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Level 1

Loan manager QB 2022

Intuit removed loan manager which has been a critical feature for me for over a decade without warning and that is unacceptable. After being forced to upgrade to a new more expensive annual subscription model brought with it a diminution of features without warning is appaling and I am hoping there is a way to get that feature back with QB2022 as it was in QB2019.





62 Comments 62

Loan manager QB 2022

I know that this hasn't been easy for you, swsantos.


The Loan Manager was discontinued in QuickBooks Desktop 2022. Please know that you'll still be able to use this in the previous, currently supported versions.


I understand how crucial to have this feature in managing your loan, interest, and payment schedules. You'll want to share your thoughts on why the feature shouldn't be discontinued and must be added back into the program. We always monitor our customers' requests/ideas and take them into consideration when prioritizing product updates. Here's how to send your feedback:


  1. Go to the Help menu.
  2. Select Send Feedback Online and click Product Suggestion.
  3. Select a feedback type and then enter your comments.
  4. When you're done, click Send Feedback.

In the meantime, you'll want to consider visiting our QuickBooks App Market to find a third-party loan management application that best suit your business needs. I'm also adding this article to learn how to manually set up accounts for your loans, and manually track them in QBDT: Manually track loans.


If you need more help in accomplishing your other tasks, please don't hesitate to tag me in your comments and posts. I'll be more than happy to assist you again.

Level 1

Loan manager QB 2022

Thank you for taking the time to answer but reverting back to QB2019,  however easy that flows off one's keyboard making it sound as if it's actually a viable alternative as if keeping an old version installed on my computer just for this purpose which has no ongoing connection to the live current data, is so laughably unworkable it is astounding to me that that is actually out there as a "workaround".


Removing such a useful feature critically necessary for so many, because of course  if loans are actually part of routine business and they have to be managed, is such an egregious we-don't-give-a-crap move on Intuit's part that it leaves me speechless and angry. 


QBs costs have now tripled by virtue of the subscription model while useful very commonly needed functionality is being dropped. Shame on Intuit.


I am now actively seeking an alternatrive to QB because I have lost confidence  in the product and how it might further devolve in the future.

Level 1

Loan manager QB 2022

I agree.  I depended on the loan manager to track my payments.  To take it away and not give an alternate way to track is wrong


Level 1

Loan manager QB 2022

The only App that I saw that would track loans is 999.00 a year.  What?  We need our loan manager back.



Level 2

Loan manager QB 2022

I agree totally! Intuit has failed it's core users for profit. I do not have an issue as much with the subscription, but to degrade to product is unacceptable. I too will look for an alternate to replace QB if they do not wake up and fix their misguided alienation of their customers.


BTW-I do not know a CPA that is pleased with their changes. Everyone I know say the online QB is a joke, and was obviously purchased from a third party vendor that has tried to imitate QB Desktop. Intuit has lost their way, and will soon lose all their customers.

Level 1

Loan manager QB 2022

This will be the last year I use Quickbooks. All you do is take away features and benefits and push an annual renewal process with zero added benefit. I used to like QB, now it is becoming a liability to my business. Forcing people to move to 64 bits with no added benefit. Ridiculous!!

Level 1

Loan manager QB 2022

Exactly! This is the last year of this nonesense from QB! Insane business model, instead of give your custoemr what they want, QB Motto should be "Take all the things they told us they wanted away. and charge more" Im done after this years upgrade. It's like windows Vista..

Level 1

Loan manager QB 2022

So, let me get this straight... I am going to have to create an amortization schedule for every loan and then refer to said amortization schedules to enter all my loans for payment into AP for every company.    I'm going to create spreadsheets to calculate simple accounting transactional data to enter into my accounting system?   This is absolutely ridiculous.    Who the hell makes these decisions and are they held accountable for their terrible decisions?    I need a reduction in premium because this change, along with other problems with Quickbooks Enterprise (their top business solution) is definitely eroding in value to quickly, efficiently get writeup work done.    


What other software is everyone else considering as a QB  Enterprise replacement? 


Loan manager QB 2022

Thank you for jumping in, Amanda.


I would recommend contacting our QB Desktop Support. This way, they use a screen-sharing tool so you can discuss the features of the Loan manager while you're on the same page.


  1. Open QuickBooks.
  2. Go to Help, then select QuickBooks Desktop Help.
  3. Select Contact Us.
  4. Give a brief description of your issue, then select Let's talk, and then choose a way to connect.


If you have any other concerns, you can always go back to this thread.

Level 1

Loan manager QB 2022

The support person is who told me why I couldn't open Loan Manager.     There is nothing for them to solve when the issue is that Quickbooks doesn't offer loan manager.   I described what we have to do because of the blanket killing of this feature without notice.  


Loan manager QB 2022

Thanks for joining us here. Allow mew to share information to address your concerns about the Loan Manager, Amanda-KS.


We hear your sentiments about the changes made to the Loan Manager for QuickBooks 2022. Because of this, transactions like principal repayment and interest expense are no longer automated.


You may need to know the principal and interest components for each payment. Refer to the amortization schedule provided by the lender. If you’re unable to obtain the schedule, find an amortization calculator online. Here's the link:


I recommend sending your feedback about the changes to our product engineers. Customer suggestions and feature requests are reviewed by our engineers if it's possible to include them in future updates. Here's how: 


  1. Go to the Help menu.
  2. Select Send Feedback Online and click Product Suggestion.
  3. Type in your feedback and suggestions, then click Send Feedback.


