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Level 2

QBO claims emails aren't being delivered

We use QBO to send invoices to customers over email. Lately, QBO is flagging every invoice as "Delivery Error: Bounced Email" but the customer is actually receiving the email. This means we no longer know if the customer is actually receiving the email or not, and several have complained that they have gotten the invoice multiple times when we try and resend it to them. It looks like most but not all invoices are being flagged, but we can't find a pattern to which ones are and which ones are not.

9 Comments 9
QuickBooks Team

QBO claims emails aren't being delivered

Hi there, @ER_BR.


Sometimes local internet cache files stored in the system can cause unexpected behavior in the product. This can be the reason why you're still getting an error message even if they're actually sent. 


To fix the issue, let's run some basic troubleshooting steps. Start by accessing your account using a private window. This way, we can verify if the error is cache-related. You can access this by pressing the following keys:

  • Ctrl + Shift + N (Google Chrome).
  • Ctrl + Shift + P (Firefox).
  • Control + Option + P (Safari).


Once done, check again your flagged invoices. If the errors are gone, back to your regular browser and clear its cache. Alternatively, use a different supported browser if the issue persists. This might be a temporary issue with QuickBooks and the current browser that you use.


In case you're still getting the same error messages, reach out to our QuickBooks Online Support Team. This way, they can check your account and perform a further investigation to fix the problem. 


I'm also including our Help articles for related references in managing your account and transactions.


Let me know how else I can help you with QuickBooks by adding a comment below. I'm more than happy to lend a helping hand. Keep safe!

QuickBooks Team

QBO claims emails aren't being delivered

Hi @ER_BR,


Hope you’re doing great. I wanted to see how everything is going about the invoice error message concern you had the other day. Was it resolved?


Do you need any additional help or clarification? If you do, just let me know. I’d be happy to help you at anytime.

Looking forward to your reply. Have a pleasant day ahead!

Level 2

QBO claims emails aren't being delivered

This is also happening to us and is extremely frustrating.

QuickBooks Team

QBO claims emails aren't being delivered

This isn’t the kind of impression I’d like you to have, @cveneris


Currently, there’s an ongoing investigation that users are experiencing the same "Delivery Error: Bounced Email" when sending invoices to customers. Rest assured, our engineering team is aware of the issue and it’s in the process of being prioritized and investigated. 


I recommend reaching out to our Customer Care team to link your account to the list of affected users. This way, you'll be able to get updates about the issue as well as if the resolution is available. 


Here’s how you can reach out to them: 


  1. Click the Help (?) icon at the top.
  2. Select Contact Us.
  3. Enter your issue or question, then select Continue.
  4. Review and select from the following: Ask the communityStart a live chat, or Call us.


Also, please do check out our available hours when contacting our support so we can address your concern on time. 


In the meantime, while the fix is being worked on, we can try the following 3 solutions when customers aren’t receiving your emails. If the issue persists, we can also try these options as an alternative way of sending forms:


  • You can save your form as a PDF and send it via email through your business or other email address.
  • (For invoices or estimates only). You can send your customer a link to their invoice or estimate through SMS or messenger service. Simply click on "save and share link", then select "copy link" and paste it into your SMS or messenger service.
  • If you have a Gmail or G-suite email account, you can use the Send with Gmail feature to send QBO forms from your own address:
  • You can save your document as a PDF, print it, and send your customer's forms via mail.


For future reference, I’ve added this article that you might want to check just in case you want to personalize your sales forms: Customize invoices, estimates, and sales receipts


We sincerely appreciate your patience as we work to restore normal email delivery. Please get in touch with us again if you have any other queries about managing your invoices in QuickBooks Online. 

Level 2

QBO claims emails aren't being delivered

Thanks, I have already contacted customer service and been put on the email list two times now.

Level 1

QBO claims emails aren't being delivered

This is happening to me too. Please if anyone had it fixed let us know how. it’s been so frustrating 

Level 1

QBO claims emails aren't being delivered

Can't they give you any other information aside from the email bounced? The invoice email is coming back to them, so maybe there is something else in the headers?? I would ask QBO to try and give you more information aside from just the response. Then, you can try looking that up to investigate further..

Level 2

QBO claims emails aren't being delivered

This problem has been going on since February - so many posts I can't keep count.  Works one day and the next you get a page full of delivery errors. 


You don't know which email failed the one to your customer or the copy you send yourself. 


Customers are not paying because they haven't received email and others have received multiple copies.  


Its unbelievable that a company as large as Intuit has not fixed this problem when it has been on going for 6 months. 


So many posts on this issue I can't keep track of them all yet still not fixed. 


QBO claims emails aren't being delivered

Hello there, @POU27. I appreciate you for letting us know that you're one of the affected users about bounced emails when sending invoices or reminders to customers in QuickBooks Online (QBO).


I can see how this issue has inconvenienced you in managing your business transactions. With this, I'll gladly share the update of the said investigation and guide you with some workarounds so you can send your invoices and manage customer transactions in QBO accordingly.


For the time being, based on our records, the investigation about bounced emails when sending invoices or reminders to customers in QBO is still open and in progress. Rest assured that this issue is being taken care of with utmost urgency. Hopefully, you can send your invoices and reminders in no time.


In the meantime, you can follow any of the workarounds below so you can send invoices:


  • Save your invoice as a PDF and send it via email through your business or other email address.
  • Send your customer a link to their invoice through SMS or messenger service. Simply click on “save and share link” then select “copy link” and paste it into your SMS or messenger service.
  • If you have a Gmail or G-suite email account, you can use the send with Gmail feature to send invoices from your own address.
  • Save your invoice as a PDF, print it, and send it to your customer via mail.


In line with this, I'd recommend contacting our Customer Care team. They can add your account to the list of affected users. This ensures you're in the loop about the investigation's status and its fix. Here's how:


  1. Sign in to your QBO company.
  2. Go to the Help (?) menu.
  3. Select the Search tab.
  4. Click the Contact Us button.
  5. Enter a brief description of your concern in the What can we help you with? field.
  6. Select Continue.
  7. Choose a way to connect with us (Send a message or Get a callback).


Once everything is all set, you may also want to check out one of our Help pages as your reference to guide you in managing and customizing invoices using QBO: Organize invoices and payments for QuickBooks Online


We appreciate your patience regarding this matter. If you have other concerns about managing invoices and customer transactions in QBO, I'm always ready to help. Take care, and I wish you continued success, @POU27.

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