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Getting your clients to write reviews!

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Hello Community! Have you ever thought about how important customer reviews are to potential clients? According to this infographic, 90% of potential clients look at online reviews before even visiting a business! And 88% of consumers view online reviews as beneficial as personal recommendations. The important question here is, how can you get customers to write your business a review? This article in Firm of the Future goes over 7 ways you can go about doing this. Here’s how you can secure more online reviews:
  1. Ask-More often than not, your clients will be more than happy to give you a review if you ask for it.
  2. Make it easy- Make sure that the link you’re sending for the review is clear and easy to find. Eliminating the “where do I go” or “How do I do this” will bring more reviews in.
  3. Double dip- There are so many review sites out there, including social media, that you might as well take advantage and ask them to post a review in 2 places.
  4. Offer to reciprocate- When you ask them to leave you a review, also ask if you can leave a review for them. It’s a win win!
  5. Engage clients who’ve already reviewed you- If a client has already reviewed you, ask if they can post that review on another platform/page.
  6. Follow up- It’s ok to follow up! Follow up 2-3 times every week or so. It is normal for people to post reviews after they’ve been followed up with a couple of times.
  7. Be persistent and consistent- Setting reminders to review and or follow up with clients is super helpful.
If there are any of these tips you haven’t tried yet, give it a whirl and see what happens!  If you found these tips helpful, make sure to let us know below and make sure to check out the full article here. See you next time!

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