Keep me posted if that answers your questions. Please continue to visit us again if you need anything else from us and we'd be glad to help you again.

Level 1

Loan manager QB 2022

I agree.  Well said and I am furious.  Actively searching for a new account software to replace Quickbooks.  This was just plain wrong.

Level 1

Loan manager QB 2022

We are just a small company.  The only app out there is $999.00 PER YEAR!!  NO!!  What in the hell are you guys trying to do?  Is it about lining your pockets to force us to use that app?  You might want to reconsider that strategy when folks start dropping Quickbooks altogether.  The bottom line will not be pretty.

Level 1

Loan manager QB 2022


This is absurd! Why would they remove such an important component of this software when so many use it.

Simply to force us to purchase additional software, in addition to it now being a yearly subscription!

QB's needs to rethink their plan or they may find themselves losing many customers.

Level 2

Loan manager QB 2022



Your reply is absurd. YOU should be pushing the engineering team to put Loan Manager back in the software. Putting it on your customers back, just shows yours and Intuits lack of customer service and concern for your users. You probably need to find a different line of work, or find a company that cares about it's customers.


A. Smith

Level 1

Loan manager QB 2022

Can't access this anymore in QuickBooks 2020. Wish I could have printed an amortization schedule before you decided to eliminate the function

Level 1

Loan manager QB 2022

I have been digging into this issue and, based on what my cohosting engineers have found, it is related to Loan Manager being specifically engineered to work with Internet Explorer 9 which is no longer supported by Microsoft. The functionality of IE9 expiring coincides almost exactly with when the Loan Manager stopped working. I am now scrambling to figure out how to fix this because Intuit decided it would be easier to piss off their clients than to simply update Loan Manager to work with the updated version or Internet Explorer. 


As a tip, if you have a computer that IE9 has not been upgraded on, you can still access the Loan Manager. We have one laptop in our office that worked and we were able to print off all of the loans and amortization tables in LM for our use. 

Level 2

Loan manager QB 2022

I totally agree.  Just took to "google" to see if I've lost my mind because I could not find Loan Manager on my latest version and I need to make modifications to the loans I had previously set up.  I'm LIVID this feature was removed!!!  

Level 2

Loan manager QB 2022

My accountant HATES QBO.  But like yourself, I'll be looking for alternatives.  I keep hearing about NetSuite plan to look into it!

Level 2

Loan manager QB 2022

Amanda, you're paying dearly too for Enterprise!!!!  

Level 1

Loan manager QB 2022

I can't even seem to access the account the loan was setup under in my COAs.  I can't post any transaction to the specific loan to clear it.  Does anyone know how I might get a loan that was setup in loan manager off the Balance Sheet?


QuickBooks Team
QuickBooks Team

Loan manager QB 2022

Let me help you with your loan manager concern, mteitelman.


The account loan is set up as a liability account in the Chart of Accounts. Here’s how to look for that liability account for your loan: 

  1. Go to the Lists menu, then select Chart of Accounts.
  2. The ate two right account types for your loan:
  • Other Current Liability: Use this for short-term loans payable over one year.
  • Long Term Liability: Use this for long-term loans payable over a longer period.
  1. Once you locate it, press Save & Close.


To record and track loans, we'll need to go to the Banking menu and select Loan Manager. Then, tap Add a Loan. For the steps and details, check out this article: QuickBooks Loan Manager. Then, proceed to Step 2: Record and track your loans section. 


If you are referring to a balance sheet out of balance due to the loan manager, we can run the report on an Accrual basis. Here's how: 

  1. From the Reports menu, select Company & Financial and then Balance Sheet Summary.
  2. Select Customize Report.
  3. On the Display tab, choose Accrual under Report Basis.
  4. Press OK.


If your balance sheet is out of balance on an accrual basis, we can rebuild your company file first. If it's out of balance on a cash basis only, or if it's still out of balance after a rebuild, just proceed to Step @ in this article to troubleshoot the issue: Fix a Balance Sheet that's out of balance.


Additionally, you can bookmark our QBDT Help Articles for your future reference. This website contains various topics on how to manage your account. 


If you have other concerns about QuickBooks, please let me know. I'll listen and support you. Take care. 

Level 1

Loan manager QB 2022

Just renewed the costly annual subscription last month.  Forced upgrade today.  Loan Manager is vapor.  Unbelievable that such simple but valuable functionality is simply removed.  Shockingly poor treatment of existing customers.


Loan manager QB 2022

Thanks for sharing your feedback with us about the Loan Manager feature, @SonomaNow.


With the launch of QuickBooks Desktop 2022 and Enterprise 22.0, you’ll notice that this feature is no longer available.


Transactions like principal repayment and interest expense are no longer automated. You’ll need to manually enter them in QuickBooks Desktop 2022. You may need to know the principal and interest components for each payment. Refer to the amortization schedule provided by the lender.


If you’re unable to obtain the schedule, find an amortization calculator online. You can also refer to an accountant to help record your entries in QuickBooks.


In the meantime, you can find loan manager apps from our app website. You can visit this link:


Please post here again if you need assistance with recording or handling your loans in QuickBooks. I'll be more than happy to help.

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