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Level 1

Is there a way to stop auto match on bank feed accounts to avoid having to click "not a match" multiple times to match payments to the deposits??

When I download my bank transactions in the bank feeds, many of the transactions are marked "Auto" and color coded blue. I understand QB thinks it's a match, but it's not so I have to click the "Not A Match" option first for EACH transaction. Sometimes it auto matches it to another, later transaction, so I have to click not a match multiple times. Then I can manually match payments to the deposit.

I need to turn off the auto match because it thinks these payments are already in the register, but I need to match them manually to the bank feed in order to show them as deposited into the right account.

Is there a way to stop auto match on bank feed accounts to avoid having to click "not a match" multiple times to match payments to the deposits??

95 Comments 95

Is there a way to stop auto match on bank feed accounts to avoid having to click "not a match" multiple times to match payments to the deposits??

Greetings info,

I appreciate the details you've provided to us.

At this time, there isn't an option to turn off the auto-match feature in the bank feeds. QuickBooks tries to match downloaded transactions to any entries in your register automatically. You can review the matches before adding them to the register.

Also, QuickBooks makes a match if the bank feeds and the transactions that you've manually entered in the register have the same pieces of information (ex. check numbers, amounts, dates and payees). Here's an article that'll provide you more details: Add and match Bank Feed transactions.

You'll have to manually click the "Not a Match" option if QuickBooks automatically matches the bank feeds to the wrong transactions. 

We're always looking for ways to improve QuickBooks Desktop and we want to hear from you. Please send your feedback by clicking the Help menu then Send Feedback Online. This will make our product developer team aware of how you want the program to work.

Thank you for your time and helping us make QuickBooks Desktop a better product. If there is anything else we can do for you, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

Level 1

Is there a way to stop auto match on bank feed accounts to avoid having to click "not a match" multiple times to match payments to the deposits??

Thank you for taking the time to answer this for me. Unfortunately, we have payment plans set up with common payment amounts and quickbooks does not match names or dates, only amounts. It will think a payment (imported from from November matches a deposit from January. Simply because they have the same date.  When I am updating a month or two of transactions and they switch to the next payment it is exhausting to change them all to "not a match".

Is there a way to stop auto match on bank feed accounts to avoid having to click "not a match" multiple times to match payments to the deposits??

Hello info,

I'd like to help you however I can. To make sure that you get the assistance that you need, it'd be best to contact out QucikBooks Desktop Customer Care. They can help you look for a workaround and further assist with this.

You can get the QuickBooks Desktop contact information through this link:​​

1. Go to:
2. If asked, choose your QuickBooks Product.
3. Select your QuickBooks version.
4. On the Contact Us page, click a topic.
5. Click on the Get Phone Number button to see the support number.​​

Reach out to me if there is anything else you need. This specific issue will be easier to investigate over the phone, but I'll be glad to answer any questions I can.

Level 1

Is there a way to stop auto match on bank feed accounts to avoid having to click "not a match" multiple times to match payments to the deposits??

Wow that is a debilitating weakness in the software when you have a lot of transactions with similar amounts
Level 2

Is there a way to stop auto match on bank feed accounts to avoid having to click "not a match" multiple times to match payments to the deposits??

One of many horrible features QB has. Reminds me of the prompts you get to fix your flash drive when there is never ever anything wrong. Does anybody know what it will take to get Intuit to give us a toggle on the Bank Feeds to get QB to STOP CHANGING MY INFORMATION WITHOUT PERMISSION?
Level 1

Is there a way to stop auto match on bank feed accounts to avoid having to click "not a match" multiple times to match payments to the deposits??

This is the same for us. We have thousands of transactions a month that QB is trying to match. Adds countless hours trying to unmatch and then add them. It's especially terrible, because you can't even modify and then accept them in bulk.
Probably NotHappy
Level 3

Is there a way to stop auto match on bank feed accounts to avoid having to click "not a match" multiple times to match payments to the deposits??

