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Sustainability Initiatives your Small Business can take!

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Hello Community! I wanted to chat about how small businesses can make a big impact on the environment while also benefiting their bottom line by implementing sustainable practices. With more consumers prioritizing sustainable products and hoping for businesses to lead the way in environmental change, it's a smart move for any small business. From reducing waste to embracing eco-friendly technologies, there are many ways to incorporate sustainability into your business strategy according to this article in the QuickBooks Blog.
Here are just a few ways that you can go about doing this:
1. Conduct waste audits
2. Encourage recycling among employees
3. Reduce packaging
4. Switch to LED lighting
5. Install programmable thermostats
6. Use sustainably sourced recycled paper
7. Partner with eco-friendly suppliers


Embracing sustainability is hard work but worthwhile. Use the right accounting software to manage expenses, and track cost savings and tax deductions. Small steps make a big impact over time! To check out more info on each of these sustainability ways shared as well as the others listed in the blog, make sure to check out the full article here. See you next time!

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