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Level 3

Can I change a transaction's category and change the account it went into after it has been reconciled?

I just want to move a transaction without changing the dollar amount, into another account and category.  May I move the transaction after it has been reconciled?  I'm trying to consolidate transactions that have been put in different categories and accounts by mistake making records confusing.  
7 Comments 7

Can I change a transaction's category and change the account it went into after it has been reconciled?

Yes, you can change the category of the reconciled transaction, Jennifer.


However, moving the transaction to a different bank account will cause a beginning balance issue of the reconciled account.


For the category, you'll need to undo the reconciled transaction first so you can edit it. Then, manually reconcile it again. Let me show you how to do it.


  1. Go to the Accounting menu and select Chart of Accounts.
  2. Look for the bank account, then click View register.
  3. Locate the transaction to unreconcile.
  4. Select the transaction and under the reconcile status indicated with a checkmark, repeatedly click R until you see a blank status (unreconciled or uncleared).
  5. Click Save and then select it again to select Edit.
  6. Change the category and click Save.
  7. Go back to the bank's register and select the transaction again to manually reconcile (repeatedly click on the blank status until you get R for reconciled).


Should you encounter a situation where your account's opening balance doesn't match its bank statement, please refer to these articles below. 



Get back to me anytime when you have additional questions about your reconciled transactions. I'm always here to help you.

Level 3

Can I change a transaction's category and change the account it went into after it has been reconciled?

There are four transactions that are in the wrong chart of account.  I want to move the transactions.

Please see attached screen shot.

QuickBooks Team

Can I change a transaction's category and change the account it went into after it has been reconciled?

Thank you for getting back on this thread, @Jennifer529. I've come to chime in and share some insights about moving your transactions.


As my colleague provided above, the reconciled account's beginning balance may be affected if transactions are moved to another bank account.


We can follow the steps provided above to undo the reconciled transaction so we can edit it manually. If need be, you can contact our QuickBooks Online Support Team so they can pull up your account in a safe environment and guide you further with the best process.


Here's how you can reach out to them:


  1. Click the Help menu.
  2. From the pop-up panel, go to the Search tab.
  3. Click the Contact Us button.
  4. In the text box, type in your concern.
  5. Click Chat with us.


When contacting them, please check out our available hours to ensure we promptly address your issue.


If you want to know how to use the reclassify transactions tool to batch edit transactions in QBO, please refer to this article: Reclassify or move multiple transactions simultaneously.


If you have any additional concerns about your transactions or QBO-related concerns, please keep me in the loop by replying. I'll be more than happy to take care of them for you. Stay safe!

Level 3

Can I change a transaction's category and change the account it went into after it has been reconciled?

Hello MaryLandT 

I have exactly the same issue. I want to recategorizes a reconcile transaction. Can I not just simply select the transaction and change the category, the amount wouldn't change. It is kind of scary to me, for this type of correction,  unreconciled the transaction and then select the right account, reconcile the transaction. What if, it messed up my Bank Reconciliation for that particular month and carry forward the discrepancy. 

Do you think , I can simply recategorize the reconcile transaction without accessing Bank registry.  


Please let me know . 


Thank in Advanced . 

Farzana Ali  

QuickBooks Team

Can I change a transaction's category and change the account it went into after it has been reconciled?

I appreciate you for coming back to the Community, @userfali. Thanks for reaching out to us.


The amount and the account on any given transaction won't change its reconciliation status if you need to edit your transaction and change its category. You can change the category of your transaction without changing the amount or the account on its reconciliation status. Moreover, you need to access your bank register to recategorize the reconciled transactions.


Please be aware that editing reconciled transactions may result in discrepancies between the balances of your prior and subsequent reconciliations. I advise getting in touch with an accountant so they can assist you in handling the reconciled transaction and prevent your accounts from being messed up. If you don't have one, you may look for an accountant through this link: Accounting professionals.


Refer to this article if you want to utilize bank rules to categorize transactions from your bank: Set up bank rules to categorize online banking transactions in QuickBooks Online.


If there are any discrepancies in your reconciled transactions, you can check this article to help you fix them: Fix issues for accounts you've reconciled in the past in QuickBooks Online.


Keep me posted if you have any additional questions or need assistance managing your transactions in QuickBooks Online. I'd be delighted to assist you at any time. Have a great day ahead!

Level 1

Can I change a transaction's category and change the account it went into after it has been reconciled?

I simply want to edit/change the account of a transaction.

I will worry about reconciling it, I simply need to know how to change the Account.

Thank you.

QuickBooks Team

Can I change a transaction's category and change the account it went into after it has been reconciled?

Hello there, Darryl. We're happy to see you here in the Community with your concern about changing an account of the transaction in QuickBooks Online (QBO). We'll ensure to provide you with the steps on how to fix the issue.


We can see the importance of keeping your account accurate and up-to-date. Allow us to share some additional steps to help you sort this out. To change the transactions to their appropriate account, we'll have to click the transactions from the account register to view them and then change the Account. Before we proceed, we suggest getting in touch with an accountant for further guidance.


To Edit transactions:


  1. Go to the Chart of Accounts.
  2. Find and select the transaction in the account register to expand the view.
  3. Make changes to the available fields.
  4. If you want to change something in the grayed-out sections, select Edit. It will open the full transaction form where you can change the account and any additional changes.
  5. Then, click Save.


You can refer to this article for more details about managing transactions in the account register: Find, review, and edit transactions in account registers in QuickBooks Online.


We'll also include these articles for future reference in categorizing transactions and reconciling your account:



Please keep us posted if you have clarifications or additional concerns with managing your QuickBooks account. We'll always be here for you, Darryl. Have a good one!

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