This isn't the kind of experience that I'd like you to have and we know how much time it can take when something isn’t working the way you need it. This is why we make great efforts to fix an issue as soon as possible and to deliver customer satisfaction at all times, frustrationforhours.
We appreciate you for performing some troubleshooting steps and contacting our support agent to get this fixed. Your company file’s location may be causing issues. We can move it to your Windows desktop and open it from there. Here's how:
- Open the Windows Start menu.
- Type “File Explorer” into the search and open File Explorer.
- Search for and find the folder with your company file. It’s usually in your QuickBooks folder. It looks like this: [Your company name].qbw.
- Right-click your company file and tap Copy.
- Right-click anywhere on your Windows desktop and hit Paste.
- Right-click the copied company file and choose Rename. Give the file a name that's easy to identify, or add the word “Test."
- Open QuickBooks. Then go to the File menu and select Open or restore company.
- Choose the company file you copied to your desktop and press Open.
If you can open the copied company file, the file location is the issue. We can move the copied company file from your Windows desktop back to the original folder. Then use this as your main company file from now on. Once done, find the original company file you copied by right-clicking it and selecting Rename. Add the word “old” to the name so you know not to use it anymore.
If the same thing happens, move your QuickBooks company file to another computer and open it there. If it opens on the second one, there's a problem with the first one. Go back to your first computer and try opening your company file after each step:
- Run a repair of your installation files.
- Clean install QuickBooks Desktop.
If you still have problems opening your company file, it may be due to damaged components. Just follow the steps and details in this article to fix the problem: Fix data damage on your QuickBooks Desktop company file. I'm adding this reference with the tips and topics you can use while keeping your business growing with us: Get Started with QuickBooks Desktop.
We'd appreciate hearing any updates after performing the steps as we want to ensure this is resolved for you. Just leave a comment below and I'll get back to you. Take care always.