Hello there, Nikki3006.
Let me join the thread and provide information about your concern when creating a Journal entry.
When creating a journal entry in QuickBooks Online, it's important to ensure that the accounts used in the entry are correct. If the journal entry does not appear in your checking register, I recommend reviewing the accounts used in the journal entry, as only those specific accounts will be displayed on the register.
To ensure the journal entry appears on your checking register, make sure to include the checking account in the entry. Additionally, you can consider contacting your accountant. They can provide more information on recording this transaction.
For future reference, here's an article you can check for the best practices when reconciling your account: Reconcile an account in QuickBooks Online. It also offers guidance on addressing challenges during the reconciliation process.
Should you have any other concerns, don't hesitate to leave a comment below or start a new thread. We're always here to lend a hand, Nikki3006.