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Recognizing Mental Roadblocks that Clients Face

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Hello Community! If you’re an accounting professional, advisor, or bookkeeper, then you’re well aware of the mental roadblocks that your clients may face. Dealing with finances can be a daunting task, therefore, being a good listener and communicator with your client is important. Knowledge is power so let’s take a look at what three of the most common mental roadblocks clients face are according to this article in Firm of the Future.


Mental roadblock 1: Thinking it will just disappear- It’s important clients know about their financial situation even if it’s not the best. Being informed and acknowledging their situation can then lead to actionable steps for an improvement plan.
Mental roadblock 2: Fear of looking dumb- Many clients may stay away because of their fear of not understanding all the nuances of managing their books. It’s important to have this understanding in order to build a strong and trusting relationship with your clients.
Mental roadblock 3: Too overwhelmed to start- Once your client gets over their fear of their books, they can then be faced with Analysis Paralysis. This can happen when this overwhelming feeling can be made worse when you tell them that only they can do the work or answer the question necessary to get their books in order.


Each of these roadblocks are common and don't have to raise a red flag to you or your client. According to this article, with the right mindset and a bit of know-how, you can be the business guide your clients need and help them work through their challenges to get to a better place. Make sure to read the full article here. See you next time!

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