Click on "Browse" and select your file. The file must be in Plain Text (*.txt) format. The file name is case sensitive. If you save it in CAPS, you will receive an error message.

 Column Order

This section is used to rearrange the order of your columns if they differ from the default selection. Click on a box and "drag and drop" to the desired arrangement.

 Field Separator

 This is the character that divides the fields in the text file. The default field separator is the comma.

 Field Delimiter

 This is the character that encloses the fields in the text file. The default field delimiter is the double quote. The field delimiter can be left blank which means there is no delimiter in the file.


Delimiters on Numbers

 This checkbox indicates that the numeric fields (hours and wages) are also enclosed by the Field Delimiter. The default is unchecked, which means the numbers do not have delimiters.

 Implicit Decimal in Wages

 This checkbox indicates that no decimal point is present in the wages and the program is to assume two decimal places. This allows the wages to be stored without a decimal point. The default is unchecked, which indicates that the decimal point is present in the file.

 Middle Initial

Checkbox indicates that you do not want to import the middle initial from the file. The default is unchecked, which indicates that you want to import the middle initial.

Hours Worked 

This checkbox indicates that you do not want to import the hours worked from the file. The default is unchecked, which indicates that you want to import the hours worked.

Wages Paid

This checkbox indicates that you do not want to import the wages paid from the file. The default is unchecked, which indicates that you want to import the wages paid.

Delimited Text (ASCII) - Single Business Import:Form 132

Your columns must be in the following order:

 SSN,Last Name,First Name,Middle Initial,Hours,Wages Paid,State Withholding




