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Ways to foster psychological safety in the office

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Hi there community! Have you been wondering how you can go about fostering a safe work environment for your employees in your office?? Today, I want to share four tips from Headspace that you can use to improve the psychological safety of others at work.
Let’s take a look at what these are:
  1. Recognize employee contributions: Feeling valued can boost employee engagement and productivity
  2. Avoid the blame game: Understand why mistakes first occurred to avoid them happening again
  3. Advocate for diversity and inclusion: Empower employees with a sense of belonging rather than assimilation
  4. Establish open communication: Lead with compassion, empathy, and humanity to build trust among your team
When employees feel valued they naturally want to do more because they feel appreciated! I hope these tips will be a helpful addition to your toolbox. But now we want to hear from you!
What are some ways that you create a safe environment for your employees?? Let us know in the comment section below!

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