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Perfecting the Pitch

Hi friends! Thank you for joining me here in the Community on this lovely day. Do you ever find yourself struggling, and maybe even rambling, when you're trying to explain your business and what you do? Especially in a very niche industry and you seem to just keep digging and everyone becomes confused. Well you're in luck. Today I'm going to share an article from the QuickBooks Resource Center that talks about how you can avoid that.
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I give you - the elevator pitch. "An elevator pitch is a brief introduction or summary of your professional experience that you share with others to highlight your accomplishments."
What's in a Pitch?
  • Introduction: Your name is a good place to start, followed by what you do. This is about your business not about you, so resist any possible urges of deep diving into your life story.
  • State the problem you solve and who you solve it for: Most people, mainly potential clients, are interested in how you can help them. This is one of the leading statements you'll want to include so people know what kind of problems you solve and who for, and ultimately why they would want to do business with you.
  • Answer how, where, and what: The final sentence or two of your pitch should sum up anything special you'd like to share about your business. "Maybe you’d like to share the fact that you have a unique way of working, use some proprietary technology, have a passion for your business, or simply drop in a mention of a high-profile client or two."


Now that you know what the pitch consists of, here are few pointers for delivery:
  • Be brief
  • Be clear
  • Make it specific
  • State your offerings
  • Extend an invitation


There you have it! With this info you'll be able to perfect you business pitch and easily show others why they need to work with you. Check out the full article linked above for even more info. Do you have a key phrase or key piece of info you always share in a business pitch? Let's hear it in the comments!
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