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Level 7

What is one organizational skill you would like to improve upon?

10 Comments 10
Level 7

What is one organizational skill you would like to improve upon?

Time management to ensure I have designated hours/days I don't work :smileyvery-happy:

Community Champion

What is one organizational skill you would like to improve upon?

This one is easy.  I am very easily distracted the older I get.   So checking Facebook during the day.  I would love to eliminate my need to be social during the day.  Save that for the evenings.    :cathappy:

Level 2

What is one organizational skill you would like to improve upon?

Break out of the cult of busy and focus on tasks that are important even if they aren't urgent.

Community Champion

What is one organizational skill you would like to improve upon?

I am looking at getting an app that  new or existing clients can look at my Google calendar and schedule a 30 minute discovery call with me. I know there are some out there but I haven't taken the time to research it. Does anyone use this kind of service and if so have and recommendations?


Steve Chase

Level 7

What is one organizational skill you would like to improve upon?

Hi @SteveChase

I just recently helped a client set this up through Google. It's awesome! However, it has to be a work or school gmail I was unable to do it with my gmail account. Use Google Calendar appointment slots

Through a business/corporate gmail account, when you create a cal invite by clicking on a time slot, you will see the option to select Appointment slots. 


I haven't worked with this one, and it isn't free, but I have heard good things about

Let me know if either of these work for you! 

Community Champion

What is one organizational skill you would like to improve upon?

Right now it is $10 per month to have an account with youcanbookme. Right now I am watching my expenses pretty tightly but I can see this option as winner in my future as business grows. Thanks for the recommendation. You are the second person who mentioned this to me.

Level 7

What is one organizational skill you would like to improve upon?

You're so welcome! And I completely understand staying on a budget. 

Level 4

What is one organizational skill you would like to improve upon?

Task management throughout a busy day was always a struggle for me. I've had a lot of success using Trello and Asana to prioritize and track what I need to do. I love how easy it is to keep and share notes on cards that move easily!

Community Champion

What is one organizational skill you would like to improve upon?

Trello is a nice for quick collaboration with others on a project

Level 7

What is one organizational skill you would like to improve upon?

@MegBarbolini these both look awesome. Thank you for sharing!


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