I've had my time wasted with this for years. Thank you for speaking up, everyone else who is suffering with such an incredibly stupid "feature." Intuit, pay attention! My time is valuable, I've already paid you for the software, now I have to pay again by clicking on "Not a match," waiting while it cycles through hundreds of transactions, then clicking on "Not a match" again, waiting, clicking on it again, waiting, clicking on it again, waiting, clicking on it again, waiting, clicking on it again, waiting...
Not applicable

Is there a way to stop auto match on bank feed accounts to avoid having to click "not a match" multiple times to match payments to the deposits??

The easiest way to fix these issues are to "ctrl w" create a blank check, write down the ck#, amount & remember who the check was actually "downloaded as" & create that check for that exact date & exact amount & exact "downloaded as" title. Once you create this check, it will automatically appear corrected in your "auto" downfeed. Create a check for each one that was auto downloaded incorrectly & it will save you time from "unmatching" the checks.

Derrick Robinson :)

[email address removed]

Not applicable

Is there a way to stop auto match on bank feed accounts to avoid having to click "not a match" multiple times to match payments to the deposits??

I also have hundreds of auto-match transactions I have to work through each month. I found the issues comes up most often with transactions I had to add manually because they were dropped in he bank feed. QB tends to drop transactions that had the same amounts from the same vendors. This happens to me monthly with many transactions. So when I go in and add the expense manually, each month it tries to auto-match that manual transaction to the manually added one. The auto-match flaw is that it doesn't take the date into account. As someone said above, it takes the amount and vendor name. This is supposed to be a time saving feature, but it instead does the opposite. I spend many hours (usually unbillable time) trying to work around this issue. It just gets worse each month . I'm currently looking at 211 auto-matched transactions I have to deal with and I'm so angry! This feature should have been fixed a long time ago. It should have a select all and un-match all button. Or just turn it off all together!

Not applicable

Is there a way to stop auto match on bank feed accounts to avoid having to click "not a match" multiple times to match payments to the deposits??

I have just recently come upon this problem and it is killing me.  Please let me know how you correct it.

Not applicable

Is there a way to stop auto match on bank feed accounts to avoid having to click "not a match" multiple times to match payments to the deposits??

Greetings, FredMock,


Thanks for joining the conversation. Allow me to chime in and share some insights with you about the Bank Feeds Center's auto-match feature.


Just like what my peer @PreciousB discussed in her answer, QuickBooks allows you to review each bank feeds transactions by trying to match them with any entries from your register automatically. Since the option to disable the automatic match feature in the QuickBooks Bank Feeds Center isn't yet available presently, it would be best to put forward your product suggestion to our developers.


Here's how to send a request:

  1. Click the Help menu bar.
  2. Scroll down to Send Feedback Online.
  3. Select Product Suggestion.
  4. Choose Product Suggestion for the Type of Feedback.
  5. Product Area is optional.
  6. Enter your suggestion.
  7. Click Send Feedback.

That should do it, FredMock. Sending your suggestion helps our developers understand where we can improve and what features should be added so we can better serve you.


I appreciate your willingness to help us improve our products, FredMock. If you need further assistacne with QuickBooks, please know that I am here to help you. Have a good day!

Level 1

Is there a way to stop auto match on bank feed accounts to avoid having to click "not a match" multiple times to match payments to the deposits??

by mistake i cicked yes when existing and it automatched 600 transactiosn wrongly..... i had to revert to last week backup and now have to re doo 400 other transactions. yay!


Is there a way to stop auto match on bank feed accounts to avoid having to click "not a match" multiple times to match payments to the deposits??

Hi there, @LigerXero.


Thank you for joining the Community. Allow me to share some ways to reenter the transactions in QuickBooks. 


Restoring the backup copy to reenter the 600 transactions that were incorrectly matched is a good idea to record them fresh. Aside, from manually creating, you can upload then download them from your bank to enter them in QuickBooks easily.


Some banks allow you to export up to the last 90 days of transactions and upload them into your QuickBooks company. You can try reaching out to your Financial Institution to see if they have the Web Connect feature. 


You have two options to download them through Web Connect.


