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Green Office

Hello, friends! Thanks for taking a few minutes to join us here on the Business Discussion board. It's always a good idea to be eco-conscious and maybe you've made some recent at changes at home, but today I want to share how you can “go green” with your business. Check out these points mentioned in an article shared in the QuickBooks Resource Center

Update lighting
Switching to LED bulbs may cost a little more upfront but will ultimately save you money in the long run. These bulbs last twice as long as regular fluorescents, nearly 25 times as long as incandescent, AND "don’t emit UV radiation or heat—keeping your storefront safe and cool."

Protect your windows
Window shopping can often lead to real shopping, however large picture windows can come with a price. The beaming sun can cause you're air conditioning unit to work overtime. The article mentions, "Invest in sun control window films or shades to block harmful UV rays, reduce sun glare, and maximize the natural light without the added heat."

Make HVAC more efficient
Your HVAC system works hard for you, so make sure you're taking good car of it. Here are a few things you can do to make sure it's running at optimum performance:

 - Clean and replace HVAC filters regularly.
 - Use a programmable thermostat.

 - Use different settings for different spaces.
 - Seal doors and windows

Like I mentioned, your HVAC is working hard so you don't want any of that conditioned air to go to waste. This can be prevented by sealing the doors and windows to your office space. This will keep all of that air in and keeps your AC unit from working harder than it needs to.

Power down at the end of the day
Shut everything down when your work day is over. Computers, printers, TVs, displays, even vending machines if you have them. "Computer monitors alone use about 100 watts of power per workday, which adds up quickly if the monitor is left on overnight and on weekends." The article mentions some devices still draw power when switched and suggests using a power strip to cut off the power while you're away.

There you have it! Just a few simple ways to make eco-friendly changes in your business storefront. Not only are these helpful to the environment, but to your bank account as well. Sounds like a win-win to me! What are some steps you've taken to make your business a little more “green”? Let's talk about it in the comments!

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