being organized will help your wife overcome the setbacks of being a woman. 

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