To download transactions outside QuickBooks:

  1. Access your bank’s website through a web browser outside QuickBooks.
  2. Log in to your bank account using your customer ID and PIN or password.
  3. Download your online transaction activity via QuickBooks Web Connect (.QBO) file.
  4. Import web connect (.qbo) files.

To download transactions within QuickBooks:

  1. Access your bank's website within QuickBooks.
  2. From the Bank Feeds center, choose the appropriate bank.
  3. Select Download Transactions.
  4. A QuickBooks browser window opens and displays your bank's website. Use your customer ID and PIN or password.

For more details about Web Connect and matching transactions, I recommend checking the articles below: 

For additional help, you can also call our phone support to help you get to a resolution quickly.


Here's how you can reach them:

  1. Go to
  2. Select your product.
  3. Select your QuickBooks version.
  4. Select a topic.
  5. Click on the Get Phone Number button.

That should take care of it.


Feel free to drop a comment below if you've got other questions in mind about QuickBooks Desktop. I'll be glad to assist you in the future.

Level 1

Is there a way to stop auto match on bank feed accounts to avoid having to click "not a match" multiple times to match payments to the deposits??

Hi Yes, web connect is actually the only thing i use, but the auto match sucks. I recently updated to Quickbooks 2019 since my older version didn't support web connect anymore. That was the ONLY reason i upgraded quickbooks because I do not really use many of the other features  besides printing checks and then importing web connect files and matching them etc.  Come to find out there were no improvements done to it, why did I pay $500+ for a software upgrade?

To explain the kind of problem that web connect has always had:

I have a lot of similar amount transactions it $500, $600, $583.33. Lets say I sent an ACH to John for $583.33 and I also sent Lucy and David an ACH for $583.33. The auto match will match David's ACH to Lucy.s. If i click not a match, then it matches to Johns, then I click not a match again and it matches to Kate who I paid the same amount to A WEEK LATER.... I have to click Not a Match like 15+ times for it to "match" to the correct one. I would not care as much if I could manually  cannot even turn it off, but i cannot add details to auto match things until i finally get it to go under Needs Review after 40+ times clicking not a match. Then another thing, if I have a rule in place that says for example an import Contains: "Home Depot", to categorize it and blah blah blah. But if the transaction amount comes in and it happens to be one of those similar numbers such as 583.33, the stupid thing IGNORES the rules and automatches the Home Depot purchased to.. guess who? JOHN, and then I can never match John to John, because quickbooks thinks that Home Depot is John, and i cant tell it otherwise.


Gosh imagine if Quickbooks Web Connect's personality was turned into an AI and put into a robot. We would all be done for !!!


Please Please Please put in a request for your devs to either give us the option to modify the PAYEE and ACCOUNT on Auto-Matches transactions, or an option to turn off and on Auto-Match so we can manually match out transactions without the worry of accidentally clicking Add/Approve and approving all the crazy wrong matches.

I am using Quickbooks Desktop 2019 "PRO" 3 multi-users

Dique "PRO" version, as in PRObably going to match your transaction wrong and gives you the urge to switch to pen and paper accounting.

I shall await a response as I sit here trying to click not a match to my 607 auto-matches transactions.

Level 1

Is there a way to stop auto match on bank feed accounts to avoid having to click "not a match" multiple times to match payments to the deposits??

We run a small business and the time wasted as the business is growing has forced us to look into other solutions. Does anyone know if this is an issue with Xero or Freshbooks, etc? Hate to bring up the competition but we need solutions and Quickbooks obviously doesn't have it.


Is there a way to stop auto match on bank feed accounts to avoid having to click "not a match" multiple times to match payments to the deposits??

Hello everyone.

Let me provide a little more information about disabling the auto-match feature in QuickBooks Desktop.


Modifying the payee and account in QuickBooks Bank Feeds Center and to disable the auto-match isn't currently offered. I can definitely see how this feature would be useful, I would highly recommend submitting feedback and suggestions regarding this option to our product developer. This lets us know what enhancements you'd like to see in the program soon.


