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The Power of Positivity

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.”
– Willie Nelson


Running a business is hard work. That may be the understatement of the year. It takes so much time, effort, and probably even some blood, sweat, and tears. Through all of that, it may be difficult to maintain a positive way of thinking. I read an article that offered some great pointers on how to build a positive resilient business mindset.


Celebrate the challenges of the journey

How you approach challenges can have a major impact on your level of positivity. Try this on for size: Rather than thinking, “Darn, I have to go to work today!” adopt the way of thinking, “I get to go to work today, and move one step closer to achieving my dream!” A good tip is to have a designated journal and write down each challenge of business ownership, along with the solutions as they come.

celebrate_what_matters_banner.pngBoost your self-belief

As a person who started a business, you’re already in a very small group that consists of some pretty cool people. Business owners often find it difficult to see how amazing they really are. Do you remember a time when you said, “How am I going to get through this?” and you did get through it and you learned so much. You can keep doing that with every curveball life throws at you! You’re a lot stronger than what you give yourself credit for.


Develop your vision

I’ve mentioned this in the past, but your vision of what you want to see your business accomplish is a powerful thing. Having a clear definition of your goals that you can easily communicate with others is a major key to maintaining positivity.


All of these points, along with a few others in the article linked above, are great ways to keep matters on the ‘sunny side.’ I hope you’ll use this list and incorporate your own ideas to keep all of the positive thoughts and good vibes flowing!

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