For QB Online, select/click the entry you want to delete to open the J/E. Once J/E open, select "More" at the bottom and you will have the delete option
I set up an cc interest / service fee / late fee expense account in the chart of accounts. Then I select that account as a line item and enter the amount. Don't...
I am not an accountant and I have never accounted for land/buildings. That being said, if land is treated like other fixed assets, I would:1) Create a Fixed Ass...
I did go in and reactivate all (many) inactive accounts and ran managebillableexpenses again with success. Now to go back and deactivate all the accounts. :) I ...
Thank you IamjuViel. Unfortunately (again), I don't know which account is inactive (and there are many) and holding up the managebillableexpenses... I'll keep p...