As a team with a massive roadmap, we have to pick new features based on the value they’ll add to the most users possible.


You may find this article helpful:


To submit feedback:

  1. Click Help at the top.
  2. Select Send Feedback Online.
  3. Then Product Suggestion.

As always, you can reach out to out QuickBooks Desktop Support if you need additional help:

  1. Go to:
  2. Choose your QuickBooks Product.
  3. Select your QuickBooks version.
  4. On the Contact Us page, click a topic.
  5. Click on the Get Phone Number button to see the support number.

You're always welcome to check with us if you need more help.

Level 2

Is there a way to stop auto match on bank feed accounts to avoid having to click "not a match" multiple times to match payments to the deposits??

Auto match matches transactions with different dates and distinctly different "transaction ids" in the file.  This is THE MOST FRUSTRATING STUPID WASTE OF TIME I have ever encountered with software that is supposed to improve our processes.  FIX THIS BUG NOW!!!!!!!!!!  I AM SICK AND TIRED OF CLICKING "NO MATCH" HUNDREDS OF TIMES EVERY MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   FIX IT!

Level 1

Is there a way to stop auto match on bank feed accounts to avoid having to click "not a match" multiple times to match payments to the deposits??

This has also become a debilitating change for me.  Had you not broken the import in the previous edition, we would have never upgraded and now that I have upgraded, you've caused what used to be a couple hour process of importing transactions into a multi-day process of reconciliation from mistakes. 


This should be an emergency fix.  It isn't a feature request, it is a bug and a big bug.  Please get it fixed ASAP or we will also need to leave Quickbooks for a working software.


QuickBooks Team

Is there a way to stop auto match on bank feed accounts to avoid having to click "not a match" multiple times to match payments to the deposits??

Hi there, FJ4L.


First and foremost, I want you to know that your voice matters. I can see how having a more seamless way of matching bank transactions would be beneficial for you and others.


Rest assured, this situation is duly noted and our engineers are working diligently to come up with a permanent solution. In the meantime, I'd recommend that you get in touch with the QuickBooks Desktop Support Team. They have additional resources and could provide additional insight that may help you get past this issue.


Please keep in touch if there's anything else I help you with.

Level 1

Is there a way to stop auto match on bank feed accounts to avoid having to click "not a match" multiple times to match payments to the deposits??

I have the same problem and it is sole-crushing in the amount of time it takes to correct the issue. For example, our organization uses Stripe and Square in various ways so our checking account has many deposits from these sources. Unfortunately, Quickbooks automatically assigns all deposits from Square with the same payee and category to ALL SQUARE deposits. The same issue occurs with Stripe, paypal, and other similarly sourced transactions, or any other transaction with similar descriptions.  It takes so much time to fix every transaction and I can't find a way to turn this off. 

Level 2

Is there a way to stop auto match on bank feed accounts to avoid having to click "not a match" multiple times to match payments to the deposits??

Absolutely.  I'm having the same problem right now.  That's a "convenience" I definitely need to do without. 

Level 2

Is there a way to stop auto match on bank feed accounts to avoid having to click "not a match" multiple times to match payments to the deposits??

Its ridiculous. I'm having the same issue.

Level 2

Is there a way to stop auto match on bank feed accounts to avoid having to click "not a match" multiple times to match payments to the deposits??

Yes! absolutely agreed.  There's should be option to customize all these "convenience" features, or don't have them to begin with.  It's bad enough, along with a few other quirks, that as much as I love quickbooks, I might need to looking into another accounting software. 

Level 1

Is there a way to stop auto match on bank feed accounts to avoid having to click "not a match" multiple times to match payments to the deposits??

Glad to see I am not alone with this problem in 2019. I can't believe we cannot reclassify these auto-matched transactions in batch. The only two batch actions in 2016 QuickBooks for these are "Add/Approve & Ignore", but both of these will get rid of the transactions! QuickBooks really needs to fix this because as many have said before me, it is a huge inconvenience to go through each individual transaction and click "Not a match". 

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