Have gone through that process. Everything shows as it should. Our biggest single payroll person if the minister who is exempt. We withhold FIT as a convenience...
Thanks. i had already done that. The calculations on each employee for FICA/MED are correct. Each employee's calculations are also correct. When I take the tota...
The federal income tax matches exactly with the sum of the monthly payments. The FICA/MED is short when adding up the amounts calculated on the 941 form vs what...
The Federal income taxes on the actual checks match the 941, It is the SS/Medicare that is off. Note sure how that can happen as QB calculates the withholding ...
My 1st qtr 941 is off by $413. I paid each month which drives the 941 I run the 941 it show me as having underpaid by that much and will not allow me to finish....