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Successfully Marketing your Small Business Online

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Hello Community! Today I want to chat about an episode of Mind The Business from the QuickBooks Blog. In this episode, hosts Austin Hankwitz and Jannese Torres-Rodriguez, and guest, Andrea Casanova, share their online marketing strategies. You can listen to the full episode here but for now, let’s dive into the 3 key takeaways that are covered in this episode when it comes to successfully marketing your small business online:
  1. Know where your traffic comes from: The first mistake that business owners make is assuming that all traffic comes from social media. “I had to learn that followers [do] not equal dollars,” says Jannese, who came to better understand SEO in her journey as a blogger. “I realize now that 90% of my traffic comes from SEO,” she explains. “It doesn't come from social media.


  1. Create a brand archetype: It is important that your customers understand your brand. Andrea recommends that business owners create a brand archetype. She mentions in the podcast that one way to do that is to identify a character on screen that you think would be a good fit for your products or services. She also recommends that business owners identify and test out various archetypes to see which one they relate to best. Once you figure that out, you can start communicating that with your customers.


  1. Identify and fill your messaging gaps: It’s important to not only know your social media strategy but also bring it to life. “My recommendation is to always understand where your gaps are,” says Andrea. “What can you do in-house? What can you do yourself?”
There’s a lot more to learn when it comes to building an effective online marketing strategy, but I hope you found these three tips helpful. To listen to the full podcast, make sure to check it out here. See you next time!

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