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Level 5

not all bank accounts showing

If I look at my chart of accounts, it shows 6 different accounts but my banking page only shows 3 (which is correct).  The chart of accounts also lists a credit card but it does not appear in the banking page (I know it is a liability, but I'm used to seeing both credit cards and loans with the banking information (since they all come from the bank).  Is there a way to change this? 

It appears that my deposits are not being recorded to the correct account, not sure where to amend that.

Also, with the credit card being on the vendor list, I am not sure how to enter a vendor bill, assign it to the appropriate expense category and pay it with the credit card.

10 Comments 10
QuickBooks Team

not all bank accounts showing

Good day, @dLearned.


Let me help you with your banking concerns in QuickBooks Online (QBO).


The banks showing on the Banking page are the accounts connected to QuickBooks. They will also show in the Banking menu if you import the transaction even if they aren't connected.


If your account isn't connected or doesn't have uploaded files on it, this will only show in the Chart of Accounts. However, you can affix it to QuickBooks to view it on the Banking screen. Let me show you how:


1. Go to the Banking menu and select the Banking tab.

2. Click Connect Account if this is your first time connecting, or select Add account or Link account if you've already created one.

3. Search for your bank, then click Continue

4. Enter the username and password you use for your bank's website in the window. Then, follow the onscreen steps to connect. 

5. Choose the bank or credit card accounts you want to connect.

6. Select the matching account type from the dropdowns. These are accounts on your chart of accounts in QuickBooks.

7. Decide how far back you want to download transactions and click Connect.


You can also upload your transactions manually without connecting them to QuickBooks. Doing this will let you see the bank from the Banking page. 


Once your transactions are downloaded, it's time to match and categorize them. They will go directly into your accounts after you review them.


Let me know how else I can help you with QuickBooks by adding a comment below. I'm more than happy to lend a helping hand. Keep safe!

Level 5

not all bank accounts showing

oh, I see, I think.  So I am guessing what happened is that when bank accounts were originally linked, they linked it as a new account instead of linking the account that was on the Chart of Accounts.


That said, is there a way to merge them?  If I connect the ones on the Chart of Accounts, won't I end up with duplicate accounts on the Banking page since I re-established the original connection?


Alternately, could I delete the one that is currently linked, link the one that is in the Chart of Accounts and then manually upload the bank transactions?  I'll lose some years in the past as I can only access 24 months of the bank data online, but I could probably live with that...


not all bank accounts showing

Thanks for getting back here, @dLearned.


You have two ways to connect your bank accounts to QuickBooks Online (QBO). First, you can do it on the Banking page. If you don't see the correct account, QBO will let you add a new account that will appear on your Chart of Accounts (COA). Another way is through the COA page. This will let you connect those accounts you already added in QBO.


Also, in QBO, merging accounts that are connected to online banking is unavailable. For more details, please see this article: Merge duplicate accounts, customers, and vendors in QuickBooks Online.


If you want to unlink the account connected to online banking, here are the steps you can follow:


  1. Navigate to the Banking/Transactions menu. Then select the Banking tab.
  2. Click the tile for the bank account you need to delete.
  3. Select the pencil icon, then click Edit account info.
  4. Check the Disconnect this account on save box. 
  5. Click Save and Close.


To know more details, check out this page: Disconnect or delete accounts connected to online banking.


Once done, you can now manually upload transactions from your bank website to QBO. 


Then, when transactions are in, you'll now need to categorize and match them in QuickBooks. This process ensures your transactions are under the correct account category.


Feel free to post a comment below if you need further assistance fixing your bank accounts in QBO. I'll be always around to help. Have a good one. 

Level 1

not all bank accounts showing

Following a tutorial, I set up dummy accounts to accept payments in a different currency than the invoice (invoiced in USD, paid in KYD). I want to now transfer the KYD from the dummy account to my USD bank account. 

I am unable to link the account as it is a dummy account (also quickbooks doesn't support Cayman Banks), and unable to access the account in Banking.

I tried changing the dummy KYD account to a 'cash and cash equivalents' account from a bank account, but I still don't see a way to transfer the KYD to the real USD account, where I received a bank transfer payment. 

Any suggestions?

