Allow me to share some insights about this issue, @JerryTuff,
There is currently an ongoing issue with the QBO mobile app on IOS not charging Sales Tax. Our engineers are aware of this and the investigation is in place. We don't have the exact turn around time on when this will be fixed.
Rest assured, our support team sends live updates of the current status of the issue through email. To add your account to the notification list, I recommend contacting our Support Team.
To contact us, follow these steps below:
When using the messaging option, a small discussion box will open at the bottom right section of your monitor. An agent will be with you after filling in the information. See this:
Reach out to us during our operations hours. You will see it here: Support hours and type.
Provide this investigation number INV-54055 to our representatives so they can add your account there.
We appreciate your patience while this is being worked on. Feel free to reach out back again if you have any questions about QuickBooks. I'm always here to help.