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Level 2

Intuit evidently doesn't care about Android Mobile Users Anymore....

I'm forced to stop using Quickbooks due to invoice incompatible with my device.
I just downloaded FreshBooks. I'll  see how that works. Otherwise I will develop my own system using dart and flutter.
3 Comments 3

Intuit evidently doesn't care about Android Mobile Users Anymore....

Hi there, miketrotta.


I appreciate you reaching out and providing feedback about your experience when using the mobile app for QuickBooks Online (QBO).


Please know that we continuously work to ensure that our software is compatible with the latest OS versions. To better assist you, could you please provide more details about the specific issues you encountered with the invoice on your device? This will help us address the issue more effectively and ensure that you can continue using the app seamlessly.


Additionally, please know that there are classic invoice functionalities are currently unavailable in the new experience. We recognize that each company has unique needs, and I know how the feature you're looking for would benefit and empower your business. I'd recommend submitting your feedback to help improve the program.


To send feedback, follow the below steps:


  1. Go to the Gear icon at the top.
  2. Select Feedback.
  3. Enter your comments or product suggestions. 
  4. Then select Next to submit feedback.


To be updated with the recent and upcoming changes for QuickBooks products, visit this link: QuickBooks New Features and Innovations.


Let me know if you have other concerns about QuickBooks. I'll get back to you right away. Have a great day.

Level 2

Intuit evidently doesn't care about Android Mobile Users Anymore....

Once again!  The support staff is totally clueless as to the issue I submitted.

QuickBooks Mobile is NOT a 3rd party app! If it is,  the entire tech support helpdesk should be eliminated!


Show me where in my post I wanted to import data from FreshBooks into Quickbooks....


I am in the process of replacing Quickbooks with something else because your lazy programmers pushed out a bad upgrade and now I'm screwed right in the middle of the holidays!


Level 2

Intuit evidently doesn't care about Android Mobile Users Anymore....

And the hits just keep coming.  Now the invoice template on the mobile app for Android is totally non-functional due to multiple issues.  Using the feedback system is a joke but posting in the community appears to have some value as the online invoice update that just occurred Monday, was reversed tonight.  A first that I can recall, and it was due to the pressure the community put on the product team.  Now the same pressure needs to be put on the mobile team to address the Android support.  We need the invoice signature function.  It's not optional and it was working last week without issue.  The options fields were removed.  Also, not helpful and let's not forget about the sales tax issue and the removal of auto populating the invoice date.  Please roll back these changes as well so we can at least be somewhat functional.

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