QuickBooks Team

not all bank accounts showing

Thank you for sharing with us the things that you've taken, @photoj. I'm here to ensure you can keep track of your foreign currency payments seamlessly.


QuickBooks Online supports Cayman Island Dollars (KYD) as a currency. For information about other supported currencies, see this article: List supported currency


Make sure to first navigate the Advanced tab from the Accounts & Settings and turn on the Multi-currency feature. After that, you can already add the KYD currency and a recording account.


Moreover, enter a transfer for you to deposit a payment to a bank with a different currency. Here's how:


  1. Using the same currency, deposit the invoice payment to your bank account.
  2. Click on + New.
  3. Choose Transfer.
  4. Pick the accounts for each field:
    • Transfer Funds From
    • Transfer Funds To
    • Currency:
    • Transfer Amount:
  5. Fill in the value of the payment for the invoice in Transfer Amount.
  6. Fill in the same date as the invoice, then click on Save and close.


Here's the complete module for more information about the process: Set up and use multicurrency in QuickBooks Online.


Once everything is in order, feel free to also read this guide about how to personalize invoices and other sales forms in QuickBooks: Customize invoices, estimates, and sales receipts in QuickBooks Online.


You can always get back to us if you need extra help about multi-currency, invoices, or QuickBooks. We're here to back you up. Keep safe!

Level 3

not all bank accounts showing

Maybelle, this did not answer the original question.  I have the same problem and I'm pretty frustrated at the moment.  Perhaps I can clarify some of the issue and get to the bottom of this mess.


I have bank feeds.  I set up credit cards in my books long ago in the chart of account before there was a good option to record credit card payments.


Now, when I pay a credit card, it shows up in the bank feed as a transaction.  But the drop down menu for select credit card does not show the credit card account I already set up in my chart of accounts.  It only shows my bank accounts.


I want to have that drop down menu show the credit cards, not the bank accounts.  How do I do this?

QuickBooks Team

not all bank accounts showing

Thanks for joining this thread, @CoachEUC.


I want to ensure your concern is taken care of. 


May I ask for a screenshot of the page without the credit card dropdown? I appreciate any extra information you can give. We merely want to make certain that we're providing you with the appropriate actions and knowledge to resolve this.


I also recommend reading the following articles, which will expedite your evaluation of the downloaded transactions in QuickBooks:



Please add a reply below to share more details. We eagerly anticipate your response. Stay safe!

Level 3

not all bank accounts showing

Hi Rubielyn,


Thanks for your post.  I attach a pdf so you can see my screen shots.  I blanked out the bank names. The first screenshot is my banking screen with one transaction showing.  The second screenshot is inside the transaction so you can see the account choices I have.  They are all bank accounts. No credit cards.  But all my credit cards are set up in my chart of accounts.  Somehow they are not connected for me to be able to select for the payment.





not all bank accounts showing

Hello there, @CoachEUC. I want to ensure this will be taken care of. 


Thanks for getting back here and sharing further details of your banking issue. Currently, there's an ongoing investigation (INV-85860) about being unable to select credit cards when recording credit card payments in bank feeds. In the meantime, you can manually add the payments in QBO as a workaround. 


You can read this article for more details: Record your payments to credit cards in QuickBooks Online. 


While we're unable to tell when this issue will be resolved, I encourage you to contact our Phone support team. They can add you to our notification list, and you'll receive an email notification once an update is available. Here’s how:


  1. Sign in to your QBO company and select the Help menu.
  2. From there click Search.
  3. Then, select Contact Us.
  4. Enter the details of your concern.
  5. Next, choose either Start a chat or Get a callback.


I'll include this helpful resource to serve as your guide in categorizing your transactions in QBO: Categorize and match online bank transactions in QuickBooks Online.


I'm always here ready to lend a hand if you have any other concerns paying a credit card in QuickBooks. Have a good one and stay safe. 

Level 3

not all bank accounts showing

Thanks @DivinaMercy_N 


I appreciate the information and I'm glad to know that this is being researched.  I am likely not the only one who has this problem.  I've been using QuickBooks since 2003 for my business and for clients so I've worked my way around all the different ways of recording transactions.  I will check out the link to recording credit card payments and see if that will temporarily work.  Thank you again for getting back to me and posting here for everyone else to benefit as well!

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