Hi there, @jghk1-yahoo-com.
I have easy steps to find your Company ID in QuickBooks Online (QBO).
Every QuickBooks account has unique. This information is one of the most important business information in your account for you to link other accounts. There are two steps to get your company ID is either pressing the keys outlined below or going to the Billing & subscription page.
Please note that accessing the Billing and subscription page will need admin rights.
Here's how:
For more details, check out this article: Find your QuickBooks Online company ID.
Once you have it, you can now link another account to your QBO account.
You may also visit this article below about handling your subscriptions, payment method, business info, and other relevant matters: Account Management.
Leave a comment below if there's anything else that I can help you with. I'll be always around ready to help. Take care.