In order to view data on the 1099 summary or detail for 1099NEC vendors, you must do it through the 1099 wizard.
Click on Vendor tab at top
1099 forms
Print/E-File 1099 forms
You'll get a notice about "before you prepare and file forms 1099,,,," - click yes
You have the option to "Get Started" for 1099misc or 1099nec
Once you clicked get started for 1099nec, hit continue
Hit continue again (this is the verify your 1099 info screen)
Hit continue again (this is map vendor payments and accounts)
NOW you can view the detail report. at the top right where you see 1 2 3 4 5, just below the description for the numbers you will see View Detail Report :)
Click continue and in the same place on the next screen you will see View Summary Report :)
There you have it folks.
NOTE: you can view 1099misc vendors from the vendor tab at top by selecting the report option, but his will not work for 1099nec vendors.