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Go Above and Beyond

Welcome back to the Business Discussion Board! I have a quick question for you. When last have you told your customers thank you or shown appreciation for them? And I'm not talking about the generic ones like " Thank you for your services" but more personalized ones. The reason for mentioning this is that it shows the customer that you value them and the relationship you have built.
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Let's be honest, who doesn't love a nice thank you letter or note. When I receive one, it makes me feel appreciated and valued. This simple act of kindness can increase the customer's experience, making them share your superb services with others. I would even include vendors you interact with. These qualities would make companies and customers want to work or purchase your services more. Here are some tips when it comes to creating this:
  • Handwrite or type your thank you card to send to your customers/vendors by mail, social media, or email. When starting,  verify that you have the customer's or vendor's name, and it is correctly spelled.  It can be embarrassing, unprofessional, and come off to customers/vendors as rushed. I have received thank-you cards with my name misspelled and this is one of my pet peeves.
  • The next step will be the body of the thank you note, and in this section, you want to be very specific here. Ensure that you thank them for their support and hightlight important they are in your firm. For example, if I held a fundraiser, I would say something like this " Thank you for donating $200 dollars to help purchase masks for the nursing staff. This act of kindness will help protect nurses throughout their work shift." I hope this paints a better picture and feel free to add more details where you see fit.
  • Also, combine some personal touches like how's the weather treating them, how their family is doing, or anything to show a genuine interest to strengthen the connection. This reveals that you're not all about business, but you care for them too.
  • When adding a closing statement, choose an appropriate tone. Some examples include "Best wishes," With gratitude," and so forth.


Please remember that this is a thank you note, so don't use this as an opportunity to start promotions. Avoid adding coupons and brochures because this is not the message you're trying to convey. This can be a good thing to add to your business if you haven't started already.
What are your thoughts about this? Please leave a comment below. I would love you to read what you have shared. And as always continue to be safe and be well, my community friends.
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